On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Michael JacksonRelatives of Michael Jackson may have succeeded in their second attempt to secure a reality TV series deal. Music producer Cory Rooney is trying to get the project a go-ahead. Entertainment Weekly features the Reuters report:

The show would focus on a trio of second-generation Jacksons trying to restart their careers in music. The sons of Jackson’s brother Tito succeeded overseas as the members of boy band 3T during the 1990s but are trying to mount a comeback as adults.

They receive help from their father as well as other aunts and uncles on the show – including LaToya and Jermaine Jackson – but one of the obstacles they face is the notoriety their uncle Michael encountered in various courtroom battles during the past decade.

Still to be determined is whether Michael will join his siblings on the program, though footage of him interacting with Tito’s children appears in the pilot.

You can bet that many eyes will be on this one if it ever sees the light of day.

Read More | Entertainment Weekly

Gallery: Michael Jackson’s Family Looking For Reality Show



So last week it looks like that the mildly insane, Jesus loving, and pretty much hated by all, family the Weavers had finally met there match.  They were yeilded by the Linz family and took the rural road to the challenge and at some point even stopped for a McFurry.  They completely gave up and strolled in last…  BUT WAIT!  It was a non elimination round so after all that they survive.  Why put a yield on a non-elimination round?  It seems to make no sense except to knock someone into last but as we’ve seen before and Phil pointed up to the Weavers, teams have come from last to win.

So last week rolls around and low and behold, the Weavers work there way all the way back to the front and almost hit the mat before the Bransens.  The strangest thing about this season is 2 times now a team has dropped from first to last with no explination but that, “Due to a production error involving the camera equipment the car battery was drained. A replacement vehicle was provided, but they have fallen into last place.”  This happened to the Linz family last week and they went from a comfortable lead to last.  It just makes this already bad season just so much worse knowing that the Production team is now affecting the race.  Stay tuned…

Gallery: The Amazing Race: Conspiracy Edition

Donald FaisonDonald Faison, best known as fan favorite “Turk” on NBC’s Scrubs, is used to sharing the limelight with co-star Zach Braff. But now Faison will be going it alone - hosting The Playbook on Spike TV. The show premiers in September, and promises to help men with their lives. Sort of a…Straight Eye For the Straight Guy.

Read More | Yahoo! News

Gallery: Donald Faison Has All The Right Moves For “The Playbook”

Martha Apprentice CancelledAlthough I personally was not a fan of The Apprentice: Martha (I couldn’t stop laughing at those goodbye letter scenes), I’ve always wondered what it was about craft-based reality shows that viewers didn’t like.  I would admit that I was a fan of both Wickedly Perfect and Tommy Hilfiger’s The Cut—but I’m apparently the only one willing to do so.  Though both shows featured contests not too dissimilar from the Donald-version of The Apprentice, both shows tanked in the ratings (judging by their ever-changing time slots).

Well, they say bad things come in threes.. so Martha:  Tag, You’re It!  Your show will officially be considered deceased after the finale on Dec. 21.  Although those NBC reps claim your show was never meant to go past one season, we all know better.  Home confined or not, there’s no way you would ever sign yourself up for something you didn’t think you would succeed at.  So goodbye, Martha.  Good luck and travel safely…

Gallery: Martha Stewart Apprentice Cancelled

SupernannyFriday night: the beginning of the dregs of television…weekend TV. Ugh. But don’t worry; there are still some shows worth watching. One of these is the fabulous Supernanny. Americans love that feisty Brit Jo Frost, and who can blame them? Somehow, there are few things more satisfying than seeing a bratty kid get a smackdown. Except Supernanny doesn’t smack. Oh, no. She speaks - sometimes firmly, sometimes kindly. She puts children in a ‘naughty chair.’ She points out what should be extremely obvious (but never is) to parents such as, “Pay attention to your children” and, my absolute favorite, “Do not let your seven-year-old punch you in the teeth.”

Click to continue reading Supernanny To The Rescue!

Gallery: Supernanny To The Rescue!

SurvivorFunny – I always thought that Survivor was getting a bit tired, but what do I know?  Apparently most viewers don’t share my sentiments, which is why CBS has already ordered two more seasons of the reality show.  This is in addition to the 12th version that has yet to be filmed.  It’s interesting how quickly that other Mark Burnett production, The Apprentice, has started to wane over the years yet Survivor keeps going strong.  Of course—once Jeff Probst finally gets around to admitting that he is fed up babysitting stinky contestants, Survivor will have officially jumped the shark.  But then again, I think that happened a few years ago when women started stripping for peanut butter…

Read More | ABC

Gallery: Survivor:  It Keeps Going and Going..

Top ModelThanks to Jayla for getting the cattiness started from the get-go.  (Shows with models should not have any wasted kind moments).  If she wasn’t too busy calling Nik immature for that whole deodorant drama from last week, she was ripping on Kyle – for everything. Kyle’s not intelligent.. Kyle feeds off other people.. Kyle revolves her life around her boyfriend.  Hey Jayla – jealous lately??

Tyra started this round of the competition with a black-and-white photo shoot.  In lieu of makeup, the girls were prepped with barely more than a coat of Vaseline and their natural raw talent.  With little to hide behind, the girls had to rely on their intensity and vulnerability to carry them through.  Although some struggled with the minimalist theme, the pictures came out beautifully.

Click to continue reading America’s Next Top Model:  The Girls Are 1940’s Pin-Ups

Gallery: America’s Next Top Model:  The Girls Are 1940’s Pin-Ups

But Can They Sing?For those of you who thought But Can They Sing? would be a sufficient diversion until the return of Dancing With The Stars – you were wrong.  And we were wrong.  I know I said in my previous entry that I would be “so all over that,” and I was.  And I am.  I’m sooo all over that.

Both shows have lower rung entertainers stepping out of their elements while trying to revive their careers, but the similarities end there.  I had high hopes for the show from the first time I heard about it—but in hindsight, I should have known better.  Why should you not watch?  Let us present our case:

Click to continue reading But Can They Sing?: NO

Gallery: But Can They Sing?: NO


After seeing the end of this week’s episode, one has to wonder:  did Mark Burnett and Donald Trump consciously make a decision to shake things up a bit?  Or were they getting just as tired of this show as many of us are now and wanted it to end quickly?  Ironically, if all the episodes were as exciting as this one—more people would probably start watching again.

Disappointed in Capital Edge’s continual losses, Trump asks for a reshuffling of the teams.  As project leader for the women, Alla gives up Rebecca, Jennifer and Marshawn to the other team.  What—Marshawn?? What the heck has she ever done wrong? Did she call you out on something stupid?  In exchange, Capital Edge gained Adam, Clay and Markus from the Excel.

The focus of this week’s challenge would revolve around sporting goods.  The teams are told they would be working with Dick’s Sporting Goods to create an interactive event focusing on one particular sport. The goal of the task would be to generate the most revenue.  NOTE TO PROJECT MANAGERS:  Someone will inevitably forget what the goal of the task is. Repeat after me—sales revenue.

Click to continue reading The Apprentice: Dick’s Sporting Goods

Gallery: The Apprentice: Dick’s Sporting Goods

Simon CowellAre you a fan of Simon Cowell but have been told that you cannot sing?  Have you secretly hoped that he would insult you just so you could fire back? Well here’s another way for you to get close to the body behind the famous man-boobs:  invent him something.  The man who made American Idol what it is today (admit it—that show would be nothing without him,) and created that barely-noticed show “Cupid” has another trick up his sleeve:  he wants to find…the next greatest American inventor??  Apparently one can only take so many bad renditions of ‘I Believe I Can Fly’ before they are forced to find a back up job.

Finalists will each receive $50,000 to create their project with the eventual winner receiving $1 million.  Those interested will have eight opportunities to present their ideas.  Auditions will start November 14 in Los Angeles and will move on to seven other cities.

Read the following press release for more info.

Click to continue reading Simon Cowell Is Calling Out All American Inventors

Gallery: Simon Cowell Is Calling Out All American Inventors
