On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

James CaanWow, two posts about Las Vegas in two days… and I’ve never even seen the show. Yesterday, we reported that Las Vegas had been renewed for a fifth season. The big news today is that two of the stars, James Caan and Nikki Cox, will be leaving the series. Caan is bailing so that he can get back to the movie business; Cox is leaving because of budget cuts. From what I’m reading online, seems that many feel the show can’t go long with Caan’s absence. He is really the heart of the ensemble and the show will be weaker without him. As for Cox, I haven’t seen much outcry over her leaving the series, so I guess the other women are more than easy on the eyes to fill Nikki Cox’s void. Caan commented on his first venture into television, saying, “I’ve had a wonderful four years, worked with great people and made friends for life working on Las Vegas, but I’m eager to return to where my heart is, which is film, and due to the show’s schedule, I missed some great opportunities to do that. I wish the show and everyone involved with it continued success.” Makes you wonder what roles he had to pass on, doesn’t it?

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Gallery: Las Vegas Loses Two Main Players


Las VegasLas Vegas seems like one of those shows that just floats by, quietly… and the next thing you know, it’s in its fifth season! I feel like I must have dozed off during a couple of seasons in there, because I had no idea that it had been on that long. Now I realize, just because I don’t watch it, doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of viewers out there. In fact, about 9 million viewers tune in each week. The renewal will put Las Vegas into the 2007-08 season, leading to the 100 episode mark, which translates to syndication. According to Kevin Reilly, NBC Entertainment Chief, “The cast and producers have consistently given us what we want from Las Vegas—pure entertainment—and we’re looking forward to another fun ride next season with the show.” The last episode for this season airs March 9th.

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Gallery: Las Vegas Signed on for Fifth Season

American Idol losing ratings? America’s most-watched reality show may be losing some of its appeal – or, at the very least, some of its viewers. Last year’s season of American Idol drew record numbers, some nights bringing in thirty million viewers or more. This year…well, the ratings are a little lower. Idol is still definitely on top even with a paltry seventeen million viewers, but the FOX hit is just barely the most popular show. Coming in at a too-close second is , the runaway CBS hit that has everyone talking and watching. Though American Idol and Grey’s Anatomy air at different times, the scripted drama is slowly overtaking the King of reality shows. Right now, fans can still watch both – but will Grey’s go for a more direct competition next season? And if they do…will Idol still continue to win the ratings war?

(You can find all the American Idol 6 posts here.)

Gallery: Is American Idol Losing the Ratings War?

Anna PaquinHere’s one young actress who should never have a shortage of acting jobs. Anna Paquin, who started her career in the film The Piano, won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress at just 11 years old. Her roles in other films, including X-Men, have allowed viewers to watch her grow up onscreen. Now, Paquin will be coming to the small screen, in an HBO drama called True Blood. The show comes from the creator of Six Feet Under, so you can anticipate a great series. True Blood is a story of vampires, based on the book series Southern Vampire. Paquin will play Sookie Stackhouse, a mind-reading waitress. The vampires integrate into a small Louisiana town, assisted by the availability of Japanese-made synthetic blood. Paquin will also appear in HBO’s upcoming film, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.

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Gallery: Anna Paquin Signs on for HBO Series

American Idol Unauthorized will give fans a long-anticipated behind-the-scenes look at America’s favorite reality show. This documentary-style movie features little-known facts, reveals rumors, shows backstage footage, and will interview former contestants and performers on the show. Ever wondered what happened to all those AI losers? This unauthorized look at life after Reality will detail what happened to contestants that we remember fondly, and some that we don’t remember at all. The cast features names like Kimberly Caldwell, Lindsey Cardinale, Kennedy, Marilu Henner, Ed McMahaon, and Mindy Sterling. Scheduled to hit the streets for public sale in April, 2007, American Idol Unauthorized is not affiliated with American Idol or the FOX network. Will the unauthorized nature of this documentary flick gives fans even juicier secrets and surprises than FOX can offer?

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Gallery: Go Behind the Scenes of American Idol

Amanda PeetWith Amanda Peet’s character, Jordan McDeere, pregnant on Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, I almost forgot that Peet was due so soon in real life. Peet and her husband, screenwriter David Benioff, welcomed 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter Frances Pen on Tuesday. This is the couple’s first child. The Studio 60 star’s rep commented to E! News that “Amanda and her daughter are resting comfortably.” Peet and Benioff were married last fall. The question now is, when will Studio 60 return to television? With The Black Donnellys taking over the spot, it’s still unclear when Studio 60 will come back, if it does at all. This may leave many fans wondering what happens to McDeere’s little bun in the oven. There are six episodes remaining for the season, and I for one would like to know how things all turn out.

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Gallery: Amanda Peet Gives Birth

Marcia Cross Marcia Cross, of Desperate Housewives, welcomed twin girls into the world on Tuesday. Her rep told People magazine that “Mother and babies are all doing well.” Cross and husband, stockbroker Tom Mahoney, named the girls Eden and Savannah. These are the first children for both Cross and Mahoney. You may recall that Cross was put on bed rest in January, which caused but a mere wrinkle in production of the hit ABC drama. Producers for the show just brought cast and crew to Cross’s home to shoot her remaining episodes before maternity leave. The set folks transformed Cross’s bedroom into Bree Van De Kamp’s room and I don’t think viewers were any wiser about it. At the time, bed rest was recommended as a “precautionary measure,” a typical procedure for women carrying twins. No doubt her kids will be just as beautiful as their mama. I mean, she has the most amazing skin and beautiful eyes, don’t you think? At any rate, congratulations to Cross and company!

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Gallery: Desperate Housewife Marcia Cross Delivers Twins

Taye DiggsListen up ladies. If you were sad to see Taye Diggs’ series Day Break canceled, he will be returning to the small screen soon enough. And he may be sticking around longer this time. Here’s how it’s going to go down. Diggs will guest star on Grey’s Anatomy this season—in the Addison-centric episode we mentioned yesterday. This episode is the litmus to see if a spinoff series featuring Kate Walsh’s character will fly. The press is calling this a “back-door pilot” for the spinoff series. ABC, of course, has no details on who Diggs will be playing, nor have they confirmed that the spinoff will happen. The May sweeps episode will, however, have Addison facing a tough decision about whether or not to leave Seattle. Despite being serious eye candy, Diggs is a good actor and it’s nice to see ABC giving him a second try after the ratings fizzled for Day Break. I tuned in to Day Break to see Diggs, but couldn’t get past that Groundhog’s Day premise. Welcome back to television, handsome prince.

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Gallery: Taye Diggs Guests on Grey’s Anatomy, Possible Spinoff

Kate WalshAh, the good ‘ole television spinoff. The rumor mill was crazy today with news that Dr. Addison Montgomery-Shepherd could be getting her own Grey’s Anatomy spinoff. That’s cool, right? No, I mean I’m asking seriously. I don’t watch Grey’s Anatomy, so I don’t really know that much about the character. The reports I’ve read, however, seem to paint a favorable picture of the spinoff. Kate Walsh plays Addison, and she makes for some interesting television, so why not spinoff? There seem to be no firm plans yet regarding the plot, location or even the title for the series. ABC Television Studio has confirmed that the new series is in process, so I’m sure more details will be coming soon. To begin, Grey’s Anatomy will feature an upcoming two-hour Addison-heavy episode to see how it goes. The “run it up the flagpole approach,” it seems, will air during May sweeps. There has been no official comment from either Kate Walsh or creator Shonda Rhimes. No other characters are expected to move to the new show with the Addison character.

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Gallery: Rumors of a Grey’s Anatomy Spinoff

Desperate Housewives Extra, Extra! Read all about it! Marc Cherry, creator of Desperate Housewives, just signed on for four more years of the series. The eight-figure deal puts Desperate Housewives on the tube through May 2011. For those of you keeping track, that’s seven seasons total. Oy. I don’t know if I can carry on that long. I mean, DH and I have had our ups and downs (down being the total of the second season), but I have hung in there through thick and thin. Hanging on through 2011 though? I don’t know if I have it in me, unless there are promises of exceptional storylines for years to come. At least the series has locked in Marc Cherry as the creative dude to carry out the next four years. The key cast members have also negotiated deals to stay on through 2011 too, although the details of that is a bit more hush-hush it seems. “The studio and the network and I all feel it’s best for me to stay glued to the set,” Cherry told Variety. “I’ve got my ship, and I’m gonna run it.” If you’re like me, fearing the continuation of the show beyond Cherry’s agreement, he has no plans to pass the torch, saying, “I think that, at the end of my deal, and after seven seasons, it will be a good time to call it quits. I don’t want anyone else to run the show, and I don’t want us to fade away.”

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Gallery: Desperate Housewives Gets Extended Stay at Wisteria Lane
