On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Last night, we saw a good match between NBC and CBS.  Although the Peacock network was a winner with the viewers, the Eye network snagged the title for the demos.

Howie Mandel

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Gallery: Thursday Ratings: NCAA Scores for CBS


How I Met Your Mother

(You can view TV Envy’s Post-Strike Television Schedule here.)


MONDAY (3/17)
  • Dancing with the Stars (ABC, 8pm):  Tonight’s Season 6 premiere focuses only on the men.  I think it’s safe to say Julianne Hough won’t be making it a three-peat with .
  • The Big Bang Theory (CBS, 8pm):  New episode.  “Sheldon and Leonard are asked to a physics conference to present their work together.”  I’ve always wondered - if this show were to air on any other day, would it be half as successful?
  • How I Met Your Mother (CBS, 8:30):  New episode.  “Ted decides to live life like Barney on St. Patrick’s Day.”  You don’t want to know what they use as their lucky charms.
  • Two and a Half Men (CBS, 9pm):  New episode.  “Charlie teaches Alan how to break up with a woman.”  I hear hiring prostitutes can make a woman leave you.
  • The Bachelor (ABC, 9:30):  Season 12 premiere.  “Bachelor Matt Grant, a 27-year-old British financier, meets his 25 would-be soul mates.”  Apparently in America, you can finally afford to woo twice as many women as you can in the UK.

Click to continue reading This Week on TV (3/17-3/23)

Gallery: This Week on TV (3/17-3/23)

Despite two hours of repeats, CBS was able to step up and take the night back from FOX.


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Gallery: Thursday Ratings: CBS Wins the Idol-Free Night

In only its second outing, New Amsterdam saw a 20% decline.  Despite the great lead-in, the FOX series couldn’t compete against Lost.


  • (9.3/24 in 18-49) topped the evening with 26.2 million.
  • (12.6 million, 4.0/10) was on track with last Thursday.
  • * (5.5 million, 1.9/5) saw a 300,000 bump.
  • * (4.1 million, 1.8/5) was a carbon copy of last week.
  • * (2.3 million, 0.9/2) had some decent growth.

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Gallery: Thursday Ratings: New Amsterdam Already Takes a Fall

Penelope/Desmond Lost

All the valid and deliberately-schemed intricacies of aside, I really need to know what the writers were thinking when they plugged the backstory to the Desmond/Penny photo in an episode last season.

According to Dessie’s flashback/time travel, he and Penny got photographed by a street vendor in the streets of London about four seconds before breaking up and parting for the next several years.  That means that there was one Polaroid-style photo, which Desmond then folded in half and pocketed (even though Penny paid).  He held onto this photo through a few years in the military, prison, on a sailboat, locked underground on a magic island, and lazing days away on the beach, where he often unfolds and stares at it.

Click to continue reading The Mystery Lost will Never Solve

Gallery: The Mystery Lost will Never Solve

Maybe last night’s episode was a bit too confusing?  Whatever the reason, Lost is returning to old ways and starting to see declining numbers.  (Not that it would have been able to stop FOX anyway.)

Don't Forget the Lyrics8pm

  • Approximately 25.9 million said goodbye to another four on (9.1/24 in 18-49).
  • The same audience saw the same person exiled on (12.5 million, 4.2/11).
  • * (5.2 million, 1.6/4) had 200,000 wander away.
  • About 4.1 million checked in with * (1.8/5).
  • * made a showing with 1.8 million (0.7/2).

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Gallery: Thursday Ratings: Lost Continues to Slide

Lost Season 4 PosterWill it ever end? Just when you thought those crazy writers have completely divulged Desmond Hume’s (Henry Ian Cusick) storyline, they just throw a sick, twisted wrench at you. Damn them.

This week, gave us a Sayid (Naveen Andrews) and Desmond update.  They left us hanging for a few episodes, having last seen them board a helicopter bound for freedom. That helicopter managed to escape a storm on the trip back to the boat.  Unfortunately, due to a slight change in bearing and the mass amount of radiation he was exposed to, Desmond’s consciousness reverted back to 1996 when he was in the military, shortly after leaving Penny. Thankfully for all of us on the edge of our couches, Faraday and Penny were able to save our Scottish friend from a brain aneurysm.

Not many secrets were revealed this episode, other than Faraday alluding to the fact that there is either a time difference or other strange occurrence happening on the island.  (Which of course, has already become crystal clear.)  The cliffhanger this episode was confusing, although it provided reason for Faraday’s decision to join the mysterious “rescue” team.

I want to see more flash forwards, J.J.!

Gallery: Lost Throws Another Desmond Twist

ABC on demand ABC is finally getting with the program and releasing some of its hit shows like and for free to various on-demand cable systems and not just in cities where stations are owned and operated. There is just one catch: viewers won’t be able to fast-forward through the commercials.

In this case though, programming would only have two to five minutes worth of commercial time versus the usual 18 or more minutes aired during hour long programs on network TV.

ABC’s parent company says this is just another way to drive people back to network television while expanding its digital strategy beyond what is already offered on its website ABC.com. The company can also make more money by selling ads within on-demand programming.

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Associated Press

Gallery: ABC To Offer Hit Shows On-Demand… With A Catch

Men in Trees

(You can find our Post-Strike Television Schedule here.)


MONDAY (2/25)
  • A Raisin in the Sun (ABC, 8pm):  and the rest of his Broadway cast bring the play to the small screen.  I’m sorry - I believe his theater name is Sean Combs.
  • The Moment of Truth (FOX, 8pm):  Special night.  Apparently this episode is so controversial, the producers debated airing it.  Then they realized what network they were on and just went with it.
  • Welcome to the Captain (CBS, 8:30):  “Hope makes some new friends so she won’t be alone on Friday nights.” Their names?  Jack and Daniels.
  • Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious (CW, 9pm):  “The women receive a surprise visit from JC Chasez.”  They, too, are wondering why he doesn’t have anything better to do.

Click to continue reading This Week on TV (2/25-3/2)

Gallery: This Week on TV (2/25-3/2)

The introduction of American Idol’s results show changed up the Thursday landscape.  added another night to its win column.


  • (8.4/21 in 18-49) topped the evening with 23.2 million.
  • (12.5 million, 4.0/10) saw 600,000 viewers eliminated.
  • * (1.7/4) kicked off ABC’s evening with 5.5 million.
  • * (4.5 million, 1.7/4) provided a little comedy to the hour.
  • * (1.0/3) brought 2.6 million to Smallville’s usual slot.

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