‘Lost’ to Continue for Three Years

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, ABC, Lost, Ratings, Renewals,
I reported on Friday that Lost producers were working to get ABC to nail down an end date to the series. While it was originally thought that things would wrap up in two years, instead the show will continue for three more seasons. Here’s the twist: each season will only contain 16 episodes, a much lighter order. The good news is that each season will air uninterrupted, so no more of that split season rubbish that had fans in an uproar. According to Kristin Veitch at E! Online, once the ending of the season finale airs on May 23, “we will understand why the show cannot go longer than 48 more episodes.” Sounds like big stuff is ahead—but spreading it over three years is going to be killer. Good news? There’s an end in sight. Bad news? We’ve got quite a wait ahead of us. Let the countdown begin.
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Lost: The Brig - David’s Top Five of Awesomeness

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Drama, Prime Time, Sci-Fi/Horror, NBC, Lost, Editorial, Features,

Last week I mentioned that Lost should have always been a cult show and I hoped (in my heart, not in the article) that the producers would try to make Lost be even more of a cult show and forget that it also is (or was, if ratings are to be believed) a hit network show. This week’s episode, “The Brig,” proved that if you send these thoughts out into the universe, well, they just might true. Of course, I’m ignoring the fact that this episode was written and filmed several weeks before I put said thoughts out into said universe, but Oprah has taught me not to dwell on meager things like infallible logic as far as positive thinking is concerned.
“The Brig” was fan-damn-tastic, a really terrific, dark episode in a spring full of great episodes. Can I find five awesome things about it? Just try and stop me.
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‘Lost’ Could Wrap in Two Years

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, ABC, Lost, Gossip, Rumors,
Kristin Veitch at E! Online posted a blog today that Lost may be wrapping it up in two more years. At least Lost producers are attempting to reach an agreement about the final season so they can move the story toward an end date. Her sources say that “ABC will be making an announcement declaring an end date for Lost very soon. However, the exact number of remaining episodes and seasons is still muddy—and might not be exactly two seasons.” The final word should come in the next week, but the show’s creators are pushing to have the series wrap in its fifth season. Other exciting developments include a January 2008 return for the season and an early time slot. Though waiting until 2008 will have rabid Lost fans in fits of withdrawal, it will offer the promise of back-to-back episodes for the entire season—no doubt a move away from the split season they employed this season that met so much criticism. Stay tuned for more definitive answers soon!
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Housewives Hottie Campaigning to Remain on Show

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, ABC, Desperate Housewives, Internet,
Well, I guess he’s a hottie if you’re a teenager. Or Paris Hilton. Josh Henderson, who plays Austin McCann on Desperate Housewives, has made an online plea to bring his character back. On March 3rd, he was told to leave Wisteria Lane by Orson, played by Kyle MacLachlan, after getting his step-daughter pregnant. Was this the end for Austin on the show? It would seem there would be more of this story to tell, as he also came to the realization that he loved Susan’s (Teri Hatcher) daughter, Julie. Who knows? The actor has been enjoying the privileged life, including being seen about town with Paris Hilton. Henderson said in a recent interview, “It was sad to leave the show, but I don’t believe Desperate Housewives fans have seen the last of me.” Here’s where the fans come in, accessing the “Save Austin” petition from Henderson’s MySpace page. The petition received thousands of virtual signatures and Henderson said of the site, “I spend up to two hours a day on correspondence. Hearing from fans on the Internet and being able to directly respond to the fan base is exciting.”
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Gilmore Future Doesn’t Look Good

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Drama, Prime Time, The CW, Cancellations, News,
Though rumor suggested that the CW, Warner Bros., and the Gilmore Girls would come to terms on a shortened eighth season of the hit show, sources are now saying talks have stopped completely. Insiders say that actresses Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel – the Gilmore Girls themselves – have not signed off on the offers proposed to each of them. Though the monetary amounts proposed were “very good,” neither actress has accepted a final amount. So far, it’s anyone’s guess whether the show will actually return or not…creating lots of speculation around the season (series?) finale scheduled for May 15, 2007.
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Isaiah Washington Tries to do Something Right

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, ABC, Grey’s Anatomy,
After a pretty major slip up last year, Isaiah Washington is trying to get back in everyone’s good graces. If you recall, he called co-star T.R. Knight a certain unacceptable gay slur and ended up not being a very popular guy. He also acted jerky at the Golden Globes in January. Then again, despite the incidents, maybe he’s doing just fine. After all, he didn’t get fired from Grey’s Anatomy and his little episode didn’t hurt viewership any. He did attend some type of tolerance program, which was a weak PR move to make amends. GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation will be featuring Washington in upcoming public service announcements for the organization. According to GLAAD president Neil Giuliano, “Isaiah understands he is going to be judged by more than just his apology. He knows his future actions - including the genuine first step today’s meeting represents - will demonstrate his sincerity in becoming part of the solution to antigay bigotry. We welcome the opportunity to work with him in the coming months to help improve the cultural climate faced by LGBT people across this country.”
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May’s Big Sendoffs

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Comedy, Drama, Prime Time, Reality, ABC, CBS, FOX, The CW, American Idol, Desperate Housewives, King of Queens, The Bachelor, The CW, Cancellations, Gossip, Renewals,
It’s May, and that can only mean one thing: finales. The official TV season is ending so that summer’s reality programming can begin, but all the hot shows are determined to go out with a bang. Which show will have the most surprising finale of all? Which shows will only be coming back in re-runs? How will they all say good-bye? There’s only one way to find out – but you don’t have to watch them all.
After nine hilarious seasons, The King of Queens cast will say their final good-byes on Monday, May 14 at 9pm ET. The CBS show will get a big send-off to cap off its almost decade-long run, giving fans that chance to laugh at Kevin James and Jerry Stiller one last time. The dramatic hour-long finale will have plenty of tears but lots of laughter, too. Insiders say the show will have a happy ending. The real tragedy behind King of Queens going off the air is that Jerry Stiller will no longer have a sitcom gig – and that man is hysterical.
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Studio 60 Returns in May

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Prime Time, NBC, Cancellations, Ratings, Renewals,
There’s a few of us Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip fans left who have been wondering whether the show would be back or not. Let’s all give a collective sigh, because it’s set to return in May. Don’t get too comfortable, however. It’s a pretty safe bet that after the show wraps up this season, this will be the last of it. Hey, at least NBC is being decent enough to finish out the remaining taped episodes, but there’s no telling if these last six shows are going to wrap up anything. Add to that the weirdness that Studio 60 will return at 10 p.m. on Thursdays. It’s a shame this show never caught on with viewers—I think it was interesting and had spectacular writing and acting. Heck, I’m not even a Matthew Perry fan (sorry Chandler lovers), and I couldn’t wait to watch the chemistry between him and Bradley Whitford every week. The show will return on May 24th.
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Super Hyped ‘Drive’ Cancelled

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, FOX, House, Cancellations, Ratings,
I don’t know what it was about the promos for Fox’s new show Drive, but whenever they were on, I tuned out. As a result, I had no idea what the show was even about. I tried to focus my attention on an ad for it once, but still didn’t understand what was going on. I guess I’m not the only one who tuned out. Drive has been cancelled after only three airings. And I still don’t know what it was about. Some kind of car race starring Nathan Fillion (Firefly), Drive only managed to muster up 5.6 million viewers overall. House repeats will fill the Monday void left by Drive. If you had tuned in for this show, and want more, two remaining episodes may air at some point or be put online.
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‘Tudors’ Star Breaks for Rehab

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Drama, Cable, Showtime, Cable/Satellite, Gossip, Rumors,
Rehab seems to be the way of many young stars these days. At least they’re getting help, but it seems almost “the thing to do.” The latest to hit the rehab circuit is The Tudors star Jonathan Rhys Meyers. His rep, Meredith O’Sullivan, said of Meyers decision to enter rehab, “After a non-stop succession of filming, Jonathan Rhys Meyers has entered an alcohol-treatment program. He felt a break was needed to maintain his recovery.” Indeed, he’s been busy—playing Henry VIII on Showtime’s The Tudors, as well as the miniseries Elvis. You may have also caught his pouty lips in Bend it Like Beckham, Match Point, and Mission: Impossible III. Meyers will be back filming The Tudors once he has finished his rehab program.
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