Thursday August 26, 2010 7:23 pm
TiVo Slide Bluetooth QWERTY remote control unboxing gallery
It’s always been kind of a chose to “type” in the TiVo, but with the release of the TiVo Premiere and its discovery and search features—alongside its ridiculously slow interface—typing is downright awful. The TiVo Slide remote aims to change all that, giving you pretty much the same TiVo remote you’ve grown used to over the years (just more compact) with an integrated QWERTY slider keyboard. It all works over Bluetooth, and in the end, should make that hunt-and-peck typing a thing of the past. We will be bringing you a TiVo Slide review shortly, but in the meantime, enjoy these unboxing shots!
You can pick up the TiVo Slide remote from the TiVo Store for $89.
- Related Tags:
- bluetooth, galleries, photo gallery, qwerty, remote control, remotes, tivo, tivo 14.6, tivo bluetooth remote, tivo remotes, tivo slide
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