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Aren’t her 15 minutes up, yet?
In a desperate bid to hold on to even a smidgen of her celebrity, Jessica Simpson is slated to appear in another reality TV show. Apparently the new show, Price of Beauty, will have Jess and a friend travelling the country looking for beautiful people and what makes them beautiful.

The idea for the show came form Jess’ recent weight struggle.  Just one more travesty caused by high-waisted Mom jeans.

Lindsay’s dad still a douche bag
Michael Lohan was arrested earlier this month for threatening to kill fiancée Erin Muller and then himself when she tried to put an end to the relationship.
Guys like this tick me off.  Why not do us females a favor and forget about the first part of the threat?  We really don’t care about the second part all that much.

White wedding
Meg White from the White Strips married boyfriend Jackson Smith.  Also married were Dead Weather and the Raconteur bassist Jack Lawrence.  The weddings took place at the Nashville home of Jack White, Meg’s band mate and ex husband. Benjamin “Swank” Smith officiated.

What was there no minister named Jack available? 

Kanye is SMRT
Despite the fact that he has “written” a book, Kanye West doesn’t believe in reading. 

“I am not a fan of books. I would never want a book’s autograph. I am a proud non-reader of books. I like to get information from doing stuff like actually talking to people and living real life.”

Just for the record Kanye?  Books don’t give autographs, authors do.





Hello beautiful (yes, yes on the inside too!) Girl Snark readers. Today, I will share with you a listicle of some of the worst break-ups I had.

This top secret list consists of five carefully selected individual incidents, out of umm… say twenty-four. Twenty-four, you say? Yes, that’s quite a lot. But that also makes me an expert. I am doing this so those of you who are on a “self-pity he-left-me-my-life-is-over” crying binge right now can see the silver lining, which is probably not the worst break-up in the world. Look at Mia! She’s experienced this a gazillion times and she’s still alive and kickin’! Yes my friends, I am still alive and very much kickin’. Cue that Destiny’s Child “Survivor” song.

Let’s go!

Click to continue reading Dating Diary: War Stories

Dear American Apparel,

How’s it going? How’s everything? Are you still busy fending off those sexual harassment charges? I’m sorry. But hey, I have a bone to pick with you.

Here’s the thing… you know those awesome V-neck shirts you sell? The one that’s super soft, super comfy, and makes every girl looks instantly babe-a-licious? I love them. Thank you for that, really. But the thing is, I don’t understand why you have to make ‘em unisex. Seriously? Yes, some guys can pull it off. Mega hotties like Ewan McGregor, Javier Bardem, Gael Garcia Bernal, yes those guys work those v-necks like nobody’s bizznizzz. It’s pretty delicious.

But you see, 99% of the male population do not look like Ewan McGregor, Javier Bardem, or Gael Garcia Bernal. Most of them do not possess the natural, yet serious masculinity that is required to pull off those shirts. So they end up looking, well, icky. Even creepy. And slightly girly.

You started a trend I do not wish to ever see again, seriously. It’s gotten worse too.

Let’s take a look at the journey, shall we?

Click to continue reading Men’s Fashion Turn-Off #1: The Deep-V (Thanks American Apparel)


Forget it, ladies! Find a man who already has the qualities you are looking for. Now, I am not saying that if you are both young and he is still getting an education and will be moving up in his career that you should not be with him. I am talking about situations like he is forty and still living with his parents or has room mates and smokes pot all day; when he’s still trying at fifty to get that record deal while he expects you to support him, well, you get the idea. If you are fine with those scenarios or something similar, then that is alright, but if not, move on to someone who already has something going on. Don’t think that with your encouragement or advice that he will change into what you want him to be. So many women are so eager to fall in love and get married that they give a guy credit for qualities that he doesn’t have and won’t ever develop. Don’t fall for a guy until you know all that you need to about him. You want a man with good character and the qualities that are important to you now, not possibly one day.

Don’t commit to or marry a guy if:

* He is jealous and it has been an issue in his past relationships.
* He abuses drugs or alcohol. An addict will always give priority to his addiction. You cannot save him or change that; the desire to change has to come from within him.
* He is gay and you think that you can change him.
* He tries to isolate you and makes you give up your friends and activities that you enjoy.
* He makes fun of you or tells you that you are stupid.

Pratt should get over himself
Seems now that Spencer Pratt has decided to venture into the realm of making crappy music, he considers himself the know all of the rap community. In a recent interview he not only compared himself to Jay-Z but said that Heidi was better than Beyonce. He then went on to basically say that the rap artists out there right now suck and that he was the answer to all of rap’s problems.

Maybe if we’re lucky, someone from that rap community will take him out.

Pucker up
At a recent charity auction at Cannes, a single kiss form Twilight’s Robert Patterson went for a smooth $20,000.
I wouldn’t pay 20 bucks to kiss him.  Now, for the chance to slap him……

Sour grapes?
Seems that Clay Aiken is letting his fans know that he’s happy about this season’s American Idol winner and that he really, really didn’t like Adam Lambert. Clay blogged that when he heard Lambert sing Ring of Fire he thought his ears would bleed.

Don’t worry, though Adam:  Clay will still be bitching and staring in Seussical while you’re on the road with Kiss.

Rock on, Glambert!
Yes, about 4 seconds after the American Idol finale, Gene Simmons of Kiss said that runner-up Adam Lambert could, “come on tour whenever he’d like.” Lambert, not being an idiot is considering the offer.

Yet another reason to hate Lady Gaga

Gag Me

Gaga lets US weekly in on how she stays so fit.

“It’s all about starvation! Pop stars don’t eat.”

Wow, that’s just a super message to all your young female fans out there. Trashy music, trashy clothes, trashy attitude.  Three for three, Gaga.  Way to go.


The Penns are on again
Sean Penn and Robin Wright Penn have once again decided not to get divorced after legal separation papers were filed, making it technically the third time one of them has filed separation papers only to change their minds.

Seriously folks, split of get off the pot.

Pratt fails examine
Spencer Pratt may not be able to take part in the latest installment of I’m a Celebrity …Get Me Out of Here! after failing his physical.  Apparently there were issues with his blood test.

On a happier note, the douchebag gene has just been isolated.

Rihanna’s lips making the rounds.
Rumors are flying that Rihanna was seen kissing two different guys in the past week.  The singer was spotted locking lips with rapper Aubrey ‘Drake’ Graham in a bowling alley Monday and the night before she was making out with a male friend at a strip club.

After the crap she went through with Chris Brown, I say you go, girl!

Strangest duet ever?
Seems 50 cent and Bette Midler are serious considering doing a duet.  What in the Hell would that look like?  Wings beneath my glock?

Text mess up
Anna Faris is not trying to contribute to the delinquency of minors despite the fact that she recently asked a kid to get drunk with her.  Faris just made a texting faux pas.  The actress meant to send the text to a friend, but got the numbers mixed up. 

Footloose and fancy free
Gossip Girl hottie Chace Crawford has just been confirmed as the lead in the remake of Footloose.  Crawford will be playing Ren McCormack, the Descriptionrole that Zac Ephron recently turned down.

While the female lead, Ariel Moore has yet to be chosen, there have been a slew of Hollywood heavy hitters vying for the part, and the latest to throw her tiara into the ring is none other than Miley Cyrus.

The life and times of Amy Winehouse
There’s an Amy Winehouse documentary in the works, set to show the world how hard it is to be Amy Winehouse.  I envision two hours of watching the messed up singer trying to stand and dress herself.

A-rod scores a Hollywood actress
The latest rumored Hollywood hook-up is Kate Hudson and Alex Rodriguez.  The two were spotted together in a bar and then outside of A-rod’s apartment.  If you are trying to prove that you have commitment issues, Kate, dating a cheater will definitely go a long way.


Wedding at Pink’s
So, even though there was a week end wedding at Pink’s house, she did not get re-hitched to ex Carey Hart: the wedding was for her best friend and Pink and Carey were just hosting it.  But since Pink has hinted at the possibility of the two getting married, maybe this week end wedding was a trial run?

Fergie jumps on the bi-sexual bandwagon
So, Fergie is now dishing the dirt on her past, saying that she has “experimented” with women in the past.  I guess since marrying a semi high profiled actorDescription didn’t jump start her waning career, she figured a little girl on girl rumor would.

Spreading the Love
Jamie Kennedy considers himself one lucky dude.  Girlfriend Jennifer Love Hewitt not only supports the comedian when he goes on tour, but she works the merchandise table, selling T-shirts and CDs.  According to Jamie, she has even bedazzled some of the T’s and they are selling like hotcakes.

No money issues here
In a time when most of us have to clamp down on spending and live a thrifty lifestyle, TMZ.com is reporting that according to court documents, Britney Spears has spent just over $10 million from February to December of last year. 

That’s a whole lot of Cheetos.

NBA Take All the Action With You Contest

If you’re an NBA fan, then this Take All the Action With You contest is going to be right up your alley. Even better? We are partnering with about 24 other sites to bring you some exclusive prizes as well. We will go into all the details after the jump, but here it is in a nutshell:

By entering the HP-Microsoft contest, you are entered to win a grand prize that allows you to see Kevin Garnett and the Celtics play a home game in Boston, and an away game in a West Coast city. That’s right, coast-to-coast baby! That includes VIP tickets to the games, airfare, hotel, and some HP gear as well. At the very least, check it out. So, that’s one contest. But the real deal is that we are having our own giveaway with 24 other sites, with the prizes being 2 trips to the 2010 NBA All-Star Game in Dallas, TX, including travel, accomodations, and a ticket to the game. The winners will be accompanied by the site owner. In other words, if someone from Gear Live wins, I’ll be personally going to the NBA All-Star game with them.

Now, there are a bunch of runners-up prizes as well, so jump down for all the details, including how to enter.

Click to continue reading Contest: Want to go to the 2010 NBA All-Star Game?

Cynthia Nixon

Cynthia Nixon, of Sex and the City fame, announced yesterday at a gay rights rally in New York that she and longtime girlfriend Christine Marinoni were engaged last month. 

Rehab, round 50??
Seems that Tara Reid is back to her partying ways.  She has been spotted and photographed partying it hard at the Cannes Film Festival.  In fact, in some pics, she looks barely conscious.  Could another trip to rehab be in order?

Perry shows her support
On American Idol last week, Katy Perry showed her support of Adam Lambert by displaying his name on the back of the cape she was wearing during her performance of her hit Waking up in Vegas.  But, it seems that the big wigs weren’t very impressed with her display.  In fact, if you go to iTunes and download Perry’s performance, Adam’s name won’t even appear on the cape. What’s the big deal, anyway?  Wasn’t Lambert a shoe in to win since week one?

Cameron slumming it?
Are Cameron Diaz and Maroon 5’s Adam Levine a couple?  The two were spotted getting cozy at the Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood on Sunday. 

Really, Cameron?  Adam Levine?  What, was John Mayer busy?

Another diva moment
Mariah Carey was more than an hour late for the red carpet stroll for the premier of her new movie, Precious.  Why was she so late?  Well, she was waiting for the film’s director, Lee Daniels.  And in true Mariah fashion, she remained ticked off and sources say things were tense between her and Lee at the after party.  Mariah’s boy man hubby, Nick Cannon, was also reportedly in a crappy mood.

Another Paris movie
Did we really need a documentary showing us the “real” Paris Hilton? ‘Cuz that’s apparently what director Adria Petty is attempting with her flick, Paris, Not France.

Nothing says you’re a regular ole girl than a documentary about yourself.

