Getting Into Character: Britney Spears on Set of Glee

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Comedy, Music, Prime Time, FOX, Gossip, Spoilers,

Britney Spears has official entered the halls of William McKinley High School—and we have the photographic evidence to prove it.
Earlier today, the pop princess got Gleeks everywhere excited when she revealed her location. “About to do my first shot of the day for Glee tweeties! Here we goooo!” she tweeted.
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VIDEO: Old Spice Guy Continues to Entertain with Personalized Clips

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Commercials, Video,
He’s made diamonds fall out of oysters, climbed seamlessly onto a horse and swan dived into a hot tub. Now, Isaiah Mustafa is mastering social media.
Over the past two days, the Old Spice personality has been cranking out a series of YouTube videos addressing comments/questions posted on such sites as Twitter and Facebook. Although he’s given hilarious shout-outs to actors (e.g. Ashton Kutcher, Alyssa Milano), companies (e.g. Starbucks, VH1) and sports figures (e.g. Chicago Blackhawks, Apolo Ohno), I personally have enjoyed the clips he’s created for the non-personalities the best.
In addition to fighting, romance and bathing advice, Mustafa has even helped deliver a marriage proposal. (She said yes!) Although there are way too many videos to highlight, you can view some of my favorites after the jump. (You can also find other clips on Old Spice’s YouTube channel.)
Click to continue reading VIDEO: Old Spice Guy Continues to Entertain with Personalized Clips
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Glee Says No to Javier Bardem, Yes to Britney Spears

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Comedy, Music, Prime Time, FOX, Rumors, Spoilers, Video,
Today in our moment of Glee, we have some good news and bad news to share.
First, the disappointing item. Despite what we were lead to believe, Oscar winner Javier Bardem will not be appearing on the show next season after all. (It was too good to be true, right?) Although the actor was reportedly going to play some Spanish heavy metal with Artie (Kevin McHale), the rumor didn’t pan out.
“No, javierbardemjenniferanistonjuliarobertsbradpittelvis katieholmestomcruiseandu2 are not appearing in season 2. But wouldn’t it be fun….” an executive producer for the program wrote on Twitter.
Click to continue reading Glee Says No to Javier Bardem, Yes to Britney Spears
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VIDEO: Jay Leno Addresses Conan O’Brien’s Emmy Nods

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Award Shows, Comedy, Late Night, Music, Prime Time, FOX, NBC, The Office, Video,
Did Jay Leno make an awkward situation even more awkward? Or was he simply being a good sport?
On last night’s broadcast of The Tonight Show, the talk show host brought up the fact that his program was technically nominated for four Emmys yesterday - though it was for work Conan O’Brien’s crew did.
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Conan O’Brien Congratulated by NBC for Emmy Nods

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Award Shows, Late Night, Talk Shows, NBC, Gossip,

Conan O’Brien’s surprise Emmy nominations this morning for his work on The Tonight Show prompted NBC to issue a
unexpected statement about their former employee.
The network, which did not see a Jay Leno mention, wrote: “We congratulate Conan and all our nominees on their creative accomplishments and their deserved nominations.”
Conan - who saw his old program receive four noms including one for Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Series - also delivered his own comment via Twitter. “Congrats to my staff on 4 Emmy nominations. This bodes well for the future of The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien,” he wrote.
(FYI - You can also follow TV Envy on Twitter.)
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Larry King Calls it Quits

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Prime Time, Talk Shows, Announcements, News,
Longtime nightly CNN television host Larry King has announced his departure from his 25 year-old show, Larry King Live.
‘I’m ending my nightly show this fall but continuing at CNN,’’ King posted on his Twitter account.
The show, despite its long run, has declined in ratings lately. King plans to step down this fall and says that the network didn’t pressure him to leave. In fact, he planned on leaving during the week that his show hit 25 years, when he interviewed LeBron James, Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, and President Obama.
“With this chapter closing I’m looking forward to the future and what my next chapter will bring, but for now it’s time to hang up my nightly suspenders,” he wrote in a statement on his blog.
Although CNN has said that they wouldn’t necessarily fill the time slot with a similar show, King has said Ryan Seacrest would be the best replacement.
(FYI - You can also follow TV Envy on Twitter.)
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Charice Joins Glee Cast

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Comedy, Music, Prime Time, FOX, Video,
If you aren’t familiar with Charice, the teen Filipino singing sensation, you will be soon. The young singer, 15, has landed a role on the FOX hit series Glee - and she’s definitely got the pipes to give even Lea Michele some serious vocal competition.
Check out the video above to see Charice’s stunning performance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, where she wowed audiences with a big rendition of “
And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going.” Later, she performed “I Will Always Love You” with jaw-dropping confidence.
The trip to the talk show was Charice’s first visit to the United States, but we’re pretty sure she’s here to stay. Charice herself broke the news on Monday via Twitter with these words: “It’s official. I’m on Glee next season.”
If you aren’t prepared to be astounded, don’t watch the video.
(FYI - You can also follow TV Envy on Twitter.)
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Preview S**t My Dad Says Series

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Comedy, Prime Time, CBS, Video,
Since most of our shows have ended for the season (or simply for good), it’s time to start taking a look at what is heading our way this fall.
If you have a Twitter account, chances are you’re already one of the 1.3 million followers of the “S**t My Dad Says” feed (yes, I know that’s not actually how it’s spelled). If so, you’re probably been asking the same thing I have: “How the heck is CBS going to turn this into a television series?”
Well - now we (kinda) know.
Click to continue reading Preview S**t My Dad Says Series
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VIDEO: Teary Hasselbeck Apologizes to DWTS’ Erin Andrews

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Daytime, Prime Time, Reality, Talk Shows, ABC, Dancing With The Stars, Video,
UPDATE: Erin Andrews says she’s never received that so-called apology from Hasselbeck.
Seeing Elisabeth Hasselbeck cry is something we’re all used to by now. (Remember that heated debate with Whoopi Goldberg on the use of the “N-word”?) But it’s not often that we see The View co-host cry over something she did.
While discussing the latest Dancing with the Stars events yesterday, the outspoken conservative felt the need to speak out about contestant Erin Andrews’ ballroom wardrobe. Elisabeth - who was for some reason shocked by the amount of skin the contestant had been showing lately (does she not watch the show on a regular basis?) - thought it would be appropriate to bring up the ESPN reporter’s stalking scandal.
“I mean, in some way if I’m [Michael David Barrett], I’m like, ‘Man! I just could’ve waited 12 weeks and seen this — a little bit less — without the prison time!’” Hasselbeck joked.
Click to continue reading VIDEO: Teary Hasselbeck Apologizes to DWTS’ Erin Andrews
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E! Campaigns to Help You Save a Show

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Comedy, Drama, Prime Time, ABC, NBC, The CW, Cancellations, Gossip, Rumors,
Is one of your favorite shows heading for possible cancellation? Do you want to put a stop to it? Fan campaigns have been known to change TV line-ups in the past (most notably Star Trek), so why not now? E! Online is offering very detailed instructions for fans who want to save Better Off Ted, Chuck, Life Unexpected, One Tree Hill or Parenthood.
E! Online, E! News and Daily 10 will give fan messages directly to network heads, so if you want to save your favorite show, take to Twitter and start making things happen. (Make sure to use the hash tag #SOS plus the show’s full name in your tweets.)
(FYI - You can also follow TV Envy on Twitter.)
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