Deal or No Deal? I’m in.
Posted by Christopher Stone Categories: Games, Prime Time, Editorial,
Deal me in for Deal or No Deal.
I don’t know. I’m somewhat embarrassed to be hooked on a game show determined by random selection, and lorded over by one, recurring question, “Deal or No Deal?”
Since childhood, I’ve only succumbed to game shows twice before. I’m smitten by the syndicated Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? because I’m a trivia buff, and I find Meredith Viera extremely charming. And there was Weakest Link. I never could resist a tart-tongued Brit, much less the flame-throwing Anne Robinson.
But that doesn’t explain my affinity for Deal. As an actor-comedian, Howie Mandell has never been a personal favorite. While he’s small-talking contestants, or letting the Banker’s call ring off the hook, I’m thinking, Who sews the gowns for the gorgeous models? Deal or No Deal is an international hit, broadcast in thirty-something countries. Nonetheless, it strikes me as quintessentially American. Perhaps, therein rests my attraction.
By and large, we Americans are greedy. Our national motto should be: “Nothing succeeds like excess!” This series plays exclusively to our greed; Deal glorifies our “money buys happiness” mentality. Most of the contestants deify money. In-studio advisors fuel their money love. The studio audience is a greed machine. The series is all 1980s’ American, “Greed is good!” How can I not play moth to Deal or No Deal‘s flame? I find greed personally repugnant in real life, and even on The Real World. But I can’t resist greed’s ugly head when it’s reared in the arts and entertainment.
Now that I’ve identified my affinity for this Deal, my other question still goes begging, “Who does design and sew the costumes for Deal‘s gorgeous models?”
American Idol 5: Lisa Is All Tuckered Out

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Talent,
Well after my umpteenth try I finally got it right: Lisa Tucker was voted out just like I had predicted. But what did surprise me was that Katharine McPhee was in the Bottom Three!! I already knew that Ace would be there. Simon was impressed by her singing yesterday, but apparently changed his opinion upon further review. He told Katherine that her performance wasn’t nearly as good as Aguilera’s. Hmm… I feel like I’ve heard that somewhere before. Oh that’s right. That’s because I said it!
(You can find all the American Idol 5 posts here.)
24: In Need Of More Storylines

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Drama, Prime Time, FOX, 24, Editorial,
It’s no secret that the producers of 24 are still masterminding the end of their season even after the premiere has aired. So there comes an hour during every ‘day’ when the writers were clearly in need of a time filler. Previous memorable ‘time fillers’ would include the Kim/cougar and Kim/convenience store robbery plotlines. As for this season? I think the show hit another one of those low moments this week with the incredibly stupid Shari/Miles sexual harrassment storyline. Maybe I’m being judgmental way too soon—but where in the heck do the writers think they are going to take this? Are they going to waste CTU’s precious time by having Shari file a complaint against Buchanan for brushing up against her? Will Chloe lose another co-worker after she clocks Shari for being so lame? Oooh, that would be good…
Bo Derek Signs With Fox’s My Network TV
Posted by Christopher Stone Categories: Prime Time, FOX, Talent,
Though she turns 50 during Thanksgiving Week, Bo Derek, the woman who introduced Cornrows to blonds in 1979’s 10, is still a solid 10 herself. She’s also among the first actors signed for the Fox, My Network TV series, Secret Obsessions. Secret Obsessions and Desire will be the first two programs to air when Fox’s neophyte network signs on, September 5. Both series will be continuing dramas, featuring 65-episode story arcs that are stripped over a 13-week season. Currently, Bo Derek can be seen as hostess of American Movie Classics’ series The Hollywood Fashion Machine, airing Mondays, 8 (ET).
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It seems like only last year that The George Lopez Show found a home on ABC-TV. But it wasn’t last year, or even the year before. It was 2002. Time and sitcom episodes fly, and, tonight, The George Lopez Show broadcasts its 100th episode.
Titled “George Vows to Make Matri-Money,” the landmark episode features all of the usual Lopez suspects, plus a special guest star appearance by the seemingly omnipresent Eva Longoria. The role doesn’t provide much of a stretch for Desperate Housewives’ venal vixen. On her hit series, Longoria plays the high maintenance wife of Carlos Solis. On George’s sitcom, Eva is the high maintenance friend of his TV wife. Congratulations to Lopez, his cast and crew, for what some are calling “the longest-running Latino sitcom since I Love Lucy.”
American Idol 5: Final 12 - Week 3

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Features,
Have the years gone by so fast that we can already do songs from the 21st century? Maybe it’s still too soon to say whether or not this was a memorable era for music. Based on the tunes chosen this week, we can only pray for the four years left to come.
Click to continue reading American Idol 5: Final 12 - Week 3
Paula Abdul Continues The Weirdness
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: FOX, American Idol, Talent, Gossip, Rumors,
Every week, when viewers tune in to American Idol, one question is the most prevalent: “Is Paula Abdul on drugs?” Along with Abdul’s infamous affair(s?) with contestants, incoherent ramblings, ill-timed giggling fits, and federal crimes committed in airports, a rash of new rumors are circulating regarding her alleged near-firing from the show.
Sources recently told US Weekly that the producers of American Idol have reached the limits of their patience with the former pop star, and are considering replacing her with Jessica Simpson or Britney Spears. Other sources, of course, deny it. But one thing can’t be denied - Paula does seem pretty weird. Here’s an example of a recent Abdul-ism: “Simon said…he always refers to a fortune cookie and says the moth who finds the melon finds the cornflake always finds the melon and one of you didn’t pick the right fortune.”
Hmm. What do you think? Paula Abdul: Crazy, under the influence, or adorably eccentric?
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Few television series live to see their fiftieth anniversary of broadcasting. NBC’s Meet the Press and Today are two exceptions. On April 2, CBS-TV’s daytime drama, As the World Turns, joins their ranks. The series will celebrate by airing special episodes on both Friday, March 31, and Monday, April 3. People and things have changed dramatically since the Eisenhower-era series premiered on April 2, 1956. One constant, however, has been As the World Turn’s no-nonsense matriarch Nancy Hughes, played since Episode One by still lovely Helen Wagner. Set in the fictional community of Oakdale, Illinois, the ever popular series was the Number 1 daytime drama from 1959-1971. Well done, World. Keep turning.
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Simon Cowell Welcomes Auditions For “America’s Got Talent”
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Reality, NBC, News,
If you’ve longed to embarrass yourself in front of America and receive scathing insults from Simon Cowell, but just don’t have the pipes to audition for American Idol, you may have your chance in America’s Got Talent. Cowell’s new talent show is open to anyone, at any age, with any sort of talent. The acerbic Brit welcomes anyone from age 2 to 100 to audition. I wonder if he knows what he’s getting into? If singers so easily annoy him, what will he do in the wake of contestants brandishing tap dancing and pig calls? At any rate, it should prove to be another hit for Cowell and a chance to humiliate the contestants, which of course means entertainment for us. Do you have an undiscovered talent? You can go here to find audition locations and dates.
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American Idol 5: Chris Daughtry Masters the Covers

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Editorial, News,
Two weeks ago, I told everyone how extremely upset I was at the judges for not realizing that Chris Daughtry had ripped off the Red Hot Chili Peppers with his rendition of ‘Higher Ground’. And no—it was not because I thought the performance was necessarily bad. It was because the judges gave him props for making the song ‘his own’.
Last week I said I was hesitant about giving Chris a compliment because I wasn’t entirely sure if he had ripped off someone else again. Not surprisingly, the judges ate his original version of ‘I Walk the Line’. They praised him for separating himself from the rest of the group.
Fast forward to this week—when I found out I was right!!! Chris is a big phoney. Do I think he’s a bad singer? No. Do I think he should be headlining a local cover band at your neighborhood bar? Yes. Apparently the Idol chatrooms have been all buzzing since his appearance last week. Seems the judges gave him props way too soon. According to those familiar with the works done by the band Live, Daughtry’s rendition was just another rip-off of something they did back in 2001. As one message read: “This guy is rip off. Judges are plain dumb.”
On American Idol last night, they confronted the controversy by having Ryan Seacrest simply ask Chris if his rendition of “Walk The Line” was Live’s version, which resulted in Chris and Ryan talking about how Live is one of Chris’ favorite bands.
(You can find all the American Idol 5 posts here.)
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