Deadwood Looks Like It Really Will Bite The Dust
Posted by Eric Chaloux Categories: Cable, HBO, Cancellations, Rumors,
Season 3 of Deadwood on HBO is just days away from starting on June 11th, but a new statement from the show’s creator makes it look like season 3 maybe the nail in the coffin for the show. Deadwood creator David Milch is speaking out. “I am deeply disappointed by the way things turned out,” Milch said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times.
HBO revealed last month that, because of money considerations, Deadwood - one of the network’s top four original series after The Sopranos - was offered a “short-order” of 6 episodes instead of the normal 12 for season 4, but it was turned down. Looks like the efforts of Deadwood fans to save the show failed. Diehard Deads started the Web site Save Deadwood in hopes of keeping it alive for a 4th season.
Read More | TV Guide
Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale had a baby!
Posted by Abby Rose Dalto Categories: Music, Gossip,
Everyone has been so busy obsessing over the newest “Brangelina” heir, that we’ve almost completely overlooked the birth of another genetically superior child: that of Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale. Kingston James McGregor Rossdale was born Friday, May 26 at Cedar Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. This is the first child for the couple, who were married in September 2002. Rossdale also has a 16-year-old daughter named Daisy, from a previous relationship.
As far as beautiful power-couples go, Bush’s Rossdale and No Doubt’s Stefani are the music industry’s equivalent of the Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie pairing. Pitt and Jolie had better watch their backs though; in addition to their prospective musical fame both Rossdale and Stefani have been breaking their way into Hollywood.
Stefani made her acting debut as Jean Harlow in Martin Scorsese’s The Aviator, while Rossdale has had roles in Constantine, The Game of Their Lives, Little Black Book, and the upcoming How to Rob a Bank. Stefani also has her own fashion line, Harajuku Lovers, to which she has recently added baby clothes. Top that Angelina!
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Now Casting
Posted by NoName Categories: Prime Time, Reality, ABC,
Tasteful TV is back! The silly carpenter from Trading Spaces, Ty Pennington who was once just another “heart throb” is now getting hearts beating for another reason. “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” is now rated one of America’s top watched shows, quickly drawing similar ratings to “Survivor.” To get on the show, there’s an “extreme” application online from
Get an Application | ABC
Dennis Farina Leaves Law and Order

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Drama, NBC, Talent,
Whether he was playing Lumiere or Det. Lenny Briscoe, actor Jerry Orbach could not be replaced. Unfortunately for the producers of Law and Order, they will have to try and do exactly that—for the second time. Actor Dennis Farina has just announced that he will be turning in his badge after only two years on the long-running show. What will this mean for the future of this NBC dynasty? Who knows? But as the creators have proven time and time again, the show can and will go on. If a rumored female partner for Det. Ed Green (actor Jesse L. Martin) comes to fruition, this could give the show the new spark that its needed. Or the series could simply end up just like another L&O: Special Victims Unit .... or L&O: Criminal Intent for that matter. The true blue L&O original will enter its seventeenth year on Fridays this fall.
Read More | E! Online
When Simon Cowell announced late last year that he and his comrades were going to launch a great new reality TV series called “The Million Dollar Idea,” he surly didn’t bank on getting the multi-million dollar lawsuit. The title underwent a few revisions it seems. At a point it was being called “America’s Next Big Idea.” After a few magic words, it wound up being the “American Inventor,” which wound up being the “next big stinker.” Perhaps the original “inventors” whose labor of love this idea was originally, would have done a better job. Maybe it would have been more of the “feel-good TV” that our roots are yearning for. Will we ever know? Come to think of it, what happened to those days when families got together on the sofa and watched a show they could laugh together over? Come on Simon! Give us something we can feel “thumbs up” about. We’re not talking about the next “British invasion,” the one that’s popularized putdowns. We’re talking about American “family” culture. Do we really want to hear about the poor schmuck who spent his life’s savings on the “next worst” idea? We’re running out of tissues in the house. Take a breath! Walk in a pair of American made shoes. Give us some red, white, and less blue viewing. And don’t be in such a hurry to inundate our evenings with the next big hit that adulturates the other guy’s next big idea. But who knows? Soon it could be “thumbs down” for Simon Cowell. American hero extraordinaire, Steven Spielberg is getting into the reality TV act. Finally, there’s something for Simon to really “Scowell” about. Let the American invasion begin!
Read More | Reality TV Magazine
Yahoo Respondents Rate Seinfeld Favorite “Sitcomfeld”
Posted by NoName Categories: Syndication, Talent, Internet, News,
Out of 20 early responses, Seinfeld is six times the answer to Yahoo’s question, “What is your favorite TV sitcom ever?” No other sitcom was named more than once accept “Friends” which was listed three times. Is Seinfeld the next “I Love Lucy?” Lucy came up one time. Once merely a stand-up comedian, the “Long Island Hamlet” is now best known for perpetrating a fictional version of “himself” on a sitcom he co-created and produced. Later sitcoms “crawling” their way to success with past Seinfeld cast are said to be suffering the “Seinfeld Curse.” He has even coined a new term through the title of his book, “Seinlanguage.” And there’s “Seinology,” a new form of science perhaps? He’s quite the “phenominfeld.” But what does all of this mean to the future of sitcoms? Ah, the next great question for the likes of Yahoo to survey. Meanwhile, here’s a bit of “Seintrivia.” Did you know that Seinfeld is left handed; loves Superman, Phish, and the Mets; and was the first to receive an American Express Centurian Card? But, wait! Here’s the one that makes the most sense. In April, the Boston-based magazine, “Phoenix,” named Seinfeld the “17th un-sexiest male celebrity”...ever! Or should we say, “everfeld?”
Read More | Jerry Seinfeld
The Blog Connection for TV Stars and their Characters
Posted by NoName Categories: ABC, Grey’s Anatomy, Talent, Gossip, Internet,
During filming, Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrute) steels away from “The Office” to connect with fans. Actors are writing blogs as themselves…and as their character. No lie! Rainn’s got a blog titled, Schrute’s Space.” Jenna Fischer (Pam Beesley), plays her receptionist part, spending hours dutifully sitting behind her computer, telling all about the behind the scenes action on the set. Chris Van Dusen, assistant to creator Shonda Rhimes, writes Joe’s Blog in character. He’s got the bartender’s perspective…but does he really? “Grey’s” staff writer, Stacy McKee writes from the
Nurse Debbie’s point of view.
Bartenders, nurses, and who knows what other un-reality characters are sharing a view they know little about other than to be directed through some “well-written” lines. The whole affair keeps pen pals happy. With something like 7 million viewers a piece, these shows are ripe for this strange new world of glorified “chatting.” Blogging has whipped up a way to get that sneak preview or a peak through the dressing room crack in the door with the same kind of instant gratification. Behind the scenes antics are experienced live online. But not all actors are technically savvy or able to write with any speed for end user gratification. Executive producer, Eric Haney, himself, confesses to being a “low-tech dinosaur,” only able to pound out a few lines per week. But fans demand immediate interaction, the dirt, and the career tribulations that actors aren’t actually versed in. Van Praagh who has enjoyed a global following for his work as a medium has empowered himself through a technical medium to inform followers that there is life after death. There is?
Read More | USA Today
“Dog Whisperer,” Cesar Millan has dealt with his own boundaries, rules, and limitations like the canines he cultures in a single episode. The man with the keen pack mentality was born in Culiacan, Mexico, while a hurricane was pealing away his family’s roof. But it was Cesar’s grandfather who instilled in him an appreciation for the forces of “mother nature.” Growing up with a pack of dogs on his grandfather’s ranch gained him the mentality he practices on his hit TV show, now expanded to one hour episodes. Boundaries, rules, and limitations in his first hand experiences are dually credited for his skills that even Oprah Winfrey’s dog Sophie learned a lesson from during the broadcast of her national television program. Cesar has a program of his own. He wasn’t going to be bound by the rules and limitations of just the brief one-time special that producers offered him. He wanted a series, and he got his way. Move over “Lassie!” Cesar even has a ready made crew with his two sons and wife, Illusion who handles putting the shows together. But Cesar claims he is top dog. “In my pack, no one is number one except me,” says Cesar. He has also been known to confess that he learned the hard way how to be a sensitive spouse. His wife’s name, “Illusion,” might be apropos. She has likely set down her own boundaries, rules, and limitations for Cesar Milan.
Read More | National Geographic
America’s Next Top Model: Where Have You Gone?
Posted by Rachel Langley Categories: Prime Time, Reality, UPN, America’s Next Top Model, Editorial,
I have to believe I’m not the only one going through ANTM withdrawal. With frenzied excitement, each week I’d sit on the edge of my futon watching another walk-off, model-off episode. But now with the winner declared (go Tiffany, ain’t nothin’ wrong with a lil’ gap my southern friend!) my high has crashed. Oh, I’ve tried to get my Tyra fix filled by watching her daily talk show, but it’s a poor substitute. Nothing hits the spot like watching wanna-be glamazons pose from rafters and trying to make it to go-sees in a country few people can even pronounce. As a five foot nothing woman who hasn’t seen the age of twenty-five in ten years, I can only live vicariously through these gals. So, when the season ends so does my pseudo model life. So until next season, I’ll just have to sit patiently, biding my time and checking the listings for VH1’s next AMTM marathon.
Who Wants To Be A Super Hero?

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Reality, Sci-Fi/Horror, Cable,
Attention all closeted Caped Crusaders! If you’ve often felt your talents were shunned, overlooked or misunderstood, then this is the show for you. This summer, legendary comic book creator, Stan Lee, will give mortal men a chance to live out their alter-ego dreams. On Who Wants To Be A Super Hero?, eleven finalists will compete over six-weeks for the opportunity to be immortalized in print (in a Stan Lee original) and on TV (in a SCI FI Channel movie). NOTE: Costumes are a pre-requisite. Super Hero is scheduled for take-off on July 26th.
Read More | Sci-Fi Channel
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