American Idol 5: The Finals - Week 7

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Features,
So now we’re down to the Final Six and about to witness a side of the contestants that we may not have wanted to see—their romantic, mushy sides. Were the finalists up to delivering the Greatest Love Songs of All Time? Or would they simply end up performing their swan songs? Read on!
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Go-Go Get Your Bangles: Here Comes America’s Next Top Girl Band!
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Music, Prime Time, Reality, Talent, The CW,
Move over, American Idol. There’s serious girl power in the room. Kathy Valentine and Charlotte Caffey of the Go-Gos and Susanna Hoffs and Vicki Peterson of the Bangles fame are rockin’ out a new reality show for the CW’s first season. These women, members of the wildly popular—at least in the 1980s—‘girl bands’ the Go-Gos and the Bangles, are searching for women who know how to rock. And singing isn’t enough. Unlike the
neophytes on American Idol, these contestants will have to know how to play an instrument, too. Now that’s reality!
The project began as a passion of Kathy Valentine’s, who lamented the lack of women rockers today. (We hear ya, Kathy!) With three more powerful gal musicians aboard, the show’s concept developed and is already promising to be a hit.
“Basically, we believe there are amazing female artists out there waiting for the opportunity to find each other,” Hoffs said. “We’re looking to find them and then be their fairy godmothers.”
Are you a rock-n-roll Cinderella in need of such a fairy godmother? Then get going! The music world needs you…and so does TV.
Read More | Variety
Gallery: Go-Go Get Your Bangles: Here Comes America’s Next Top Girl Band!
Get Addicted: VH1 And The Sundance Channel Launch ‘Drug Years’
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Music, Reality, Specials, Cable, Talent, News,
With a name that intriguing, how can you resist tuning in? VH1 and the indie Sundance Channel have teamed together to produce a four-part documentary entitled Drug Years that examines the use of illegal drugs, and what that has meant for society.
The documentary reaches back to ancient times—all the way to the 1950s—to find stories and real life footage of the drug scene and its inhabitants. What do you want to bet some musicians and television stars are included along the way? The documentary will include interviews with notable celebrities and law enforcement officials including Ice-T, John Mellencamp, and Tommy Chong (he of the marijuana-loving Cheech and Chong fame.)
The documentary begins June 12 on VH1, with repeats airing on the Sundance Channel. Go here for complete details and episode listings.
Education and entertainment all in one - this definitely looks like a documentary worth your time.
Gallery: Get Addicted: VH1 And The Sundance Channel Launch ‘Drug Years’
Looking For The Perfect Woman? Be The Next Bachelor!
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Prime Time, Reality, ABC, News,
ABC is searching the country for the newest star of its popular reality series The Bachelor. The ‘Bachelor’ in question has the difficult but enviable task of seeking his perfect mate among 25 lovely ladies. Are you up to the challenge?
If so, be sure to go here for complete casting call information. But be wary: the show’s demands for the perfect Bachelor are quite demanding. In order to even be considered, you must be: an attractive, single 28-35 year-old accomplished CEO, architect, lawyer, entrepreneur or businessman and think you can handle twenty-five beautiful women.
Wow, and you thought women had a hard time pleasing society!
Gallery: Looking For The Perfect Woman? Be The Next Bachelor!
Rod Stewart To Appear On American Idol
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Music, Prime Time, Reality, FOX, American Idol, Talent,
If ya think he’s sexy, and ya want his body… then don’t miss American Idol this week! Grammy Award winner, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member, and all-around musical sensation Rod Stewart will be the guest musician on the popular reality show this week, continuing the show’s tradition of including stars their demographic has never heard of (Just ask your mom, kids! She’ll explain.)
Rod Stewart has produced so many great hits, perhaps it will impossible for the American Idol contestants to give lackluster performances this time around. We hope. This season has had rather blah performances so far, but maybe this musical deity, armed with his Great American Songbook collection, will change that. Here’s hoping!
(You can find all the American Idol 5 posts here.)
Read More | Market Wire
Gallery: Rod Stewart To Appear On American Idol
Be The Next Mistress Of The Dark: Elvira Presents A New Reality Series
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Reality, Sci-Fi/Horror, Talent, News,
Elvira, Mistress of the Dark for the past 25(!) years, has always been known for her quirky sense of humor and ample assets. No doubt long-time television viewers remember her from her stints on USA: Up All Night and scores of Halloween specials.
Truly scary news has emerged: Elvira is retiring. Seems like Cassandra Peterson is weary of her alter ego, but there is a bit of bright news, as Elvira will live on. She’ll just look a little different. This is the idea behind a new, yet untitled, reality show in the works - contestants will compete in a series of strange, horror-ible elimination rounds, all vying to fill the Dark Mistress’s shoes.
Word is, the contestants will be required to sleep in coffins (yikes!) and inhabit scary sets. Although the spooky elements are there, producers promise the show will boast Elvira’s trademark humor, too. And it doesn’t end there - producers hope to parlay the show’s potential success into an Elvira-themed movie and cartoon. Well, why not? Elvira is hard to resist!
Read More | ABC News
Gallery: Be The Next Mistress Of The Dark: Elvira Presents A New Reality Series
Queen Says: American Idol Is Fake!
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Music, Reality, FOX, American Idol, News,
The highlight of this week’s American Idol was the apparent friction between teen heartthrob Ace Young and Queen member Brian May. The friction appeared so confrontational, in fact, that many viewers let Brian May know of their displeasure. And now Brian May is letting the world know that he’s not gonna take it any more.
Brian wrote in his personal blog that the apparent Ace-hatred never happened the way it was shown - it was a result of ‘creative editing.’ He criticizes the way American Idol producers seize anything the least bit negative and blow it out of proportion…while apparently enjoying their evil deeds. Brian also stressed that he and Ace got along great, and that Ace did an excellent job with the song.
Gee, who would have ever guessed that reality TV isn’t…real?
(You can find all the American Idol 5 posts here.)
Gallery: Queen Says: American Idol Is Fake!
MTV Develops Skateboarding Reality Show
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Music, Reality, Sports, Cable, Talent, News,
The channel known for its trendy programming has jumped on the latest craze: skateboarding. Okay, skateboarding has been a craze for 30 years, but it has enjoyed renewed popularity thanks to movies like Lords of Dogtown. And it seems like nearly half of MTV’s Made stars want to be skateboarders.
With the popularity of the sport on their side, MTV will likely have another hit. The show is yet untitled, and will star skateboarding sensation Rob Dyrdek and Christopher “Big Black” Boykin, Dyrdek’s friend and bodyguard. Dyrdek promises, …the world doesn’t know what it’s in for.”
Actually, Dyrdek, considering the glut of MTV reality shows we’ve been subjected to over the years, I imagine the world has a pretty good idea.
Read More | Seattle P-I
Gallery: MTV Develops Skateboarding Reality Show
Will Richard Hatch ‘Survive’ Prison?
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Reality, CBS, Survivor, News,
Richard Hatch, notorious winner of popular reality show Survivor’s first season, has found himself in a bit of jam: jammed in behind bars, in fact, possibly with a hulking cellmate named Tiny.
Hatch is facing up to 13 years in prison for not paying his taxes, primarily taxes on the $1,000,000 he won on Survivor; pretty stupid, considering the entire television-viewing world knew he had it. IRS agents watch TV, don’t they? In a move worthy of the best big-headed celebrities, Hatch demanded protective custody until his hearing on April 25. Do you think his cellmates will find him as obnoxious as we did?
Read More | TV Fodder
Gallery: Will Richard Hatch ‘Survive’ Prison?
‘Big Brother’: The New ‘Surreal Life’?
Posted by Rhys Alexander Categories: Reality, CBS, Talent, News,
Whether it’s because of dwindling ratings or simply boredom, the producers of the long-running reality show Big Brother are ditching the ‘normal’ folks and casting celebrities for the next season. Well, semi-celebrities, anyhow. Much like VH1’s washed-up former star series The Surreal Life, and MTV’s Real World/Road Rules Challenge, Big Brother will lock a bunch of former contestants together and watch the drama unfold.
The show has been re-titled: Big Brother: All-Stars, and producers promise that viewers will be able to interact with the contestants more than ever before. Is this a good move? Will this improve your interest in the show, or should Big Brother bow out gracefully?
Read More | E! Online
Gallery: ‘Big Brother’: The New ‘Surreal Life’?
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