On Gear Live: Apple’s HUGE Siri Apple Intelligence Fumble w/ John Gruber - Geared Up 205

Saturday May 31, 2008 2:00 am

Bleeding Edge TV 265: A look at our HP HDX Dragon giveaway

You should all know by now that we are going to be giving away a sleek, slick, awesome HDX Dragon computer prize package as part of the contest. It amounts to just about $5,200 worth of prizes if you were to go out and buy everything on your own. Pretty sick, right?

Well, we wanted to give you a look at exactly what you would be walking away with if you won. In this episode, we show off everything. The Dragon computer, all the software, all the games, and all the Blu-ray movies. We run down the computer specs as well, and we clue you in on what we will be doing to pick a winner.

We will be posting more about the contest and our method for choosing a winner in a bit more detail tomorrow. It’s late, and I’ve been moving all day…but at the very least, we had to get this video up for you guys at midnight, because we know that some of you are hardcores. We couldn’t leave you hanging.

A big thank you goes out to HP for sponsoring this contest, and this episode.

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Forum Discussion

I would like to thank HP and Buzz Corps for having this contest as well as the admins and Gear Live for administrating it. It has been a great week getting to know everyone and I have found a truly great community here that I probably would not have discovered otherwise. Good luck to everyone involved and I look forward to congratulating whoever the winner ends up being! I also look forward to being an active member well into the future!

This is one beast of a notebook. If you can call it that. I've entered all of the 31 Days of the Dragon contests since the 15th May, haven't one won. It's probably because most of them used random drawings to choose the winner, which I always fail at! I love the way GearLive have chosen to choose the winner for the HDX. Unique; and fun. I came here because of the dragon - yeah, but I'm sure I'll be visiting these forums regularly from now on. :) Good luck to everyone!

The HP HDX is very powerful and has good specs. Whoever wins this will surely be able to accomplish a lot with this Notebook PC! I look forward to contributing to GearLive and hopefully winning this contest. I'm sure a lot of people want to win too, good luck!

I agree love the note book, Software. The kids will love the games and movies. This is a great idea. :-) kat

i love this computer and i need to win it

[quote author="Andru Edwards" date="1212234648"][gearlive]http://blip.tv/file/get/Bleedingedge-BleedingEdgeTV265HPHDXDragonComputerPackageGiveaway705.flv[/gearlive] That's right friends - we are a part of the 31 Days of the Dragon giveaway, and that means that you (yes, you...) have the opportunity to win an amazing HP HDX Dragon computer package worth over $5,000. To see the goods, check the video. How do you win? All you need to do is be an active participant on the comments and forums over at Gear Live. [/quote] So in other words, those of us that have a life might as not bother entering in a post count

I so badly want to win this beast and am willing to stop doing homework, showering (well, maybe not that, but...) and everything else in order to have enough time to camp out at Grear Live to prove that I can post and post away in order to win...I so desperately need this computer. You'll be seeing a lot more of my name on this site in the days to come...probably well after this contest is over too. Barb

[quote author="SmileyXX" date="1212261060"][quote author="Andru Edwards" date="1212234648"]That's right friends - we are a part of the 31 Days of the Dragon giveaway, and that means that you (yes, you...) have the opportunity to win an amazing HP HDX Dragon computer package worth over $5,000. To see the goods, check the video. How do you win? All you need to do is be an active participant on the comments and forums over at Gear Live. [/quote] So in other words, those of us that have a life might as not bother entering in a post count[/quote] Again, I noted that spammers will not get counted. We are looking for typical participation. We've already had 2-3 people just leaving a bunch of one sentence comments. Those are going to be deleted.

I love the competition that GearLive is going to engender for the Dragon! just like boogerjay, I also am a loser when it comes to random drawings, and I have entered all the contests I have been able to since I found out about it on the 16th. I could really use this computer, and I am just as willing to go the extra mile to win it, without sacfrificing m family, of course. :D

[quote author="Purjewl" date="1212266181"]I love the competition that GearLive is going to engender for the Dragon! just like boogerjay, I also am a loser when it comes to random drawings, and I have entered all the contests I have been able to since I found out about it on the 16th. I could really use this computer, and I am just as willing to go the extra mile to win it, without sacfrificing m family, of course. :D[/quote] yea i know what u mean. it seems like no matter how many times i enter something i just cant win anything lol. ps. no 1 really needs family right :) p.s.s just joking

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thats a real beast…
good luck to everybody…

One mighty notebook.

Good luck to everyone!

Wow, the HP Pavilion HDX sure has a lot of great specs!  It is big and weighs around 20 lbs also!  There is a reason it’s called a “Notebook PC” instead of just plain Notebook.  If I win I intend to use it as a portable PC, not as a notebook that I carry around!  There’s definitely going to be a lot of competition here.  Gearlive is a big website!  Good luck everyone.  Don’t forget there are other websites holding this contest too!  Check them at http://www.31daysofthedragon.com . 😊

This is sweet, but then this is going to get havoc… everyone is going to post and comment and interact with the site… this is going to get BIG.

i really want to win

Havoc…oh ya, had trouble loading Gear live this morning…my smileys won’t even load.

But l still love the idea, 31 web sites 31 HP Dragons… really great.  Good luck to everyone.

I wish everybody the best of luck in this competition. It has been an exciting month of May with the HDX Competitions, and I am sure it is making many people happy.

Oh is incredible, THANKS GEAR Live for this opportunity

Dear Internet Gods, I really need to win this. That is all.

This site looks amazing! Everything news-related laid out and easy to find.
A friend that I made from a previous contest won the dragon a few days ago, so I’m hoping I can catch up with him :D
Hope the new members have as much as a chance as the active ones, I’ve never heard of this site before!

Just so you guys know, everyone has an equal chance of winning. Long-time members have no advantage, as we are only tracking points for the contest starting from this week.

By the way, we’ve already gotten about 3 spammers who are just posting one-sentence comments all over the place. Those will be deleted.

I’ve been entering at most of the other sites with no luck as of yet. I’ll cross my fingers and toes for this one.

Great contest everyone has a fair chance of winning. Good luck to everyone

Yes, details on how many points you will earn for doing different things will be posted later. In the meantime though, create a profile, and add an image and avatar for a nice boost to your point count 😉

When you post in the forum you get one point I guess. Don’t know how much you get for a comment on the site. Made already 2 comments above but I wasn’t logged in yet…

A few minutes ago I could see my points, now the score is disappeared?!

my points amount changed!!!! what happened??? i had twice the amount it shows i have now, and i have made several posts since then. is something going on?

The system isn’t stable yet I guess. Sometimes they disappear and appear again. But don’t worry Andru will fix this soon.
It’s still the first day…

Is is possible to have the previous posts I made, to get it under my account. (First Larrabee posts) I wasn’t logged in yet.


Thanks Andru for your quick reply :D
Anyways, it’s back up so far. There’s probably going to be bugs seeing how it’s a newly added part of the system, and everyone’s signing up so the poor thing can’t handle it XD

And I don’t think it’s possible to get your guest posts, sorry Larrabee. Btw nice to see you again 😛 Hope you’re still alive on notebooks.com

I will active on notebooks.com after my examens. That would be around 23 June, I hope to see you there 😉

Seems like you also participate every contest. That’s good. But we don’t have to talk about this, back to the topic now! 😊

@DOOOMKULTUS - spam is judged on the basis of content, and that is at Gear Live’s discretion. If you post three one-liners in the course of a minute, unless you are a speed reader, you are commenting on posts you didn’t even read fully. That’s spam.

In our video, we said we want well thought out comments that contribute to the site.

What he means is that a sentence like “That’s realy cool what you have there” is not a quality post.

Anyway how much points do you get for a post or comment? How much points do you guys already have? 😊

@Larrabee - a post with those details is forthcoming. I am just in the middle of moving this weekend, so I havent gotten to sit down and write it, but do trust that all points are accruing.

I know this is off topic but ,OK Have to know where are you movin to?
And I hope that all your friends at Gear Live and the Bleeding Edge gave you a helping hand.

Starting from the first day of 31 days of dragon contest i have been participating in different sites to win it. But not even from one i won. Plz give that dragon to me. its in my destiny. I want to play new games Andru. If i don’t get it how m i suppose to play new games. Create new 3d graphics and do must computer science study , how mi i suppose to run auto cad and animation software. How would i do the editing for my videos. Give my the Dragon. Dream of my life from past for weeks. lol . Still give it me. just joking. May the best one win. and its me. hehehehe

I’m still waiting for the official rules.

@rajiv sharma:
Everyone want to win the dragon and I also entered almost every contest. I also need this computer to finish school (maths) and create maps (I’m a level designer).

There are already people above the 100 posts in one day? Can’t you give point for the amount of characters. Many people are spamming. “Without” knowing.

  I agree a number of people are spamming without knowing, I really like this site, I generally read all the post/articles but don’t usually make any comments, But because of this contest I am leaving a few posts.  I really hope that they post the rules soon, I think that that will stop some of the spamming. Good luck on the contest.

You ask do i want to Win this Stuff, HELL YES, i’m looking at it and boy do I want this Dragon HDX real badly

I just was able to read this and noticed it said old members have no advantage. This should have been made more evident in the rules rather than a blog post. By no means am i not posting anymore I just thought it would have been nice to know.

Would also have been nice if the veterans had some given advantage because of the top 50 posters on the website I do believe I am the only active one left. Except for you of course being the admin.

I have been active on the site reading news articles and checking out all the stuff constantly but just not posting on the forums and responding and forwarding the site to friends who are interested in how I find out about all these new gadgets and such.

And this contest is to find someone who contributes to the Gearlive. If that were the case it should have been put into a more recognizable fashion for those who have been long time Gearlive Supporters but dont have hours of time to be posting in the forum. I personally work 48 hour weeks as well as many people on this forum. Would have been nice if the contest was created in a fashion where activity is recognized through actual contributions and not a post count or how many threads you can create.




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