Unboxing the Nokia E61 “BlackBerry Killer”

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Cell Phones, Handhelds,
Matt “palmsolo” Miller has got some initial impressions of Nokia’s E61 “BlackBerry Killer” device over at his new Mobile Gadgeteer blog on ZDNet. He’s also shared some Unboxing Ceremony pics:
You can see the rest of his pics in this Flickr set.
How does Matt like this device? Is he going to replace his reliable Treo 650 with the E61? Read the article, and stay tuned to find out. I never really gave a second thought to any device from Nokia until I saw this one, and read Matt’s thoughts on it. I’ll have to have a closer look…
Unboxing Apple’s Special Edition U2 iPod

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Portable Audio, Portable Video,
Apple has updated the Special Edition U2 iPod (all black with red clickwheel) to the current 5G iPod with Video, and iLounge has got a great first look at it, along with some great Unboxing Ceremony photos:
Check out the article for lots more photos. The packaging of the U2 iPod is even more elaborate than the benchmark standard iPod with Video.
This is kind of old, but I’ve been meaning to post it anyway, and Diogo actually emailed in and requested an Xbox 360 Unboxing Ceremony, so since I don’t have one of my own yet, this will have to do.
I wouldn’t mind having one of those. 😊 Thanks, Joystiq!
Unboxing the Casio Exilim EX-Z1000 Digital Camera

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Cameras,
Nick Starr recently got a new camera, a 10 megapixel Casio Exilim EX-Z1000, and he has diligently taken photos of the Unboxing Ceremony for all of us:
Thanks for sharing, Nick! 😊 You can check out the rest of the photos in this Flickr set.
I’m sort of in the market for a new compact digital camera (and lusting after the Canon SD700 IS), but I’ll definitely check this Casio out. 10 megapixels is nothing to sneeze at!
Tycho and Gabe over at Penny Arcade just got a DS Lite PR package from Nintendo, and as is Nintendo’s way, they packed in a little something special. The PA guys posted a video to show us:
You really have to watch the video to see the surprise. Nice one, Nintendo! 😊
Unboxing the Altec Lansing inMotion iPod Speaker System

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Home Entertainment, Portable Audio,
Flickr user Tidemann comes through again with some great Unboxing Ceremony shots of the Altec Lansing inMotion portable audio system (for iPods, but works with other audio sources):
Everything from closeups of the bundled remote control to a layout of the entire box contents. You can see all of the photos in this Flickr set. Great stuff - thanks for sharing, Tidemann!
Man, you guys submit some awesome stuff to the Unboxing Flickr group. And you’ve probably noticed, that’s where most of the things I’ve posted have come from.
But, I’ve gotten some great suggestions via email, too. Problem is, I’m way behind on answering emails. Don’t worry - I haven’t forgotten you! And I appreciate you thinking of me, and sending in your suggestions! 😊
Drive By: iPod nano, ATI Radeon x1300, Fullrate.dk, MacBook

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Laptop, Networking, Peripherals, Portable Audio,
From time to time I’ll post up some quick links of various unboxing activities that have caught my eye. For whatever reason (probably because I’m too lazy), I didn’t do a full post on each of these, but they’re still worth a link.
Flickr user mitchrusk11 has some Unboxing pics of a white iPod nano…
Tidemann has some shots of a Fullrate.dk, which appears to be a DSL or cable modem:
And last but not least, we have another proud MacBook owner, Matthew Botos:
Read his blog post describing the speedy arrival of his new toy, and check out the rest of the Unboxing Ceremony photos on his blog.
That’s it for this installment of Unboxing Drive By - stay tuned for more! 😊
Gizmodo’s Samsung Q1 UMPC Unboxing Ceremony

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Handhelds, PC,
The folks over at Gizmodo have gotten their hands on the Samsung Q1 UMPC, and were kind enough to share pics of the Unboxing Ceremony while the battery was charging up:

Follow the link the to article to see the rest of the photos - thanks for sharing, Gizmodo! 😊
Oh, and in case you missed it, check out Kevin Tofel’s unboxing video of his shiny new Q1. Funny, thorough, and informative. Hey, Kevin - did you decide whether or not you’re going to keep it?
DS Lite U.S. street date broken - early Unboxing pics for us! (Update 2)

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Video Games,
The news has been all over the net today - some Target and WalMart stores were “breaking the street date” on the Nintendo DS Lite - that is, selling it 11 days before it was officially supposed to be released. My wife is on a secret mission to the local Target today to see if they have any, but in the mean time, Flickr user JPinnix has hooked us up with the Unboxing Ceremony of his early DS Lite:
Thanks for contributing to the Unboxing Flickr group! 😊
Update: Seems there were some other Unboxing readers that got lucky today, and scored a DS Lite. Mike “marusin” scored
You can check out the rest of Mike’s photos in this Flickr set. Hey, Mike - what’re ya gonna do with that second one? 😉
Update 2: You have to read the dramatic saga that Nick Starr went through to get his DS Lite yesterday. And Unboxing.com figures prominently in the story. It’s like a geek version of the Da Vinci Code or something. 😊
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