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LOST LOST fans won’t have to wait for fall to come up with new theories! The Lost random theory generator lets fans view a theory about the future of the show. If you don’t like it? Just refresh and get a new one!

Think of all the things you can conjure up—who are the Others?  Who is good?  Bad?  Why did the plane crash?  What do those numbers mean?

Sure, it’s completely random and meaningless, but that’s half the fun.

Chances are, it’ll make just about as much sense as the show does.

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Gallery: LOST Theory Generator


LOSTNow here’s one I love – all of the Lost theories organized on one site. I’ve spent countless hours of my life searching the Internet for clues and speculations to make sense of the mysteries surrounding Lost. There are a multitude of sites out there, as well as message boards where anyone and everyone sounds off on their latest idea. According to the Lost-Theories.com site, speculation is organized by associating theories with characters, events, themes, location, and even other theories. Visitors can even rate the theories for overall rating, creativity rating and likelihood rating. Honestly…how do people find the time?

Read More | Lost-Theories.com

Gallery: Lost Theories – Now Organized for Your Enjoyment

Hurley on LostJorge Garcia, who plays Hugo “Hurley” Reyes on the ABC show Lost, has just reportedly signed a deal to appear in a movie.  Garcia will playing alongside Danny DeVito and Matthew Broderick in the holiday movie Deck The HallsUnited Press International reports that Garcia’s character will be “a colorful character in town who is constantly bothering Broderick’s character.”  It sounds like the feel good holiday movie or one that’s been done a thousand times before.  Garcia has two movies on his resume: The Good Humor Man and Little Athens

Gallery: Jorge Garcia Heading To The Big Screen

Either she received a dose of celebrity favoritism or she is the luckiest dog on Earth.  Either way, Michelle Rodriguez is out of jail much earlier than expected.  Watch out on those roads!  Despite being ordered by a California judge to 60 days in jail for a probation violation—she was released early against prosecutors’ wishes.  Apparently she wasn’t deemed violent enough to be worthy of valuable jail space.  Hello—have they seen Girlfight?  But seriously, why would they even bother letting her spend a measly 4 hours and 20 minutes in jail only to be let go??  Well, I guess in Lost time, that would probably equate to at least a week…

Gallery: A Get Out of Jail Free Card for Michelle Rodriguez

As if dying on TV wasn’t enough, Lost’s Michelle Rodriguez has found herself in a real-life version of purgatory.  She’s found herself in jail.  Again.  Having recently completed a short stint in Hawaii for a DUI, Rodriguez will soon be returning to familiar territory—this time on the mainland.  Seems her trouble with the Hawaiian police force was in violation of her probation back in the States.  She should have realized that her high-profile arrest would make news back in California.  For breaking the terms of her previous driving-related offenses, the California courts sentenced her on Monday to another sixty days in the clink (her sentence will begin no later than May 31).  Including the 48 hours she spent in the California jail back in 2004, this will now be Rodriguez’s third time behind bars.  With any luck, maybe she can have a roll around in the hay with one of the prison guards so that she can steal his keys…

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Gallery: More Jail Time for Lost’s Michelle Rodriguez

Lost StreamingEarlier today ABC launched an online interface, allowing you to stream spisodes of popular ABC shows directly within your web browser. Shows like Lost, Desperate Housewives, Alias, and Commander-in-Chief are all ready to be consumed at your leisure. The shows feature limited advertising, which include four thirty-second spots within each episode. The shows are updated weekly, and will be available from May 1-June 30 as part of an initial trial period.

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Gallery: ABC Launches Free Internet Episode Streaming


Perhaps she’s selfish. Or maybe she’s taking this ‘bad girl’ thing too far. Whatever the reason, Michelle Rodriguez, who plays tough chick and (ironically) ex-cop Ana Lucia on ABC’s Lost, has chosen jail over community service.

Rodriguez was cited for drunk driving in December 2005, just minutes before her co-star Cynthia Watros (Libby) received the same treatment. After enjoying the bars together, the women were left to enjoy some breathalyzer tests. They both failed and received DUI citations. Tsk, tsk.

Rodriguez seemed nonchalant about her decision to don some prison garb: “I kind of have to get back to my life, go back to making some money.” Of course, it wouldn’t do for this Girlfight-er to appear scared of a wimpy little thing like jail.

This news set off a fresh buzz of gossip among fans concerning the possible elimination of Rodriguez’s character, just a week after similar rumors erupted over Watros’ character. Neither the demise of Ana Lucia or Libby seems certain, but it does make you wonder if maybe the women should’ve left the partying on the island.

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Gallery: Lost’s Michelle Rodriguez Is Going To Jail

Lost Game

ABC has high ambitions: they claim that an online game version of Lost will be “the largest interactive game ever based on a TV show.” Considering the popularity of the mystery-laden drama, this seems entirely possible.

The game is entitled The Lost Experience and will feature a bonus storyline not seen on the show. Intriguing! Viewers will become detectives, collecting clues such as important telephone numbers along the way. As the show airs around the world,  each geographical location will receive different clues. Producers promise that anyone can play, even those viewers completely new to the show.

The first clue will air May 3rd, so pay special attention to the episode. Even though we lose patience with the sloooow build-up of Lost at times, there’s no denying this game sounds like a blast. Will you be playing?

Read More | ABC News

Gallery: Can’t Get Enough Of ‘Lost?’ Play The Game!

Ana Lucia LostOkay - of all the revelations in tonight’s episode, there was one thing in particular that really got to me.  And no—it wasn’t about Sun’s big secret. Thought that was a doozy. Early in the episode, I had a Different Strokes moment when I caught myself saying: “What chu talkin’ about, Ana Lucia?”  At first I wasn’t sure if I heard her correctly, but thanks to the power of rewind I was certain.  Remember that first conversation between Ana Lucia and Locke?  She said “We’ve been here over a week and you’ve barely spoken two words to me” (or something like that).  “We’ve been here over a week.”

Just over a week?  Are you kidding me?  It’s only been that long?  Let’s recap a sampling of the events that have happened since the arrival of the Tailies:

  • Mr. Eko gave Locke a portion of the film reel
  • Mr. Eko baptized Claire’s baby
  • Psychotherapist Libby helped Claire with her memory
  • Libby flirted with Hurley in the laundry room
  • Sun was grabbed (by Charlie) in the jungle…Ana Lucia was fingered as a suspect. 
  • A mystery man was found in the jungle

And let’s just remind you—this was just a sampling.  I must say though, this does help to explain their lack of hair growth…

Gallery: LOST: It’s A Question of Time

You know that the summer is fast-approaching when ABC is already announcing their big finales.  Make sure to adjust your Tivos—most of these season-enders are two hours long:

GREY’S ANATOMY:  May 14th and May 15th
INVASION: May 17th
ALIAS: May 22nd (Series finale)
LOST: May 24th

Gallery: ABC Season Finales
