On Gear Live: Circuit Breaker: The Tech Newsletter that Elevates Your Gadget Game

Friday June 4, 2010 1:22 pm

Bleeding Edge TV 349: Square credit card reader fails to impress

Ever since we heard the news of Square and how they were aiming to change the face of credit card processing and transactions, we’d been excited to try it out. Square wants to give everyone the ability to accept credit cards as payment, making it simple to do with your mobile smartphone device. We had a few friends over to watch UFC 114, and since we all decided we would split the cost of the event, it seemed like as good a time as any to bust out the Square card reader and give it a try for the first time. We captured it all on video, and as you will see, using the Square reader and app was anything but simple. We are gonna chalk this one up to being a defective unit, although multiple customer service requests to Square have gone unanswered. We will let you know what happens if we ever get a replacement card reader dongle. In the meantime, enjoy the mayhem!

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Forum Discussion

I also really don't know where is the problem is.

I have noticed very interesting thing while I am posting on this forum. It always show that I am spamming but I am trying to rite legit answers and contributions to this forums. So where is the problem hidden?

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