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CrashThis must represent a record: Less than one month after winning the Best Picture Oscar, Crash is premiering on Showtime, Sunday, 8:05 PM, ET/PT.  Even better, the Crash TV debut is part of Showtime’s Free Weekend Preview.

I saw the triple Oscar-winning Crash last May at the Writers Guild of America, West, Theater in Beverly Hills.  Following the screening, Crash‘s Oscar winning writer/producer/director Paul Haggis took the stage for a Question and Answer session.  He claimed to have been inspired to write Crash after he and his wife were car-jacked on Wilshire Boulevard’s Miracle Mile in Hollywood, after renting videos at Blockbuster.  Sunday you can see the acclaimed motion picture in the privacy of your own home, no rental or late fees apply.

Gallery: Oscar-winning Best Picture “Crash” on Showtime

