‘America’s Got Talent’ and ‘Last Comic Standing’ Renewed

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Comedy, Music, Prime Time, Reality, NBC, Renewals,
I finally caught America’s Got Talent for the first time, and only because an area a cappella group, The Fault Line, managed to land in the semi-finals. Yep, I thought I should watch and give my support—after all, I did see them perform in the food court of the local mall. Imagine if they won… I’d be, like, famous by association or proximity… or… oh, wait. They didn’t make it to the finals, so now my hopes of semi-fame are up in smoke. And do I continue to watch the show? Nope. The Hoff is creepy and Sharon Osbourne is nothing without her incoherent husband and annoying kids by her side. Fear not though, the talent competition has been renewed for next summer, thus making producer Simon Cowell just that much richer. Also joining the summer renewals is Last Comic Standing, which had me tuning in hit-or-miss the first few seasons and then lost me entirely this season. According to Craig Plestis, NBC’s executive vice president of alternative programming, “Both of these innovative series have proven to be summer staples and important franchises for NBC. We have the most-watched show in America’s Got Talent and one of the most upscale series in Last Comic Standing, and now viewers can look forward to seeing these popular brand series with fresh new shows again next summer.” America’s Got Talent airs live on August 21; Last Last Comic Standing will air the season finale live on September 19.
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‘The Nine’ Sees It’s Ninth Life

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Drama, Prime Time, ABC, Renewals,
Back in November, I lamented the loss of a great show, The Nine. ABC put the series on hiatus right when the mysteries started kicking in. What really happened inside the bank?? I had kept the Season Pass request in my Tivo hoping that someday it would pick up a new episode. After a few months of waiting, I finally hit delete.
Needless to say, I was ecstatic to hear that ABC would air the remaining episodes starting this week. Unfortunately the news is a bit bittersweet. While I’m happy to get new pieces of the puzzle—knowing that six is all I will get is torturous. I hate being teased…but I’m still a glutton for punishment.
Reset your Tivo for this Wednesday @ 10pm.
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Foxworthy Back for Another FOX Season

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Games, Prime Time, Reality, FOX, Renewals,
Jeff Foxworthy, famously rednecked comedian, will return to FOX for new episodes of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader beginning August 30. Though some of the first-season kids were actors, including Back to You’s Laura Marano, Foxworthy says none of the kids were coached for questions. For the upcoming second season, all the kids will be non-actors. On the show, each question comes directly from a school textbook, though the new season will feature A Classroom Club question that lets every day kids submit their own quiz items. When a child’s question is used, the show will donate a computer lab to the kid’s school.
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NBC Looking for Success (Again) with The Donald

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Prime Time, Reality, NBC, Apprentice, The - Donald, Gossip, Renewals,
NBC, the fourth-place station that’s willing to try anything to boost dismal ratings, will use celebs to tempt viewers into a new season of Trump’s The Apprentice. Rosie O’Donnell’s spokesperson has said Rosie will not be involved with the show – ever. The Apprentice will come back next year at mid-season with the winning celebrity donating their winnings to charity, instead of working for Trump. So, basically, it’s a huge waste of time for all parties, and just the latest terrible idea to come out of desperate-for-viewers NBC. The Apprentice was actually canceled…but seriously, what else has NBC got these days? So it’s back. And that’s that. Donald suggested extending the invitation to Rosie to join the cast, an idea that O’Donnell’s publicist shut down cold. Rosie is, however, in talks with NBC to consider doing another project. No celebs have yet been attached to this latest Apprentice project – yet, how could they resist the allure of appearing on the lowest-ranking network? Gee, I wonder how this new season of The Apprentice will do with fans.
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‘The Apprentice’ Rises From The Ashes

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Prime Time, Reality, NBC, Apprentice, The - Donald, Renewals,
Just when I thought we had finally put The Donald to rest, he reemerges to exploit himself once more. Despite a drop in ratings over the past few years, Reuters is reporting that The Apprentice will live to see a seventh—and possibly an eighth—season on NBC. Given the network’s poor performance in the ratings last year, I have no idea why they would continue to beat a dead horse. An official announcement is expected later this month.
Now if NBC can manage to hold on long enough, Baron Trump may one day be old enough to take a seat in the boardroom…
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Test Trivia Knowledge with VH1

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Games, Prime Time, Reality, Cable, Renewals,
VH1 is bringing back the World Series of Pop Culture for a second season this summer, promising more obscure trivia, more teams of three, and more money to give away. Though VH1 has been known for coming up with some real bombs in the past (what exactly is the deal with Charm School?), the World Series of Pop Culture last year offered a bevy of interesting trivia and quite a few teams that were almost impossible to root for. Will this year’s competitors hold more appeal?
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A ‘Scrubs’ Actress Returns From the Dead

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Comedy, NBC, Scrubs, Renewals,
Fans of Scrubs had to deal with the unexpected loss of a beloved character this season: holy-minded yet hard-edged Nurse Laverne Roberts. Well thanks to a surprise decision by NBC—and a promise made by the show’s creator—actress Aloma Wright will return to see another day. And no, she won’t be seen as a ghost or as the moral conscience on someone’s shoulder. Wright be appearing as Shirley—a less than righteous version of her twin sister, Laverne.
Believing the show would have its series finale this last May, Bill Lawrence envisioned the death as a way to shake things up. But hating to leave his friends unemployed, Lawrence assured Wright a place in the 7th season should they get renewed. Now that their place in the NBC schedule is confirmed, Aloma gets to cash in her return ticket. Here’s to hoping that Elizabeth Banks (Dr. Kim Briggs) will be right there with her.
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Don’t Freak! There’s More Criss Angel to Come

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Reality, Sci-Fi/Horror, Cable, Renewals,
There are still six new episodes left in the third season of Criss Angel’s Mindfreak, the magical A&E show that’s unlike anything else on TV. Though this is obviously one of those series that falls decidedly more into the “Entertainment” category of “Arts & Entertainment,” it has been one of the more successful for the network. And for good reason: Criss Angel performs tricks that even rationale can’t seem to explain. In past seasons of the show, Criss has been run over by a car, blown up inside a box with explosive, and electrocuted. What could be possibly do in his new season to top the crazy tricks he’s already performed in the past? This is the same man, mind you, that levitated from rooftop to rooftop in glittering Las Vegas, right in the middle of broad daylight. Yet, Criss Angel promises the best is still yet to come.
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Fans Save Jericho From Cancellation

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, CBS, Cancellations, Internet, Ratings, Renewals,
Fans of Jericho were not happy when it was announced that the show would not be renewed for the fall. In addition to the usual email and letter writing campaigns to save the show, faithful fans donated money to a fund that delivered peanuts to the network. Peanuts? Huh? I didn’t get it either, but apparently it’s a shout out to a line that star Skeet Ulrich said during the show’s season finale. And the nuts did the trick, because the executives have since reversed their decision and are in talks to get the stars and writers back on board for another season. “You got our attention; your emails and collective voice have been heard,” CBS Entertainment President Nina Tassler wrote in a letter to the fans. “In success, there is the potential for more. But, for there to be more Jericho, we will need more viewers.” To gain some momentum heading into the fall season, the network will re-air the first season over the summer, show episodes online, and release a season one DVD. And what about those peanuts? By all accounts, approximately 50,000 pounds of peanuts were delivered to CBS—they plan to donate them to charity.
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Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie enjoyed more than simple success with the first season of The Simple Life. The program brought in good numbers for FOX, one of the power players in the network ratings game. Hilton and Richie became more than celebutantes, known for shopping in sunny L.A. – they became bona fide reality stars. For three seasons, they enjoyed funny exploits for FOX. Then, the friendship fallout. Headlines were splashed everywhere, speculation ran heavy, and soon Richie was making her own headlines for rehab stints and startling weight losses. FOX wanted out of this not-so-simple mess when Paris and Nicole publicly stated they wouldn’t work with each other. The show was dropped, and the two famous-for-being-famous former friends might have lived the rest of their days as mere tabloid fodder. Instead, E! decided to pick the show up, formatting the fourth season of The Simple Life, this time subtitled ‘Til Death Do Us Part, so that the two wouldn’t have to actually spend time together on-screen. The simple show opened to record-breaking ratings on E!, though the same amount of viewers for the season would have been considered a huge flop for FOX. E! announced plans to renew the show even before the fourth season was finished airing. Early on, execs of the cable station said the girls would not get through the fifth season without sharing camera time. Conveniently, they didn’t have to worry about how they were going to pull it off – the girls reconciled, and now the dazzling ditzy duo will be featured together again for their fifth Simple season: The Simple Life Goes to Camp.
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