On Gear Live: Apple’s HUGE Siri Apple Intelligence Fumble w/ John Gruber - Geared Up 205

KPatricia Heatonelsey Grammer, of Frasier fame, and Patricia Heaton, of Everybody Loves Raymond, are expected to make a return to TV comedy. While the show, titled Action News, is still in negotiations, the pilot will star the two Emmy winners. The show would focus on two anchors at a local TV station, and is created by Frasier‘s Christopher Lloyd and Just Shoot Me’s Steven Levitan. Both Grammer and Heaton had their fair share of success on their own television shows. Grammer won four Emmys, and has been seen in X-Men: The Last Stand and A Christmas Carol. He also guest starred on Medium, which he also executive produces. Heaton won two Emmys and has appeared in TV movies The Path to 9/11 and The Engagement Ring.

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Gallery: Kelsey Grammer and Patricia Heaton Return to TV


Rachael Ray Brace yourselves… we’ve got two more seasons of Rachael Ray-isms to endure. Her daytime gabfest has been extended through the 2009-2010 season. Don’t get me wrong, I love her recipes and can sorta stomach her 30 Minute Meals program on the Food Network. An hour of her talk show Rachael Ray is just way too much to endure though. Her personality seems over the top—maybe it is genuine, but there is just too much hyper energy behind it for me to stick through an entire hour of her show. Folks love her though—she really appeals to the masses and she’s the polar opposite of stuffy Martha Stewart. Her show is the top new syndicated show of the season, so she certainly has a following. Roger King, CEO at CBS Television Distribution, said of the renewal, “It’s clear that Rachael’s devoted fans are happy to welcome her into their living rooms every day and the positive response from our affiliate stations has been tremendous. We look forward to many more years of fantastic shows from Rachael and the show’s talented creative team.” Can she keep the energy up for a couple more seasons? My money says yes, and then some.

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Gallery: Rachael Ray’s Show Renewed Through 2010

Golden Globe  Ladies and Gents – I can’t tell you how excited I am about the 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards tonight!!  It’s been a whole five months since I’ve done minute-by-minute coverage of an awards show and I’ve been dying to unload.  (And yes—I am ignoring the fact that the People’s Choice Awards even exist).

The Academy Awards may get the largest viewing audience, but the Golden Globes telecast is the only one I really love to watch.  A cross between the insignificant People’s Choice and the stuffy Oscars, this show mixes credibility with spontaneous fun.  Yes—the Miss Golden Globe tradition is beyond lame.  And yes—separating Dramas from Musicals/Comedies is something I will never understand.  But knowing that I may see a star slam down a drink after bitterly losing is exciting defined.

As for who I think should win?  Well, Jennifer Hudson is an absolute given.  (Though Rinko Kikuchi from Babel would be a nice surprise).  And it would be great to see Forest Whitaker beat out both Leo nominations.  But no matter what happens, I’m ready for the ride.  So bring it on!

Click to continue reading The 2007 Golden Globe Awards

Gallery: The 2007 Golden Globe Awards

Oprah Winfrey When I first read that an audience member at one of Oprah‘s tapings was going to sue Winfrey, it immediately brought to mind those Saturday Night Live sketches where the women are going crazy and fainting because of Oprah’s giveaways. Seems the reason for this lawsuit is that the woman allegedly was injured during the stampede that occurred while trying to find a seat for the show’s taping.

Tayna Milner’s lawsuit says that the studio did not control the crowd properly, resulting in Milner being pushed down the stairs and suffering injuries on April 11th. She is seeking more than $50,000 in damages from Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Studios.

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Gallery: Oprah Being Sued by Audience Member

Dave Chappelle Ah, syndication—the promise land. Well, at least it gives fans of shows the opportunity to see their favorite episodes again, while picking up brand new viewers who might have missed the show the first time around. The latest shows heading for syndication in the fall are Reno 911! and Chappelle’s Show, both from Comedy Central. “The sitcom arena is always one that works well for stations, but there’s not as much product coming down the pike,” said Jim Packer, president of worldwide television distribution at MGM. MGM Studios has been in talks with stations to air the shows. “South Park has already broken the cable-to-syndication taboo and really proven that a show that works on Comedy Central can make it in syndication quite well.”

Reno 911! will be starting its fifth season on Comedy Central, with a film, Reno 911!: Miami, expected in February. Chappelle’s Show began in 2003, with the second season winning its time slot for men 18-34, and a DVD of season one going on to be the best-selling DVD of a television show. Chappelle left the show during the third season, with the final shows airing as Chappelle’s Show: The Lost Episodes.

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Gallery: “Chappelle,” “Reno” in Syndication

Megan Mullally I feel really bad about this cancellation. I loved Megan Mullally on Will & Grace, and when I heard she would have her own show, I thought it would be a really good fit. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of spare time to watch daytime talk shows, but what little I saw of The Megan Mullally Show, I wasn’t thrilled. Some of it was interesting, but I think Mullally’s interviewing could have had a little more zip.

I guess I’m not the only one who was expecting more—after less than five months, the syndicated show has been canceled. The show wasn’t even given the green light to finish out the season, so you know things must have been bad. Production was halted immediately, and the remaining episodes will be shown through January. “I am extremely proud of the show we created and am thankful for the passion and tireless efforts of (executive producer) Corin Nelson and the entire staff,” Mullally said in a statement Wednesday. Not to fear, I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of Mullally in some format (stage, TV, movies) in the future.

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Gallery: Megan Mullally Show Canceled

Alex Trebek Wow, here are two shows that have legs. I mean, I can remember both of these when I was a kid, and that was ages ago! Seriously though, both Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune have been around since the mid-70s and this latest announcement proves that the shows’ concepts translate through the years. The renewal will take both game shows through 2012, with CBS Television Distribution giving each a two-year extension of their current deal. At the end of it all, Wheel will have run 29 years on the air, with Jeopardy! trailing closely behind at 28 years. Harry Friedman, the shows’ executive producer through Sony Pictures TV, said “With these unprecedented renewals, we will continue to infuse our classic games with energy and originality through 2012 and beyond.” Who can go wrong with the colossal viewership of both shows—Wheel averages more than 46 million per week; Jeopardy! comes in at 37 million per week.

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Gallery: Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune Through 2012

Rosie O'DonnellRosie O’Donnell has only been on The View three months, and rumors are already swirling that she may be leaving the gabfest. This speculation came after she mentioned that she would like to work on Nip/Tuck in response to an audience member’s question at the commercial break. On Thursday’s show, she set the record straight, saying “Don’t anybody worry where Rosie’s going. She’s right here.” And the ladies of The View should be lucky that she’s sticking around—the show has seen an increase in viewership since Star Jones left and O’Donnell came on board. The show enjoyed its best numbers in its history for November, with viewership up 15 percent over last year.

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Gallery: Rosie to Stay on The View

Danny DeVitoDanny DeVito appeared on The View yesterday, noticeably drunk after a night out with George Clooney. Rambling on and appearing to be suffering from lack of sleep (hey, who wants to sleep when they’re partying with Clooney?), the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia co-star managed to get through his interview. He was there to promote his upcoming Christmas film, Deck the Halls, also starring Matthew Broderick. Highlights of the interview included a never-ending blabberfest about the White House, with some comments about President Bush needing to be bleeped out. He even sat on Rosie O’Donnell’s lap. Yikes. Walters appeared uncomfortable during the interview and the co-hosts tried their best to steer him back on track. On Thursday’s show, Joy Behar commented that “He was drunk as a skunk.”

Following the appearance, DeVito left a message for Walters to apologize. Said Walters of the incident, “We love him, we’ll have him on again.”

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Gallery: Barbara Walters OK With DeVito’s Drunken Appearance

Kirstie AlleyI love Kirstie Alley—with the exception of Veronica’s Closet, I’ve been a big fan for a long time. And when she gained weight, she took it in stride, even poking fun in the series Fat Actress. Determined to lose the weight, she became a Jenny Craig spokeswoman and participant—showing us her progress every step of the way. And now, she’s making good on a promise she made to Oprah to appear in a bikini on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Last November, Alley told Winfrey she was inspired by a guest who lost 70 pounds and became Miss Bikini America. Alley decided to challenge herself to lose more weight by promising to pose in a bikini for the show. “I’d like to prove to myself and maybe other women my age that there can still be good years ahead of us,” Alley said in June’s People magazine. “Maybe even the best.” The show will air on Monday.

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Gallery: Kirstie Alley’s Big Bikini Reveal on Oprah
