On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

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Thursday May 21, 2009 6:09 pm

Daily Happenings

Posted by Colleen McKie Categories: Celebrities,


The Penns are on again
Sean Penn and Robin Wright Penn have once again decided not to get divorced after legal separation papers were filed, making it technically the third time one of them has filed separation papers only to change their minds.

Seriously folks, split of get off the pot.

Pratt fails examine
Spencer Pratt may not be able to take part in the latest installment of I’m a Celebrity …Get Me Out of Here! after failing his physical.  Apparently there were issues with his blood test.

On a happier note, the douchebag gene has just been isolated.

Rihanna’s lips making the rounds.
Rumors are flying that Rihanna was seen kissing two different guys in the past week.  The singer was spotted locking lips with rapper Aubrey ‘Drake’ Graham in a bowling alley Monday and the night before she was making out with a male friend at a strip club.

After the crap she went through with Chris Brown, I say you go, girl!

Strangest duet ever?
Seems 50 cent and Bette Midler are serious considering doing a duet.  What in the Hell would that look like?  Wings beneath my glock?



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