On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Isaiah Washington Could someone shut this guy up already? I mean, really, everytime he opens his mouth it’s a giant mistake. I’m speaking (of course) about , who is now claiming that Grey’s Anatomy co-star T.R. Knight should have been axed instead of Washington. Wow, that’s a bold claim that doesn’t even hold any water. So, by now you know that Washington made a homophobic remark about T.R. Knight and that’s how this whole drama began—he got in a fight with Patrick Dempsey, things cooled down… then he opened his big yapper at the Golden Globes and got himself into trouble all over again. ABC made him jump through hoops to redeem himself, but apparently it wasn’t enough because the actor eventually got the boot from the hit drama. In an interview with the Houston Chronicle, Washington said, “They fired the wrong guy.” How does he figure that? Well, he thinks T.R. made a mountain out of the situation so that he could get more screen time and bump up his salary. He also maintains that, he “used the word during a disagreement with Patrick. I apologized for that. We shook hands and went back to work.” Will Washington find work after this incident? For starters, he should try hiring a good PR person and taking a vow of silence.

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Gallery: Isaiah Washington Thinks T.R. Should’ve Been Fired


Kevin JamesTwo big baby announcements—courtesy of two past television stars. First up, Felicity‘s Keri Russell and hubby Shane Deary welcomed baby boy River Russell on June 9th. This is the first baby for the pair, who were married on Valentine’s Day after dating for a few years. She recently appeared on the big screen in Waitress, and you may remember her from a guest-starring gig on Scrubs. Her appearance on the comedy only stands out to me because I thought she didn’t bring much to the role. And in other baby news… King of Queens’ star Kevin James added a second daughter to his growing family. Wife (and model—lucky guy!), Steffania De La Cruz, gave birth to baby Shea Joelle on June 14th. She’ll be joining big sis Sienna-Marie, who will be three this fall. James, you’ll recall, finished up the final season (number nine) of King of Queens this year and can be seen in theaters soon in I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry with Adam Sandler. On a side note, I checked out one episode of his co-star Leah Remini’s new web series In the Motherhood, and it’s very funny (also includes comedian Chelsea Handler, who is too funny). Anyway, worth checking out!

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Gallery: TV Alums Have Babies

Sopranos Finale

Man, am I ever readying myself for a barrage of anger.

Television viewers have en masse, according to many news outlets, anyway, decided what the greatest crime against humanity is.  No, it’s not murder.  Nope, not going to a house to sleep with a fifteen year old and finding Chris Hansen of Dateline.  Evidently, the most egregious, damnation-worthy sin of them all is ambiguity.

HBO’s The Sopranos had its final episode the other day (in case you just woke up from a coma and happened to be serendipitiously staring at this webpage) and several papers, websites, and other TV shows have reported that the entire nation is up in arms because ... well, honestly, I’m not sure why.  I thought the ending was perfect.

Tony Soprano is having dinner with his family, an image we’ve returned to time and time again on this series.  The diner in which he sits is full of other families, a couple, what looked like a scout troop and scout leader, etc.  If you knew nothing else, you’d see Tony, Carmela and A.J. (with Meadow soon approaching) as just another family.  In a way, that’s been one of the points of the show.

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Gallery: Sopranos Fans: Please Stop

Lost In the wake of the series finale of The Sopranos, Lost series creator Carlton Cuse is assuring fans that the Lost ending won’t go down the same way. No fade to black that leaves viewers wondering, “huh?” Cuse commented, “We will not be ending with a blackout,” at the annual Promax/BDA conference. He also said that there have been “minicamp” writers’ sessions to sketch out the last three seasons. The series is set to wrap after three 16 episode seasons, concluding in spring 2010. Co-creator Damon Lindelof said, “Obviously, we can’t wait to the 48th hour to say, ‘Here are all the mysteries of the show.” Lost fans are breathing a collective sigh, I’m sure, to know that over the course of the three years there will be some answers. Cuse said, “I’m not sure there is any ending that will satisfy everyone. Our hope is that the ending will be ... the logical conclusion of the story.” Ah, logical… sounds like a plan. To be sure, with all of the online speculation about the show, there are going to be some fans that aren’t thrilled with the ending, but at least it sounds promising, you know, with the logic and all. To hold fans over until the next season begins in 2008, they are planning on a series of “mobisodes”—90 second episodes featuring the cast that will keep the story fresh in everyone’s minds. More details to come about when the mobisodes will be made available.

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Gallery: Lost Creator Comments on Series Ending

Rob Lowe I just had to comment on this Rob Lowe news because just a couple of days ago I was noting how this man never ages. I’ve been catching up on some DVR recordings of Brothers & Sisters and noted how great Lowe looks. I was a fan back in the St. Elmo’s Fire days, and not much has changed since. I dare you to find anyone better—male or female—that looks better than Rob Lowe on High Def! He’s certainly tapped into the fountain of youth, and he is magnificent on Brothers & Sisters. But anyway, enough about his smoldering good looks. Sigh… seems he’s got a killer golf game too. He was participating in a celebrity golf tournament in Iowa when he hit a passing bird during a shot on the fourth hole. He pegged the goldfinch and dropped the ball within 50 yards of the green. Of course, Lowe quipped, “That’s my birdie. That’s unbelievable. Who comes here and kills the state bird? Only me.” Gotta love him. Even if he is a bird killer.

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Gallery: Rob Lowe Pegs Bird While Golfing

Greys AnatomyAfter weeks of nail-biting—and some indifference—we now know the fates of Dr. Preston Burke and George O’Malley.  After a long delay, ABC has finally renewed T.R. Knight’s contract while opting to cut Isaiah Washington from .  The two actors had been in the middle of a heated controversy since Isaiah used a homophobic slur in reference to Knight.

Despite a recent public-service announcement taped by Washington (the commercial touting tolerance aired during a re-run), the act of contrition was apparently all in vain.  The actors and crew were told of the casting decision late tonight.

Either too angry or lazy to come up with something original, released this statement through his publicist:

““I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more.”

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Gallery: Isaiah Washington Cut From Grey’s Anatomy

Skeet Ulrich Fans of Jericho were not happy when it was announced that the show would not be renewed for the fall. In addition to the usual email and letter writing campaigns to save the show, faithful fans donated money to a fund that delivered peanuts to the network. Peanuts? Huh? I didn’t get it either, but apparently it’s a shout out to a line that star Skeet Ulrich said during the show’s season finale. And the nuts did the trick, because the executives have since reversed their decision and are in talks to get the stars and writers back on board for another season. “You got our attention; your emails and collective voice have been heard,” CBS Entertainment President Nina Tassler wrote in a letter to the fans. “In success, there is the potential for more. But, for there to be more Jericho, we will need more viewers.” To gain some momentum heading into the fall season, the network will re-air the first season over the summer, show episodes online, and release a season one DVD. And what about those peanuts? By all accounts, approximately 50,000 pounds of peanuts were delivered to CBS—they plan to donate them to charity.

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Gallery: Fans Save Jericho From Cancellation

Lost Season FinaleWow!  Just … wow!  A few days later and my mind, she is still blown.  That was everything a should be: great acting, terrific twists, the wrapping up of plot threads that were developing throughout the season, and the introduction of ideas that will surely carry through the rest of next season, if not the rest of the series.

If you’ve remained a loyal fan, and, really, if you’re reading this, chances are that you have, think on your friends who have given up on the show and pity them.  You are the smart one.  And you, like the show, are awesome.  Here’s five examples of awesomeness from an episode many people are calling Lost’s best ever (and I’d have a hard time disagreeing):

BEN GETS BEATEN: A lot.  Like a lot, a lot.  Now, we’ve seen Ben get hurt before, but that was back before we knew who he really was.  He was just poor pathetic Henry Gayle then.  Since we’ve seen a season’s worse of his machinations, when Jack just started wailing on him, I yelled an obscenity at my TV followed by the word, “Yeah!”  (This was a nice parallel to last season’s finale when Ben showed up on the dock while Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sawyer were being held hostage and I yelled that same obscenity followed by the word, “No!”) 

Michael Emerson has put on an acting clinic this whole season, going from confident in his power but frightened about his injury to this scared, desperate animal trying to do everything he can to hold onto the little power he has left.  He’s one of the best villains on television, and to see him take a beating (by Jack and Rousseau) was so, so satisfying. 

Too bad it looks like, for once, he may have been telling the truth.  But more on that later.  Ben getting beaten up was awesome.

Click to continue reading Lost: Through The Looking Glass - David’s Top Five of Awesomeness

Gallery: Lost: Through The Looking Glass - David’s Top Five of Awesomeness

FOX LogoFor a change, is currently enjoying the view from the top. At the beginning of the year, the network was number four (falling behind all of their major competitors). Today, it’s the number one network in the land – thanks largely to the success of , the show that in the past six years has become the bread and butter of the “bad boy” network. FOX is hard at work trying to maintain ratings supremacy, and has finally unveiled their upcoming fall schedule…days after the competition showed off theirs. What’s on the schedule for FOX?

No less than ten brand-new shows are scheduled to come to the network, though only three of these will be reality series. In the network’s earliest days, surprise hits like Married, With Children gave them staying power, though hardly a competitive edge. The Simpsons resurrected FOX in the days when warm, fuzzy, family drama was ruling other stations. But it wasn’t until the runaway success of American Idol that FOX became a serious ratings contender. Any show that can beat CSI has got to be worth something, right? Will the new fall schedule contain another big hit surprise? FOX certainly hopes so.

Click to continue reading No Big Surprises on FOX’s Fall Line-Up

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Gallery: No Big Surprises on FOX’s Fall Line-Up

Mary-Kate OlsenIf you thought the Olsen twins were a package deal, think again. Mary-Kate (the skinny one—how funny is that?) will be joining the third season of Weeds, starring Mary-Louise Parker. This is the first time she has appeared without her sister and after a long hiatus from the television business. Remember, they spent their adolescence churning out direct-to-video features? And then there was their attempt at the film New York Minute... well, ‘nuff said there. She’ll be playing a Christian girl who is smitten with Nancy Botwin’s (Parker) son Silas (Hunter Parrish). Olsen will appear for 10 of the upcoming 15 episodes. Well at least she’s staying in the wholesome role, although the character is rumored to be a bit of wild child. “I’m thrilled to be a part of the show,” said Olsen. “It’s really an honor to be a part of such a talented group of actors and writers.” Executive producer Jenji Kohan said of Olsen, “She came in and read with Hunter and was absolutely charming and real and seemed like a great fit. Audiences have seen only one side of Mary-Kate, but here we’ll see her in a whole new light.” Will this new role have people seeing Olsen in a new way? Or at least as more of an individual rather than part of the “Olsen twins”? At the end of the day, I’m sure she doesn’t really care because she’s a millionaire! Weeds premieres August 13th.

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Gallery: Weeds Comes Between Olsen Twins
