On Gear Live: 2024 Nissan Z Nismo Review

Tuesday May 23, 2006 5:35 pm

Introducing Unboxing.com

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements,

(Reposted from here, as a welcome to new visitors!)

I’m proud to announce Unboxing.com - a site I created dedicated to sharing the “Unboxing Ceremony” that most geeks go through when we get a new piece of gear.

I’ve had this little side project on the back burner for a while. I’ve been tweaking it, and basically waiting for the right time to start getting people to visit. It’s set up how I like it, so it’s time for the wraps to come off. It’s mostly for fun, though you’ll see some Google AdSense on it (hey, anything that helps pay for hosting, and a new gadget once in a while).

I’m not going to stop blogging at TinyScreenfuls - I just thought it would be cool to create a site that focuses on cool unboxing experiences. A one-stop-shop for New Gadget Pr0n, if you will. 😉 I know for a fact there’s demand for it - the video of my PSP Unboxing Ceremony is always one of the most popular pages on this site, and I’ve received emails (and even phone calls!) from people telling me that they enjoyed it, and begging for more unboxing videos.

Some of the Unboxing Ceremonies are my own, some are friends’, and some I just ran across on the web via super secret sophisticated wiretap automated delivery methods (oh, alright, I have a bunch of search feeds). There’s also an Unboxing Flickr Group I created - feel free to join and share your photos there.

Let me know if you have something (now or in the future) that you’d like posted - preferential treatment will be given to Friends of TinyScreenfuls. 😉 You could see your name in lights! Or something.

A lot of the content is Apple-centric right now, but that’s not on purpose. It just seems that Apple geeks are a lot more prone to taking photos of their new toys, and posting them on the web. That, and Apple has been on fire lately, releasing hardware that makes your geeky parts feel tingly. But, I’ll post anything I find that’s geeky and cool and has that new gadget smell.

Check it out, and subscribe to the site feed. And if you don’t mind, tell some friends about it. And teach them how to subscribe to the feed, since updates will probably be sporadic, and feeds are the best way to keep up with stuff like this, anyway. Think of it as a great opportunity to teach someone about RSS and syndication!

Last but not least, let me know what you think. Like I said, this is just a little side project that I thought would be fun. If you can think of ways to make it better, I’m all ears!

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