On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Lost  Have you ever wondered how Hurley manages to keep up his weight despite being on a ‘deserted’ island?  Well, now you can sample what he’s been eating.

In an attempt to keep up the intrigue about the show, the promoters of Lost are now giving out the infamous ‘Apollo’ chocolate bars.  A.K.A. the candy left behind by the Hanso Foundation.

If you’re lucky enough to be in Seattle or New York this Thursday—you might be able to snatch up one of the limited few.

Read More | Apollo Candy

Gallery: Eat A Piece of Lost


CBS logo CBS will soon be adding full-length episodes of prime-time series this fall. Did I mention they’ll be free? CBS’ broadband channel, Innertube, launched in May on their website. Beginning in September, CSI (all three varieties), Survivor, NCIS, Numb3rs, and Jericho will be available on Inntertube the day after they are aired on the network. Each will be available for four weeks, with the exception of Jericho and Survivor, which will be available all season. Larry Kramer, president of CBS Digital Media, said that it will “further help us extend the reach of the CBS brand [and] provides a new avenue for advertisers to engage with our programming, which in turn creates a new source of revenue for our company.” Commercial-free versions of CBS’ shows are also available at iTunes for $1.99 per episode. You may recall that ABC first started offering free episodes of Lost and Desperate Housewives last season—this was an initial test to see how much interest the downloads would generate.

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Gallery: CBS Will Offer Full-Length Episodes on Innertube

Elizabeth MitchellElizabeth Mitchell is joining Lost as a potential new love interest for Jack (played by Matthew Fox). Mitchell was Kerry Weaver’s girlfriend on ER, and interestingly enough, the lesbian lover to Angelina Jolie’s Gia. Mitchell will play Juliet, who has the potential to upset the previous Jack-Kate-Sawyer love triangle that was established in the first two seasons of the series. According to Carlton Cuse, Lost executive producer, “I wouldn’t call [Season 3] the season of sex, but I will say that romance will play a much more active part of the show this year.” It’s unclear as to whether Mitchell’s character will be on the island, part of a flashback, or in the parallel “real world” that the show is starting to reveal. And still, there is one more casting announcement yet to be made, as Cuse previously said that three new people would be joining the cast (we previously mentioned the casting of Rodrigo Santoro).

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Gallery: Another New Lost Cast Member Promises Romance

Lost Numbers Rodrigo Santoro, seen opposite Laura Linney in Love, Actually and Demi Moore in Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle, will be joining the cast of Lost. Of course, as with all things related to Lost, there are no details about whether he will be one of The Others, part of a flashback, or a new character to be featured on life off of the island. According to show producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, “We don’t really want to be at all specific about what we’re doing with the character or what he’s going to play. Part of the surprise and the enjoyment of watching the show is sort of getting a chance to meet a new character and see how his role is going to unfold in relation to the rest of the cast.” One thing is for sure –- another shirtless hunk in the cast can’t hurt.

In other Lost news, the online interactive game—The Lost Experience—will reveal the importance of Hurley’s lottery numbers that pop up in every episode. Those online gamers who get through the third phase of the game will reveal the mystery of the numbers.

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Gallery: Hunky New Cast Member Joins Lost

Hurley_Lost At Comic-Con on Saturday, 4,000 Lost fans got a sneak peek at The Lost Diaries, a series of mobile phone episodes for diehard Losties. The “mobisodes” are a result of Hurley finding a video camera on the island and filming his experience. Lost creators hope to film 13 two-minute mobisodes on Verizon this fall, but according to executive producer Damon Lindelof, “It has been hard to get it off the ground, because we don’t want them to be ... lame.”

Season 3, premiering on October 4th, will certainly not disappoint. As mentioned in a previoius post on TV Envy, the series will be split into two chunks to eliminate reruns. Executive producer Carlton Cuse teased that the episodes “will look a little like a miniseries,” with Lindelof adding, “Something happens midway through the year that will fry everybody’s brain.” Other juicy tidbits:

  • J.J. Abrams will co-write the premiere, titled “A Tale of Two Cities,” and may direct the first episode following the break.
  • Kate (Evangeline Lilly) is promised to have a romantic involvement within the first six episodes.
  • Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick), the man in the hatch, will be back (that was a big unanswered question from the season ending).
  • The show will include more information about The Others’ history and identities (and certainly will introduce new questions).
  • The writers will focus more on the characters off of the island. Cuse promises, “We’re laying the seeds for a whole new element.”

Read More | USA Today

Gallery: Lost Diaries, Upcoming Season Info

Desperate Housewives ABC Entertainment president Stephen McPherson promises that the upcoming seasons of Desperate Housewives and Lost won’t disappoint. Speaking to Housewives, he said that series’ creator Marc Cherry has “taken over 100 percent of the show-running and that’s been a terrific change. The early scripts and the storylines and the arcs and the mystery, I think, are a lot stronger from the get-go next season.” I certainly hope so – season two was a major disappointment, but I hung in there in the hopes that it would improve. I stayed until the bitter end, which is more than some fans did. Here’s hoping Cherry’s involvement will keep the interesting storylines coming and character development moving along.
Lost, which has not stumbled in the least (in my opinion) on character and plot, did receive some grumbling from fans about the second season’s stop-and-start schedule. With mid-season repeats upsetting the flow, it was a frustrating wait for each new episode. McPherson says that a new scheduling plan will help – Lost begins on October 4th, then runs for six straight weeks when Day Break, a new detective drama, takes the time slot. Returning again in February, the final episodes of Lost will play uninterrupted. J.J. Abrams is also expected to increase his involvement in the series, and may even direct some episodes. Says McPherson of the scheduling, “We’ve just really listened to the audience about the repeats, and it felt like this was really the best way to run the show. It’s a very, very difficult show to produce. You know, if we could run 22 straight in the fall, we probably would. But we just can’t get the shows done in that amount of time.”

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Gallery: ABC Fixes Lost, Desperate Housewives

Best and WorstIn a recent edition of Broadcasting & Cable, the trade magazine presented a list of the Best Shows on TV for the 2005-06 season.  The 2nd annual poll, based on the views of 111 critics, didn’t reveal many shocking choices overall…but does give much love to some underappreciated gems.  Let’s see how your choices compare:



Gold:  Lost (ABC)—Really not much of a surprise on any of these choices.  It’s only shocking to remember that Lost is the only one of these three to be shut out of the Best Drama category for the upcoming Emmys.
Silver:  24 (FOX)
Bronze:  The Sopranos (HBO)

Gold:  The Office (NBC)
Silver:  My Name is Earl (NBC)
Bronze:  Scrubs (NBC)—Woo hoo!  Even if NBC doesn’t respect the comedic gem enough to give it a regular time slot (and a fall start), it’s reassuring to know that the show is still being noticed.

Gold:  American Idol (FOX)
Silver:  The Amazing Race (CBS)Race may not be able to compete against Idol in the ratings department, but it still wins in my heart.  No popularity contests here.  The prize goes to those who simply stick it out.
Bronze:  Project Runway (Bravo)—Heidi Klum has it all.  Good looks, two cute kids, a sexy husband—and now a highly respected show.  I hate her.  I may enjoy watching her show..but I still hate her.

Gold:  My Name is Earl (NBC)
Silver:  Prison Break (FOX)
Bronze:  Big Love (HBO)—Although I’m personally obsessed with polygamy-based stories, I feared the subject might be too taboo for the average audience.  Regardless of the subject matter, this show has been a hoot to watch..and it doesn’t hurt that Bill Paxton is still quite easy on the eyes.  No wonder three women want to bear his children.

Gold:  Unan1mous (FOX)
Silver:  The War at Home (FOX)
Bronze:  The Apprentice (NBC)—While I will have to admit that my interest in this show has waned over the past year or so, I don’t think it’s one of the worst shows out there.  But if Donald continues to make creepy remarks about the attractive females on his show, I may have to call the FCC myself.

Gold:  BBC America
Silver:  FX
Bronze:  The N—- Degrassi, Degrassi, Degrassi.  I’ve said it before and I will say it again.  The N is home to the best drama for teens…ever.

Gold:  Coverage of Hurricane Katrina
Silver:  Uncle Junior shoots Tony on The Sopranos (HBO)
Bronze:  Michael shoots Ana-Lucia and Libby on Lost (ABC)—I admit, I don’t watch The Sopranos so I may be a bit biased here.  But Michael shot two people.  That should definitely earn him a higher medal than Uncle Junior.  I dare say Michael even deserves the gold, but he can’t compete with Nature.

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Gallery: The Best (and Worst) Shows of 2005-06

Lost There have been some rumors swirling that Lost creator Damon Lindelof plans to end the series with a movie. Cinematical reports that Lindelof is “simply throwing the idea out there as something he’s really interested in doing.” So, nothing confirmed yet, but he has discussed that he would like to do five seasons, then release a movie to wrap up the whole series. Lindelof explained that it would prevent the ABC network from extending the show for years longer than it should run.

Fans should welcome the idea, but I’m sure others will think it’s just another way for the Lost folks to make even more money. We’ll have to wait and see if this rumor ever sees the light of day. For now, I’ll just keep wasting my life on the Internet trying to make sense of all the Lost theories.

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Gallery: Let the Rumors Begin – Possible Lost Movie Planned

Grey's Anatomy Bright and early this morning, the Emmy nominations were announced from Hollywood. There’s certainly an interesting mix this time around with the change in nomination procedures – you’ll notice no mention of Lost in the major categories and none of the leading ladies of Desperate Housewives. Here are the major categories:

Best Drama
Grey’s Anatomy
The Sopranos
The West Wing

Best Comedy
Arrested Development
Two and a Half Men
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Office

Click to continue reading Emmy Nominations Announced

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Gallery: Emmy Nominations Announced

LOST Next season ABC’s hit show LOST will include more sex and romance, according to executive producer Carlton Cuse. “I am promising sex and hopefully it will be gratuitous,” he said.

He also confirmed that three new characters would be added to the mix.

Ok, seriously? Where are these people coming from? They are on an island. How do they keep finding new people and still not get rescued?

Read More | Digital Spy

Gallery: LOST Gets Sexier
