On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Saturday September 1, 2007 11:23 am

Xbox 360 Messenger Kit Unboxing Gallery

The Messenger Kit has been hyped for months now, and it finally hits stores on September 4, 2007. The Kit includes the much anticipated Xbox 360 - a QWERTY keyboard accessory that snaps onto an Xbox 360 controller - along with a newly redesigned Xbox 360 headset. The new headset features a simple audio connector, with the mute and volume switch located on the wire itself - much more user friendly, and it looks better too. If you are tired of all the mundane typing that it takes to enter redeemable codes or to write quick messages to friends on the Xbox 360, this is definitely one to consider. We were able to get our hands on a Messenger Kit pre-launch, and have put up an Unboxing gallery giving you a look at both pieces of the package.

Read More | Xbox 360 Messenger Kit Unboxing Gallery


Forum Discussion

The headset looks exactly the same, except that it has a new connector....

Take a closer look. See the new clip, mute, and volume control?

does the headset feel less flimsy or is it still the same just with the volume and clip added?

How's the chatpad working out? Worth the 30 dlls?

I'd like to hear your thoughts on the Chatpad, as well. It's been getting nothing but good reviews, elsewhere.

This thread has been inactive for such a long time. Think topic should be closed. Regards, Darla Kay [URL=http://http://pretvoiture.org]Pret voiture[/URL]

hello my dear frndzzzz;) you know that The Official Xbox Magazine podcast has an interview in their latest episode with Alex Rigopolous where he talks about Rock Band details. He says the big bundle (drums, mic, guitar, game) PS3 version will include wireless guitar controllers while the 360 version has wired ones because the cost of Microsoft?s wireless technology would make the bundle too pricey. To get around the 360?s USB port limitation, the Xbox version will include a hub.

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Yeah, sure. Buy a computer. It’s great to spend $2,000 instead of $350. And then you get to upgrade every few months to play the games. Fun stuff!

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