On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Monday July 30, 2007 12:22 pm

Unboxing Live 020: Wicked Lasers Blue Spyder II Series Laser

This episode was sponsored by Geek Squad’s Idea Festival. Submit your ideas for using technology to save the planet at ideafest.geeksquad.com.

In this episode of Unboxing Live, we give you a first-hand look at the Wicked Lasers Spyder II Series blue laser. This is one powerful beast, so it should only be in the hands of those on the side of good. No evil-doers allowed. That said, this laser is one of the most magnificent we’ve ever seen. Pricey too. Check out all the details in the video.

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Forum Discussion

We use Youtube to promote our product through videos, we create videos and publish it in heavy traffic video sharing sites. Also promote that videos link through emails, bookmarking and social media, by this way we promote our product through video marketing.

I am not Arctic, unfortunately. I have a 445 I built 1 W, 1 W, and when I get some decent optics. I have a spare diode. Maybe I will make a video once I get a good camera

@Crater it can burn through paper and even pop balloons, it can pop dark green colored balloons in a row. I think Wicked Laser has videos on their website. www.wickedlaser.com

i wouldnt waste a ps3 for a laser no way i would keep the ps3

That is a cool lazer wouldnt mind having one for myself. I have a small one that my cats play with, but I dont think the one you have is sutable for them to play with. I dont know if I would pay $2000.00 for it though that seems like alot of money to pay for a laser.

woah that's a sweet laser. But it is too expensive and the battery won't last long. That blue laser is too power consuming. But it'd be a laser everyone has to have if the price was lower. I think i've seen a DIY page on how to make a BlueRay laser pointer from a Playstation 3. a waste of a perfect PS3 though.

More like a flashlight then a laser. Hope it can burn through paper or pop ballons!

it can? i didnt know that i know he shined it on his arm and it didnt do nothing but maybe it wasnt strong enough at the time. sounds like it could be alittle dangerous defianately not something you want around kids!!

[quote author="littlebull" date="1212724255"]it can? i didnt know that i know he shined it on his arm and it didnt do nothing but maybe it wasnt strong enough at the time. sounds like it could be alittle dangerous defianately not something you want around kids!![/quote] It can, but the wavelength on his laser is low, the ones WickedLasers sell right now, the Spyder II BX. This is really really powerful, it can cut through paper... the higher the wavelength, the more power it has.

well friends you might be thinking i ma right or wrong but its true that the Official Xbox Magazine podcast has an interview in their latest episode with Alex Rigopolous where he talks about Rock Band details. He says the big bundle (drums, mic, guitar, game) PS3 version will include wireless guitar controllers while the 360 version has wired ones because the cost of Microsoft?s wireless technology would make the bundle too pricey. To get around the 360?s USB port limitation, the Xbox version will include a hub.

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