CES 2007 Video: CardScan Business Card Scanner

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Gizmatic, Short Bytes, Accessories, CES, CES 2007, Features, PC / Laptop, Peripherals, Videocasts,
At an event like CES, business cards flow like water rushing from the fountains at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas and managing them can be a challenge. Rubbermaid has brought to market an improvement to their CardScan line, a portable business card scanner that makes importing the contact information from business cards a snap. Heck, it even prints labels and postage. Check the video for the full scoop.
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Vote For The Bleeding Edge On Digg

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Internet,
Alright peeps, time for the obligatory support request from our fans and viewers. We are asking everyone who enjoys our show, The Bleeding Edge to vote for us on Digg. You see, they have a new Podcast Directory, and you are able to both Digg the show as well as Digg individual episodes to show us which ones are your favorites. If you have a Digg account, please head on over and give us a vote. If you don’t, go ahead and create one - they’re free after all! Thanks in advance ladies and gents.
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CES 2007 Video: A Look At Windows Live

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Gizmatic, Short Bytes, CES, CES 2007, Features, Internet, Microsoft, PC / Laptop, Software, Videocasts,
At CES we caught up with Microsoft’s Marlowe Dayley to chat about the Windows Live group of services. We take a look at Windows Live across the board, focusing on Mail, Maps, Live Search. Ever wonder how they were able to capture all that 3D data for their maps? We find out in this episode.
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CES 2007 Video: Garmin Astro 220

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Gizmatic, Short Bytes, Accessories, CES, CES 2007, Features, GPS, Handhelds, Misc. Tech, Videocasts,
We talked to Garmin about their new Astro 220 Dog Tracking GPS system at CES, and walked away pleasantly surprised at just how well thought out this system truly is. You can track your dog when it’s out of sight, and the handheld portion of the device will even tell you if the dog is sitting, running, or even jumping.
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CES 2007 Video: Huey Color Calibration

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Gizmatic, Short Bytes, Accessories, USB, CES, CES 2007, Design, Features, PC / Laptop, Peripherals, Videocasts,
Pantone, the industry leading expert in color was in full force at CES showing off their Huey. The Huey is a consumer oriented color correction device for computer monitors. Color correction and calibration is important for photographers pro and novice alike to ensure that the photos they edit on their computer end up looking true to life and printing accurately.
The Huey is a first in the sub $100 for color calibration. Many other solutions for color calibration exist today, but most are in the $250+ range and aimed directly at professionals. Check out the video for a full demo.
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CES 2007 Video: Eclipse AVN 2210p Featuring TomTom One

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Gizmatic, Short Bytes, Accessories, CES, CES 2007, Features, GPS, Transportation, Videocasts,
Eclipse showed off their new in-car stereo and navigation system, the AVN 2210p, which rocks a removable TomTom navigation system. While docked in the car, the TomTom One serves as the screen for a fully featured CD and MP3 entertainment system while it charges. The TomTom One provides turn by turn voice navigation and features TomTom standard map software. When you have reached your destination you can remove the TomTom One from your dash, and have a portable GPS navigation system to get you from your car to local shops and attractions.
Check out the video for a full demo of the AVN 2210p and pricing and availability.
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CES 2007 Video: Earhugger PowerUp iPod Charger

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Gizmatic, Short Bytes, Accessories, USB, CES, CES 2007, Features, Portable Audio / Video, Videocasts,
Earhugger Inc.‘s Steve Jaynes give us a quick talking to about their PowerUp iPod charger, which allows you to charge your iPod from one of four sources: USB, mains, cigarette-adapter or, in an emergency, a 9V battery. They also sell a cellphone charging model as well. Available at Target.com for $35.
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CES 2007 Video: Emtrace Widgetstation, No PC Required!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Gizmatic, Short Bytes, Accessories, CES, CES 2007, Design, Features, Misc. Tech, Software, Videocasts,
We all know of and love widgets, regardless of if they are on Windows Vista, in Apple’s Dashboard, or on the web with Yahoo! or Windows Live - but so far to use widgets we have been forced to interact with them on a computer. Emtrace is currently in the final stages of developing the Emtrace Widgetstation, which offers a small widget display and interaction device that can sit anywhere in your house for ‘glance-able’ information.
The Widgetstation features 802.11 technology to enable it to update weather, sports, traffic, or photo information from the web without a computer. I know we here at Gear Live are looking forward to when the Widgetstation hits retail so we can keep track of incoming emails and IMs when not glued to our workstations. This looks to be the perfect desk or bedroom accessory for anyone looking for a quick way to keep up to date.
Currently the Widgetstation uses proprietary widget formats, however Emtrace is working on technologies to enable the Widgetstation to work with other formats of widgets from Microsoft, Apple, and others. Look for it soon in the $200 price range.
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CES 2007 Video: Ontela Sends Photos From Phone To PC

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Gizmatic, Short Bytes, Cell Phones, CES, CES 2007, Features, Software, Videocasts,
We met with Dan Shapiro from Ontela here at CES and learned more about their coming mobile photography technology. The average consumer takes more than 150 pictures with their cell phone each year, and does nothing with them - they sit on the phone, unprinted, unsent, and unappreciated. Ontela’s technology automatically transfers photos from your phone to your home computer using your phone’s internet connection.
The Ontela technology is brain dead simple: the trigger for the transfer is as simple as clicking the shutter button. Once you have taken your photo it’s sent to the computer, effectively giving you a computer hard drive sized memory card. You can also choose to have the Ontela service transfer the photos to Flickr, Kodak, or other services for you automatically.
The technology is being sold to carriers and is not available yet, but will be appearing in phones soon - stay tuned for more information on this fantastically simple way to get your photos off your phone, and in to your life.
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CES 2007 Video: Gadgets of the Guests

Posted by Chris Cardinal Categories: Gizmatic, Short Bytes, Accessories, CES, CES 2007, Features, Misc. Tech, Videocasts,
With so much focus on all of the brand new, Q2-to-come gadgetry on at CES, we thought we’d ask people what they were carrying, much like fashionistas ask “who are you wearing” on the red carpet. Except that the carpet wasn’t red. And no one was dressed that well. The winner was by far the sixth or seventh guy we met up with, a gentlemen whose collection of active, on and ready-to-call gadgetry would impress even the most wired techie.
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