Fear not, loyal 24 fans, the Emmy-winning show will be around for a couple more seasons. In the land of 24, however, that’s really only two days. 24 has been a ratings winner for Fox for the past six seasons (somehow I can’t believe it’s been on that long) and this season’s finale will air May 21st. Star Kiefer Sutherland has a contract through 2008-09, when the series is expected to wrap. So, at least fans can be assured that Jack Bauer will ride out the series until the very end. What’s in store for season number seven? Well, producers say that some big changes will be in the works—only you’ll have to tune in to find out. Or read recaps, I suppose.
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25 Episodes Each for The Office, Earl

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Comedy, Prime Time, NBC, My Name Is Earl, Scrubs, The Office, Ratings, Renewals,
If you find yourself wanting more of The Office and My Name is Earl, next season is for you. Both series have received a 25 episode (each) order, a bump up from the typical 22. Plus, five episodes of The Office will be hour long installments. I’ve really been enjoying those supersized episodes, so it’ll be nice to have a handful of full hour shows in the fall. Thursdays next season will remain intact—so expect My Name is Earl, 30 Rock, The Office and Scrubs to continue their comedy block. Thank heavens. Thursdays are my night for TV, if ever I had to proclaim one. I even instruct my kids that Thursday night bedtimes need to go smoothly because I have major TV viewing. And, now I can breathe a sigh that Scrubs will, in fact, be returning again (albeit for just 18 episodes, but I’ll take it!). For at least another year, Thursdays will be the funniest night on television.
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Scrubs—Renewed or Cancelled?

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Comedy, Prime Time, NBC, Scrubs, Cancellations, Ratings, Renewals,
I have been through a mini-hell today, as one TV news site reported that Scrubs would not be returning next year. Then people started commenting that the show was, in fact, getting renewed. So, I headed over to Kristin Veitch at E! Online (she is a Scrubs fanatic as well and a reliable source)—she reports that she “heard from reliable inside sources that Scrubs has been picked for 18 episodes for next season by NBC.” She will provide more updates as she learns more, but was pretty sure the show would continue on Thursdays, although she was uncertain about whether the show would be a midseason offering or start in the fall. I have read plenty of critiques about Scrubs not living up to previous seasons, which is true in some ways, but it is still a solidly funny show and a lot better than some of those cheesy comedies currently on the air. Besides, it would be tragic for fans if the show wasn’t able to wrap things up. 18 more episodes? I’ll take it! By the way, Zach Braff will be hosting the season finale of Saturday Night Live on May 19th. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven—although I’m hoping that Jason Bateman will also pop over to SNL during Braff’s hosting gig. Sigh.
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Renewals Aplenty at FX

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, Cable, Nip/Tuck, Cable/Satellite, DVR, Ratings, Renewals,
At least there’s one network that’s not so quick to cancel every new series. FX has announced that freshman series Dirt and The Riches will both be back for a second run. While I couldn’t get into Dirt, it seems to get solid ratings (and that kiss between Courteney Cox-Arquette and Jennifer Aniston probably didn’t hurt either). I couldn’t wait to see The Riches because I’m a huge fan of Eddie Izzard, however, I haven’t had the time to keep up. Thank goodness for DVR! After watching the first two episodes, I’ve been recording the others and will have a bunch of episodes to catch up on once all of the other season finales are over with. FX president John Landgraf commented, “FX now has six original dramas, more than any network in the history of cable television, cementing the network’s status as a leader in quality original series.” Dirt pulled in about 5.2 million vieweres per week, while The Riches drew 5.9 million. Rescue Me returns on June 13th, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia comes back for season three in September, and new seasons of Nip/Tuck and 30 Days will come later in the year.
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‘Lost’ to Continue for Three Years

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, ABC, Lost, Ratings, Renewals,
I reported on Friday that Lost producers were working to get ABC to nail down an end date to the series. While it was originally thought that things would wrap up in two years, instead the show will continue for three more seasons. Here’s the twist: each season will only contain 16 episodes, a much lighter order. The good news is that each season will air uninterrupted, so no more of that split season rubbish that had fans in an uproar. According to Kristin Veitch at E! Online, once the ending of the season finale airs on May 23, “we will understand why the show cannot go longer than 48 more episodes.” Sounds like big stuff is ahead—but spreading it over three years is going to be killer. Good news? There’s an end in sight. Bad news? We’ve got quite a wait ahead of us. Let the countdown begin.
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The End for Scrubs?

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Comedy, Prime Time, NBC, Scrubs, Cancellations, Ratings, Renewals, Rumors,
So, last week’s promos for Scrubs made it sound a little doom-and-gloom when they announced there were only four episodes left. It didn’t occur to me that that could mean the last episodes… forever. All of a sudden, there’s been a bunch of speculation online about whether or not the show will continue after this year. How could it not? I mean, didn’t Zach Braff just get some major paycheck for the next season? Didn’t I read that even if NBC didn’t continue with another year of the series that ABC would pick it up? It seemed like all was good in the Scrubs universe. But now, plenty of folks are questioning if this is the final season… and not even Braff knows for sure. Braff said, “I don’t know about Scrubs. It will probably be one of those things that gets decided at the last second. I think it will be on. We’re just not sure, but there’s a chance that it will be on ABC, because they seem to want it.” It’s all pretty unclear, but apparently there is a cliffhanger at the end of this season, so if it doesn’t return next year, we may never have things wrapped up. May 15th seems to be the date that the decision will be made. Fingers and toes are crossed that we’ll be seeing the Scrubs gang for one more season.
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May’s Big Sendoffs

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Comedy, Drama, Prime Time, Reality, ABC, CBS, FOX, The CW, American Idol, Desperate Housewives, King of Queens, The Bachelor, The CW, Cancellations, Gossip, Renewals,
It’s May, and that can only mean one thing: finales. The official TV season is ending so that summer’s reality programming can begin, but all the hot shows are determined to go out with a bang. Which show will have the most surprising finale of all? Which shows will only be coming back in re-runs? How will they all say good-bye? There’s only one way to find out – but you don’t have to watch them all.
After nine hilarious seasons, The King of Queens cast will say their final good-byes on Monday, May 14 at 9pm ET. The CBS show will get a big send-off to cap off its almost decade-long run, giving fans that chance to laugh at Kevin James and Jerry Stiller one last time. The dramatic hour-long finale will have plenty of tears but lots of laughter, too. Insiders say the show will have a happy ending. The real tragedy behind King of Queens going off the air is that Jerry Stiller will no longer have a sitcom gig – and that man is hysterical.
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Studio 60 Returns in May

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, NBC, Cancellations, Ratings, Renewals,
There’s a few of us Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip fans left who have been wondering whether the show would be back or not. Let’s all give a collective sigh, because it’s set to return in May. Don’t get too comfortable, however. It’s a pretty safe bet that after the show wraps up this season, this will be the last of it. Hey, at least NBC is being decent enough to finish out the remaining taped episodes, but there’s no telling if these last six shows are going to wrap up anything. Add to that the weirdness that Studio 60 will return at 10 p.m. on Thursdays. It’s a shame this show never caught on with viewers—I think it was interesting and had spectacular writing and acting. Heck, I’m not even a Matthew Perry fan (sorry Chandler lovers), and I couldn’t wait to watch the chemistry between him and Bradley Whitford every week. The show will return on May 24th.
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Hell’s Kitchen Heats Up On June 4

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Prime Time, Reality, FOX, Hell’s Kitchen, Renewals,
FOX’s summer reality hit will return for a third season just as temperatures outside are starting to get hot. Can’t take the heat? Get into Hell’s Kitchen, where world-class chef Gordon Ramsay is serving up much more than fine cuisine. If you still haven’t discovered Hell’s Kitchen, you’re missing out. Think more angry Brits like Simon Cowell should be on TV? Want to see the dreams of young hopefuls shattered? Then you’ll love Hell’s Kitchen – hell hath no fire like chef Gordon. Last season alone, he mouthed off to a customer, called one competing chef a “donkey,” and stormed from the kitchen in a fit of pique. No-holds-barred, Ramsay tells twelve competing chefs exactly what he thinks of them and their cooking – and it’s all fabulous.
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Will Summer Season Be Hot, or Just Lukewarm?

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Comedy, Drama, Prime Time, Reality, Sci-Fi/Horror, Bravo, Cable, FOX, NBC, Hell’s Kitchen, Editorial, Features, Gossip, News, Renewals,
It’s April, and that can only mean one thing: winter seasons are winding down so that new summer shows can blaze their way onto TV screens. But this year’s shows might not have enough spark to create a blaze…or even much warmth. This year’s summer shows from most major networks and cable channels center around new reality plots, as the summer season is always rife with new reality. Looking forward to summer renewals like Hell’s Kitchen, The Simple Life, and Kyle XY? Most summer favorites will be back for another run at big ratings, including Ghost Hunters (Sci-Fi Network), The Closer (TNT), and America’s Got Talent (NBC). But most networks are banking on brand-new shows to grab viewer attention, not old favorites. What’s fresh, new, and exciting about the summer season this year? If intense drama and reality melodrama appeal to you, then you’re all set for some great TV watching. Check out early previews on some of summer’s new, highly hyped, series.
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