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Wednesday October 12, 2011 1:47 pm
Apple releases Cards iOS app
Apple just released Cards, its new app that allows users to create gorgeous greeting cards right from an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad:
The new Cards app from Apple lets you create and mail beautifully crafted cards personalized with your own text and photos — right from your iPhone or iPod touch. Take a quick snapshot and with a few taps and swipes, an elegant letterpress card is on its way to any address in the world. Each card is just $2.99 when sent within the U.S. and $4.99 when sent to or from anywhere else. And that includes postage.
You can get it now, free, on the App Store.
Gallery: Apple releases Cards iOS app
- Related Tags:
- apple, cards, cards app, cards ios, greeting cards, ios 5, ipad apps, ipod apps, ipod touch apps, lifestyle
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