On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

DegrassiI remember as young child without access to cable, I would endlessly flip through the few TV channels that I had.  Such determination mixed with boredom introduced my uncultured mind to a world of things, including a foreign channel called CBC.  Thanks to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, I was introduced to endless Bryan Adams videos, unheard of artists like Alison Moyet and most importantly - Degrassi Junior High.

I devoured every Degrassi episode that I could catch.  It was unlike anything I had ever seen on American television.  It was like watching an After School Special every single week. Although I can’t specifically remember all the issues covered during that time (c’mon - that was 1987), I always remembered the episode when the female character, Spike, found out she was pregnant.  She was in junior high!  As someone also in junior high at that time, I was completely stunned to realize that things like that could happen to young pups like me.  Could someone I know also get pregnant anytime soon—or was this just a Canadian thing??  Didn’t this only happen to bad girls in high school?  Now teenage pregnancy may seem like a pretty cliche plot line these days, but this was groundbreaking material at the time, and it was something that was definitely not sugar-coated.

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Alias: The Shed

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Drama, ABC, Alias,

Alias: The ShedOkay, is it just me—or did Jennifer Garner gain like 20 lbs. since the last episode?  No matter how much she’s gained, I’m apparently the only one who’s noticed because it doesn’t seem to stop her own father from assigning her to risky missions.  Unless, of course, he secretly wants her to miscarry Vaughn’s love-child.  After all, Jack does know first-hand how hard it is to raise a child in this business.

Well, even if Jack Bristow doesn’t recognize Sydney’s limitations, JJ Abrams apparently did, which is why he added another 100+ lbs. to Sydney’s side by giving her another child to look after—a new protege.  While we can understand the introduction of agent Rachel Gibson (after all, Sydney’s zombie/sister is currently of no help to her,) her introduction has been lackluster.  I mean, was it really necessary for them to give her the exact same back story as Sydney’s?  Methinks this is JJ Abrams’ lazy way of plotting out the show beyond this year.  Should Jennifer Garner fail to return post-baby, the producers could just start the show all over again - with the same heroine!  And with the introduction of the new SD-6 clone, The Shed, they could retool the same plot lines as well.

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Michael J. FoxAlex P. Keaton fans—you are in luck!  While you won’t see Elyse, Mallory, Steven, Jennifer and Alex in a reunion episode anytime soon, fans of Michael J. Fox’s work will get to see him again on TV very soon. As we all know, sightings of Michael J. Fox have been rare since he announced being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, but despite his lack of airtime in recent years, Fox proved that he never lost his comedic touch when he appeared on several episodes of Scrubs back in 2004. This time around, Michael J. Fox will sidestep over to a different network and make a three-episode appearance on ABC’s Boston Legal.  Fans should plan on seeing him in December and January as a businessman who has been diagnosed with ANOTHER disease — lung cancer.

Now speaking of returns I can’t wait to see, when the heck is Scrubs coming back?

Gallery: Michael J. Fox Returns to TV
