On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

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Tuesday May 19, 2009 8:05 am

Daily Happenings

Posted by Colleen McKie Categories: Celebrities,

Wedding at Pink’s
So, even though there was a week end wedding at Pink’s house, she did not get re-hitched to ex Carey Hart: the wedding was for her best friend and Pink and Carey were just hosting it.  But since Pink has hinted at the possibility of the two getting married, maybe this week end wedding was a trial run?

Fergie jumps on the bi-sexual bandwagon
So, Fergie is now dishing the dirt on her past, saying that she has “experimented” with women in the past.  I guess since marrying a semi high profiled actorDescription didn’t jump start her waning career, she figured a little girl on girl rumor would.

Spreading the Love
Jamie Kennedy considers himself one lucky dude.  Girlfriend Jennifer Love Hewitt not only supports the comedian when he goes on tour, but she works the merchandise table, selling T-shirts and CDs.  According to Jamie, she has even bedazzled some of the T’s and they are selling like hotcakes.

No money issues here
In a time when most of us have to clamp down on spending and live a thrifty lifestyle, TMZ.com is reporting that according to court documents, Britney Spears has spent just over $10 million from February to December of last year. 

That’s a whole lot of Cheetos.



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