On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

The VloggiesOkay guys, here is where we can use a show of reader support - we want to feel the love. The first ever Vloggies Award Show is taking place on November 4, and we are pretty proud of our little show, The Bleeding Edge. Obviously, we hope that you guys are also enjoying it to - enough to nominate us for an award. The three that we have our eye on are Best Technology Vlog, Best Group Vlog, and…um…Best Vlog. Yeah, we know that Best Vlog is pretty much out of our reach, but it doesn’t hurt to try, right?

If you want to help out, here are the nomination submission links - Just fill in The Bleeding Edge and http://www.bleedingedgetv.com where appropriate:

Best Vlog Nomination
Best Group Vlog Nomination
Best Tech Videoblog Nomination

Thanks guys!

Read More | The Vloggies


While many a gamer has been enjoying the Nintendo DS for gaming purposes - just check how nicely it’s working out for Nintendo - others have found that it can be used for more creative means. Sparky has been hooked to Electroplankton, something that is more of a “program” than a “game” for the Nintendo DS. Electroplankton allows you to make all sorts of creative beats and melodies using…creatures. This one is a lot easier explained visually rather than in text, so just watch the video…

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Okay guys, we get it, you are interested in the Zune. It seems that since posting our last video where we got to play with the Zune outside of a club, people have been asking us for more. Well, here you go. A big thank you goes out to Doug Dobbins for hooking us up with this interview with a Zune beta tester at the Podcast Media Expo. This is about as complete a Zune video as you will find anywhere - nice shots of the interface and navigation scheme of the device are all included, along with a little magnetic headphone love.

The iPod-formatted h.264 file below is higher-resolution than the others, resulting in 640x480 video love.

On a related note, be sure to check out our Zune Hands-On gallery.

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Here's how to get the show:
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We have yet to meet someone who loves the fact that, while the Xbox 360 aims to give you a completely wireless experience, when your battery runs low, you must plug in with the Play and Charge Kit in order to keep gaming. The recently released Quick Charge Kit for the Xbox 360 allows you to charge your wireless batteries using an A/C adapter, letting you keep up to two batteries completely charged up and ready to go if the one you are using is happens to die. Andru and Jake take a look at the Xbox 360 Quick Charge kit in this episode.

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Alright guys, we know how much you are looking forward to getting your hands on the Microsoft Zune. We get it. In fact, in an effort to satiate those of you who email us constantly asking for “behind-the-scenes” Zune information, you are in luck. The Gear Live crew was able to spend some time with a fully operational Zune, and we have the video footage to prove it. We walk you through the menu system and interface of the device, showing off a bunch of it’s features for you. Enjoy the video. Oh, and if you have any questions, feel free to let us know in the forums.

EDIT: Alright, we got a bit more information from Zune PR, and wanted to lay it on you, in case you were confused by anything stated in the video (or couldn’t hear it over the horrible trip hop beats). Just so we’re clear, here is the official status of Zune’s relationship to PlaysForSure: The PlaysForSure experience is designed to provide consumers with a consistent and guaranteed entertainment experience across the devices and services that are a part of the PFS ecosystem.  Since Zune is a separate offering that is not part of the PlaysForSure ecosystem, Zune content is not supported on PlaysForSure devices. By the same token, Zune will work with Zune-specific content as well as non-DRM files.

Here's how to get the show:
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Being in love with mobile technology and gadgets, the one thing we all have in common is our dependence on batteries. What most don’t know is that there are quite a few varieties of batteries out there, each with it’s own pros and cons. In this episode, we show you a few different batteries, chargers, and hook you up with some knowledge to stay powered while on the go.

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We recently gave you a first-hand look at what goes in to making a Tom Bihn bag. Now we take a look at one of their specific products, the Archetype laptop bag. The Archetype is unique in that the outside is made of a natural cork fabric. It’s a bit trippy at first because it’s, you know, cork. However, the point of the bag is to protect your mobile computer. We show you the bag and discuss it’s pros and cons in this episode.

Here's how to get the show:
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In an effort to give back to our viewers, this Byte focuses on a giveaway we are doing. We are giving away a Port Authority Windows Vista rain-proof jacket to the one person who can explain to us why they want it - or need it - the most. Head to the forums to tell us why we should send it to you, and you may walk away with this one. So, get creative, and tell us why you should be chosen as the winner. Whichever response we deem to be the best wins.

Oh, and you must have a United States mailing address to be eligible for this one.

Here's how to get the show:
|Download| - iPod-formatted H.264
|Download| - MPEG-4

Unless you dropped off the face of the earth a few weeks ago, you probably ran across our own Nate True’s Time Fountain. In case you missed it, do a quick search and you will find it all over the Internet. We decided to take a closer look at what makes the Time Fountain tick. If you were amazed by the original video, consider this your “behind the scenes” look, explaining how the DIY project works.

Here’s how to get the show:
Subscribe: iTunes iPod / H.264 | iTunes MPEG-4 | RSS iPod Feed | RSS MPEG-4 Feed

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Gear Live Podcast SurveyIMPORTANT: We are surveying the viewers of our show to see what it is that people like, and more importantly, what they don’t like. It is anonymous, and just takes a couple of minutes. If you have the time, we would appreciate it! As always, feel free to let us know what you think in the comments.

Here's how to get the show:
|Download| - iPod-formatted H.264
|Download| - MPEG-4

The Nintendo DS platform has simply taken off like no one could have imagined. One of the draws is the games that challenge the mind in ways that don’t involve needing to memorize button combos or require lightning fast reflexes. Some games claim to even make you smarter. In the interest of developing a sharper wit, Andru and Jake go one-on-one in Big Brain Academy for the Nintendo DS. We give you a detailed look at the game, and provide our thoughts in our full review.

Here’s how to get the show:
Subscribe: iTunes iPod / H.264 | iTunes MPEG-4 | RSS iPod Feed | RSS MPEG-4 Feed

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|Download| - DivX (Mirror)
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|Download| - PSP (Mirror)

Gear Live Podcast SurveyIMPORTANT: We are surveying the viewers of our show to see what it is that people like, and more importantly, what they don’t like. It is anonymous, and just takes a couple of minutes. If you have the time, we would appreciate it! As always, feel free to let us know what you think in the comments.

Here's how to get the show:
|Download| - iPod-formatted H.264
|Download| - MPEG-4
