On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Now that the first episode of The Hills has been aired it’s obvious that Heidi will need to make some major lifestyle changes. On the show the party-girl told her college adviser that she didn’t learn anything in high school. Who tells their college adviser that regardless of whether or not it’s true!? As if things could not get worse after revealing that little fact, Heidi also led her adviser to believe that she has unrealistic goals and is not very interested in doing any work. College can be a lot harder then it seems and Heidi will need to work more then she ever has in order to be successful at her public relations major. Does Heidi really care enough to make the effort, or are her dreams of life in Los Angeles just simply a fantasy?

Gallery: The Hills:  Will Heidi Survive L.A.?


Project Runway Looks like another sexy season of Bravo’s hit show “Project Runway” is just around the corner. It’s time to get out those cutting shears and soup up your sewing skills for the July 12th premiere. Rumor has it, some changes are on the way for this season’s series including a change of venue. Seems to me as long as the cast of designing misfits stay as interesting as the past two seasons (oh Santino how I miss you), they could film this thing in a tent in Fiji and I would still be hooked. Sort of “Lost” meets “Project Runway”. Now that’d be some television…

Gallery: Project Runway: Season Three On The Horizon

Shalom in the HomeDr Phil better get out his “A-Game” because new television therapist Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is red hot right now and moving up in the ratings with TLC’s Shalom in the Home. It’s good stuff.  Rabbi Shmuley is not made for TV therapist.  He’ll tell you like he sees it - but not in the Dr. Phil type of way.  He’s an Oxford-trained theologian and philosopher who’s written a dozen-plus books on relationships and families and counseled thousands of people through all of life’s challenges. The show now has video podcasts available for your “Oy-Pod.”

Here are some of his Shmuleyisms:

  • You can’t be a good parent without being a good spouse.
  • There are two kinds of parental love: the love you give your kids, and the love you give your spouse. Kids with loving spouses grow up believing in romantic love.
  • It’s your kid’s job to resist. It’s your job to impose your will.
  • Good discipline is just another form of love.
  • Ten percent of life is what happens; the other 90 percent is what you do about it.
  • Many of us parent out of fear - fear of alienating our kids, fear of making the wrong choice - but fear never leads to the right destination.
  • You cannot fix your children without also fixing yourself.

Shalom in the Home airs Mondays at 10 ET/PT on TLC. They’re also looking for families to be on future episodes.  You can find an application on the Shalom in the Home Web site.

Read More | Shalom in the Home

Gallery: Shalom in the Home Wants Your Home

Kathy Griffin As a long time fan of Ms. Griffin’s I’m looking forward to June 6th when Bravo will unveil another fresh and frisky season of Kathy’s usual dirt dishing adventures. I have a particular fondness for the way she finds a humorous, yet biting way, to oust and joust her C-List and higher celebs.  This season however promises to have a more focused purpose. Looks like our Ms. Griffin has made an impassioned plea to upgrade and elevate herself from the ranks of a lowly D to what, I can only imagine, she views as a more promising C.  But with this plea comes in return an impassioned and pleaful reply of my own to our funny girl.

Does Queen of the D understand what she might be in for if she jumps rank? Gone will be the days of second-class accommodations and reporting from the press bridge on the E! Network (which ok, I can see the benefit in leaving that behind…) but with the pros come the cons. The cons could include bike chases down Sunset and poorly crafted lies about her on the cover of rag mags statewide (afterall we’re still talking only C List here). Now I’m not saying that Ms. Griffin can’t handle herself, or that she is not long over due for a celeb list promotion. I’m just asking the question; does she really understand what she’s in for? With her fan base growing and her visibility bringing her, well, more visibility, I have a feeling it won’t be long before Ms Griffin climbs the Celeb List rankings on her own. She won’t need any impassioned pleas or PR gags. And it will be interesting to see, when that time comes, if she dedicates the next season to getting herself back on the D List. Besides, does she really want to be seated at award tables with Tom Cruise and Gwen Paltrow? Although, on second thought, that would make one hell of an episode.

Gallery: Kathy Griffin: Freedom From The D-List

The HillsThe first two seasons of the MTV reality series Laguna Beach: The Real O.C. posed the very serious moral question: Kristin or Lauren? Reality television (and yes, I use the term “reality” loosely) often forces us to choose between two pretty, but vapid blondes. Hello, Paris and Nicole. However the love triangle between Kristin Cavallari, Lauren “L.C.” Conrad, and Stephen Colletti (a guy who honestly, didn’t seem to be worth the trouble) left us a nation divided.

Those of you on the L.C. bandwagon are no doubt excited about The Hills, a Laguna Beach spin-off that follows the fashion student and her new friends through school and an internship at Teen Vogue. After having watched the premiere episode, I’m convinced that The Hills will follow Laguna Beach’s this-can’t-be-real-reality format and that’s what will keep the fans tuning in.

Both Kristin and Lauren fans alike will enjoy watching her fumbling through an internship she isn’t remotely qualified for and partying in an apartment she can’t possibly afford on her own. Oh and of course, the previews have been teasing us with the reunion of L.C. and smarmy ex-boyfriend Jason (although I’ll admit, anyone is better than whiny, undernourished Stephen at this point). I am admittedly much too old to watch a show about over-privileged teens and their antics, but something about Laguna Beach and The Hills just sucks me in. I think it’s one of those “so-bad-it’s-good” guilty pleasures that we all have. Lauren Conrad is mine.

Meanwhile, the third season of Laguna Beach, due to premiere sometime later this summer, will focus on both familiar cast members and new ones, including L.C.’s sister. I think the only question left to ask now is: what ever happened to Lo???

Gallery: The Hills: Does America Really Need a Laguna Beach Spin-Off?

Big BrotherThe summer reality television blahs are about to strike.  American Idol is over. The Amazing Race is over. Survivor is over too.  So that means back to the summer reality television standby of Big Brother will soon be here. The difference is, this summer CBS is putting the fan in the casting director’s chair.  Starting on June 21st, you can pick from a list of 20 former Big Brother All-Stars online to cast this summer’s show.  All 20 candidates will be present when Julie Chen announces the ALL-STARS participants on the season premiere,

If the true Big Brother fan that has watched it all six seasons comes out to vote for the cast of Big Brother 7 it could be the nastiest reality shows we’ve scene in sometime where true enemies in the house and outside in the days that came after their evictions square off again.  Big Brother 7 airs on CBS on Thursday, July 6th, 8PM ET/PT.

Read More | Big Brother Updates

Gallery: A New Twist To Big Brother All-Stars

Extreme MakeoverTasteful TV is back! The silly carpenter from Trading Spaces, Ty Pennington who was once just another “heart throb” is now getting hearts beating for another reason. “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” is now rated one of America’s top watched shows, quickly drawing similar ratings to “Survivor.” To get on the show, there’s an “extreme” application online from ABC.com. 

Get an Application | ABC

Gallery: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Now Casting

Simon Cowell When Simon Cowell announced late last year that he and his comrades were going to launch a great new reality TV series called “The Million Dollar Idea,” he surly didn’t bank on getting the multi-million dollar lawsuit. The title underwent a few revisions it seems. At a point it was being called “America’s Next Big Idea.” After a few magic words, it wound up being the “American Inventor,” which wound up being the “next big stinker.” Perhaps the original “inventors” whose labor of love this idea was originally, would have done a better job. Maybe it would have been more of the “feel-good TV” that our roots are yearning for. Will we ever know? Come to think of it, what happened to those days when families got together on the sofa and watched a show they could laugh together over? Come on Simon! Give us something we can feel “thumbs up” about. We’re not talking about the next “British invasion,” the one that’s popularized putdowns. We’re talking about American “family” culture. Do we really want to hear about the poor schmuck who spent his life’s savings on the “next worst” idea? We’re running out of tissues in the house. Take a breath! Walk in a pair of American made shoes. Give us some red, white, and less blue viewing. And don’t be in such a hurry to inundate our evenings with the next big hit that adulturates the other guy’s next big idea. But who knows? Soon it could be “thumbs down” for Simon Cowell. American hero extraordinaire, Steven Spielberg is getting into the reality TV act. Finally, there’s something for Simon to really “Scowell” about. Let the American invasion begin!

Read More | Reality TV Magazine

Gallery: Thumbs Down for Simon “Scowell”

Cesar Milan “Dog Whisperer,” Cesar Millan has dealt with his own boundaries, rules, and limitations like the canines he cultures in a single episode. The man with the keen pack mentality was born in Culiacan, Mexico, while a hurricane was pealing away his family’s roof. But it was Cesar’s grandfather who instilled in him an appreciation for the forces of “mother nature.” Growing up with a pack of dogs on his grandfather’s ranch gained him the mentality he practices on his hit TV show, now expanded to one hour episodes. Boundaries, rules, and limitations in his first hand experiences are dually credited for his skills that even Oprah Winfrey’s dog Sophie learned a lesson from during the broadcast of her national television program. Cesar has a program of his own. He wasn’t going to be bound by the rules and limitations of just the brief one-time special that producers offered him. He wanted a series, and he got his way. Move over “Lassie!” Cesar even has a ready made crew with his two sons and wife, Illusion who handles putting the shows together. But Cesar claims he is top dog. “In my pack, no one is number one except me,” says Cesar. He has also been known to confess that he learned the hard way how to be a sensitive spouse. His wife’s name, “Illusion,” might be apropos. She has likely set down her own boundaries, rules, and limitations for Cesar Milan. 

Read More | National Geographic

Gallery: Boundaries, Rules, and Limitations for Cesar Milan

Description I have to believe I’m not the only one going through ANTM withdrawal. With frenzied excitement, each week I’d sit on the edge of my futon watching another walk-off, model-off episode. But now with the winner declared (go Tiffany, ain’t nothin’ wrong with a lil’ gap my southern friend!) my high has crashed. Oh, I’ve tried to get my Tyra fix filled by watching her daily talk show, but it’s a poor substitute. Nothing hits the spot like watching wanna-be glamazons pose from rafters and trying to make it to go-sees in a country few people can even pronounce. As a five foot nothing woman who hasn’t seen the age of twenty-five in ten years, I can only live vicariously through these gals. So, when the season ends so does my pseudo model life. So until next season, I’ll just have to sit patiently, biding my time and checking the listings for VH1’s next AMTM marathon.

Gallery: America’s Next Top Model: Where Have You Gone?
