On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Andy Richter So, this doesn’t look like good news for Andy Barker, P.I.—it’s moving to Saturdays. The kiss of death, perhaps, but at least NBC is keeping it on the schedule and not pulling it altogether. The likelihood of renewal is slim to none for this ratings dud, which earned the title of NBC’s lowest-rated series this season. Me, I like it. I love Andy Richter and I’m glad to see Arrested Development‘s Tony Hale back on TV. But I can also see where this quirky comedy could fail to deliver to a mainstream audience. So, if you’ve been following along with this series, be warned that the final two episodes will air back-to-back on Saturday, April 14th at 8 p.m. You’d think for two little episodes, they could have kept it on Thursday, huh? Scrubs will fill in for the 9:30 p.m. Thursday slot, then move back to 9 p.m. in May.

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Gallery: Final ‘Andy Barker’ Eps Move to Saturday


Alec Baldwin I can barely hide my excitement over this piece of renewal news… 30 Rock will be back next season!! If you haven’t seen it yet, please do yourself a huge favor and check it out. If you have seen it and are a fan, then join me in a happy dance. And if you just plain don’t like 30 Rock (but how could you not?), then I’m sorry that this news will not brighten your day. While it seemed that 30 Rock would definitely get picked up, it’s nice to hear the official news anyway. OK, the ratings aren’t great, but the writing is smart and the performances are great. Alec Baldwin can do no wrong and Tina Fey is really refreshing and funny. Even NBC Entertainment chief Kevin Reilly loves it, saying, “From the beginning, 30 Rock has proven to be the kind of quality comedy that doesn’t come around very often, and we are very pleased to have this show back for a second season. We expect it to continue to build its increasingly loyal audience and become another of NBC’s classic comedy series.” Interestingly enough, NBC calls this an “upscale” show because of the concentration of viewers with six figure household incomes. Catch 30 Rock when it returns this Thursday at 8:40 for a super-sized episode.

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Gallery: 30 Rock Renewed for 2007-2008 Season

Studio 60 Over at E! Online, TV guru Kristin Veitch is having her annual vote to ‘Save One Show’... so now’s your chance to help one of your favorites live to see another season on TV. Kristin runs down the list of which shows are likely to make a second return, which ones are on the fence, and those that soon may no longer have a pulse. You have until Friday, April 6 to place your vote for the following:

  • 30 Rock
  • The Class
  • Close to Home
  • Crossing Jordan
  • Friday Night Lights
  • Gilmore Girls
  • How I Met Your Mother
  • Jericho
  • Medium
  • The Nine
  • One Tree Hill
  • Scrubs
  • Six Degrees
  • Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
  • Supernatural
  • Veronica Mars
  • What About Brian

As of her Thursday update, she reported that more than 600,000 votes had been received and the shows that had generated the most votes were: Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, Supernatural and Veronica Mars. This poll really has had some impact in the past, so cast your votes—five out of six shows from previous years have been saved. You can make a difference! The show that receives the most votes will be announced on April 13th.

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Gallery: Cast Your Vote to Save One Show

Amanda DetmerRuh-roh. This is one piece of casting news that can’t be good news for the fate of What About Brian? Co-star Amanda Detmer will reportedly star in a comedy pilot for CBS. Does this pretty much squelch any chance of renewal for the low-rated Brian? Say it ain’t so, but I think fans of the show will not be too surprised if it doesn’t live to see another season. Many of us enjoyed this little mid-season entry last year, but it has been fizzling fast this year, despite the addition of hotties Tiffani Thiessen and Stacy Keibler. Anway, Detmer will join Paul F. Thompkins in the documentary-style comedy, 1321 Clover. For those who watch Brian, I’m sure we can all agree that the cupcake business wasn’t doing much for Detmer’s character.

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Gallery: ‘What About Brian’ to be Canceled?

Calista Flockhart OK, TV fans… take a gander at these pick-ups for the 2007-2008 season on ABC. There are certain to be some of your faves being renewed. I’m thrilled to see Brothers & Sisters and Ugly Betty make the cut. For the most part, no huge surprises:

  • Brothers & Sisters
  • Ugly Betty
  • Men in Trees
  • The Bachelor
  • Boston Legal
  • Dancing with the Stars
  • Desperate Housewives
  • Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
  • Grey’s Anatomy
  • Jimmy Kimmel Live
  • Lost

America’s Funniest Home Videos, Supernanny and Wife Swap previously got the greenlight for next season. ABC Entertainment President Stephen McPherson commented, “These shows provide us with a substantial foundation to make 07-08 our best schedule yet.”

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Gallery: ABC Renews 14 Series for 2007/2008

Prison Break I’ll admit it. I loved Prison Break during the first season, but have steadily lost interest this year. The start of season two, I’d watch the show while doing something else… the last few weeks, I just haven’t watched it at all. I do get second-hand info from my husband and recaps, and it does sound like things are picking up again. But a third season? Honestly, what are they going to do for a third year? You just know it was more exciting when they were locked up, so maybe season three will have them back in the slammer? Creator/executive producer Paul Scheuring said, “It’s going to return to the fundamental conceit, to the roots of what the show was about.” Yep, sounds like they might be back behind bars after all. “They got scattered in the winds—their stories became separate and defused,” Scheuring said. “They will come back together again, (and) their conflicts and interactions will return.” Ratings are still going pretty well, with an average of 9.1 million tuning in each week.

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Gallery: Prison Break Renewed for Third Season

Zach Braff I’m a huge Scrubs fan, so this news made my day. Zach Braff has just finished negotiating a payraise for a seventh season, so it looks like a pretty safe bet that the show will return next year. Now I know, some fans of the show have not been as entertained as much as in years’ past, but it is still a solid show with excellent writing and characters. Compared to some of the drivel on TV, I think this show still continues to bring the funny. While this could mean a big payday for Braff, there is one teensy issue—his pay is contingent upon the show returning for a seventh season. No renewal, no big payoff—which rings up in the neighborhood of $350,000 per episode for the one year deal. This puts Braff’s paycheck in Charlie Sheen territory, although Sheen’s Two and a Half Men averages 15.2 million viewers each week and Scrubs only draws about 6.9 million. Braff will next be seen in The Ex, a comedy co-starring Jason Bateman. Two of my faves on the big screen? Be still my heart.

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Gallery: Zach Braff Signs on for Another Year of Scrubs

James CaanWow, two posts about Las Vegas in two days… and I’ve never even seen the show. Yesterday, we reported that Las Vegas had been renewed for a fifth season. The big news today is that two of the stars, James Caan and Nikki Cox, will be leaving the series. Caan is bailing so that he can get back to the movie business; Cox is leaving because of budget cuts. From what I’m reading online, seems that many feel the show can’t go long with Caan’s absence. He is really the heart of the ensemble and the show will be weaker without him. As for Cox, I haven’t seen much outcry over her leaving the series, so I guess the other women are more than easy on the eyes to fill Nikki Cox’s void. Caan commented on his first venture into television, saying, “I’ve had a wonderful four years, worked with great people and made friends for life working on Las Vegas, but I’m eager to return to where my heart is, which is film, and due to the show’s schedule, I missed some great opportunities to do that. I wish the show and everyone involved with it continued success.” Makes you wonder what roles he had to pass on, doesn’t it?

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Gallery: Las Vegas Loses Two Main Players

Las VegasLas Vegas seems like one of those shows that just floats by, quietly… and the next thing you know, it’s in its fifth season! I feel like I must have dozed off during a couple of seasons in there, because I had no idea that it had been on that long. Now I realize, just because I don’t watch it, doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of viewers out there. In fact, about 9 million viewers tune in each week. The renewal will put Las Vegas into the 2007-08 season, leading to the 100 episode mark, which translates to syndication. According to Kevin Reilly, NBC Entertainment Chief, “The cast and producers have consistently given us what we want from Las Vegas—pure entertainment—and we’re looking forward to another fun ride next season with the show.” The last episode for this season airs March 9th.

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Gallery: Las Vegas Signed on for Fifth Season

Desperate Housewives Extra, Extra! Read all about it! Marc Cherry, creator of Desperate Housewives, just signed on for four more years of the series. The eight-figure deal puts Desperate Housewives on the tube through May 2011. For those of you keeping track, that’s seven seasons total. Oy. I don’t know if I can carry on that long. I mean, DH and I have had our ups and downs (down being the total of the second season), but I have hung in there through thick and thin. Hanging on through 2011 though? I don’t know if I have it in me, unless there are promises of exceptional storylines for years to come. At least the series has locked in Marc Cherry as the creative dude to carry out the next four years. The key cast members have also negotiated deals to stay on through 2011 too, although the details of that is a bit more hush-hush it seems. “The studio and the network and I all feel it’s best for me to stay glued to the set,” Cherry told Variety. “I’ve got my ship, and I’m gonna run it.” If you’re like me, fearing the continuation of the show beyond Cherry’s agreement, he has no plans to pass the torch, saying, “I think that, at the end of my deal, and after seven seasons, it will be a good time to call it quits. I don’t want anyone else to run the show, and I don’t want us to fade away.”

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Gallery: Desperate Housewives Gets Extended Stay at Wisteria Lane
