On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Betty White may be “scared to death” about her upcoming Saturday Night Live gig, but she didn’t appear that way during yesterday’s Ellen show.

During Monday’s broadcast, White admitted that she had been asked to host SNL three other times before, but she had always turned the producers down because the program is “so New York” and she’s not. So when this whole “silly Facebook thing started” and she was asked again, she was pleasantly surprised.

Click to continue reading VIDEO: Betty White Talks SNL Gig, Super Bowl Commercial

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These new spots promoting the revamped Tonight Show encourage - and viewers - to “Get Back” to where they once belong.

Although the commercials offer very little as far as content, I would like to thank NBC for the reminder. I’ll have to make sure my DVR’s switched back to Letterman once March 1 comes around.

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Gallery: New Ads Promote Jay Leno’s Return to The Tonight Show

It’s hard to sit through an entire - and the commercials - without taking a break or making a kitchen run. If you missed any of the commercials, or want to see them again, YouTube is offering a where you can catch all the in-between game highlights.

Viewers can vote on their favorite advertising spots and share the videos on the social network of their choice.

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Jay Leno and David Letterman’s Super Bowl commercial wasn’t the only spot yesterday to mock some television drama. ABC’s Lost also became the focus of one of Bud Light’s many ads.

Given the similarities between the actual show and the clip, you’d have thought executive producers and Damon Lindelof were somehow involved. Well, they weren’t—but that doesn’t mean they didn’t enjoy the commercial.

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If Jay Leno is willing to share his program with Jimmy Kimmel, we shouldn’t be surprised to see him in a Late Show spot…right?

Those not distracted during last night’s game were probably caught off guard by a commercial that only lasted 15 seconds. David Letterman, Oprah and Leno all on the same couch together? WTF?

According to Late Show producer Rob Burnett, the idea for the promo came from Letterman himself. The shoot, which was done in secret at the Ed Sullivan Theatre, came together quickly within the past two weeks. Sadly, audiences missed on a possible fourth guest.

Click to continue reading Conan Envisioned for Letterman, Leno Super Bowl Commercial

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Gallery: Conan Envisioned for Letterman, Leno Super Bowl Commercial

Life pre-Idol never looks quite as good as it does post-Idol. Last night, Human Target took quite a hit in its new 8:00 time slot and tied a repeat of Modern Family in the demos.

E-Trade commercial8pm

  • Super Bowl’s Greatest Commercials (2.9/9 in 18-49) had 11.2 million laughing.
  • (7.8 million, 2.4/7) gave up 2.6 million.
  • (2.7/8) scored 7.3 million.
  • A * repeat (2.4/7) pulled in 6.8 million.
  • (6.3 million, 1.6/5) added on 500,000.
  • * (1.4 million, 0.6/2) slid by 300,000.

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Gallery: Wednesday Ratings: Human Falls Short of Target

Jason Alexander-Seinfeld‘s Jason Alexander has signed up to be the new face of Jenny Craig. I’m not sure I want to see a bathing suit commercial in his future.

-Oscar nominee Laura Linney will star in The Big C, a new series for Showtime. In case your mind went elsewhere, that “C” stands for “cancer.”

-Former Nightline anchor Ted Koppel could be returning to his old network. ABC is reportedly hoping he’ll replace GMA‘s George Stephanopoulos on This Week.

-Is there another Law & Order franchise on the horizon? NBC is currently entertaining a Los Angeles-based version of the show.

-The numbers may be lousy, but someone’s still watching Heroes. The NBC series was the most-pirated program last year. Lost was second while Prison Break came in third.

Gallery: TV Talk: Jason Alexander Joins Jenny Craig, Law & Order Eyes Los Angeles

Hanes won’t be making any more commercials with anytime soon.

The advertising campaign featuring the actor has ended, which a spokesman for the company says is “pretty standard, straightforward” when “somebody who’s in your commercial is arrested on suspicion of something of this magnitude.” He’s referring of course to the recent domestic disturbance between Sheen and his current wife, a highly-publicized and very messy bit of scandal.

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Chuck-Want to be seen on an episode of Chuck? Then start talking about it! The more times you reference the NBC series on MySpace, Facebook or Twitter, the better chance you’ll have of appearing in one of Chuck’s flashes.

-Turns out SYTYCD’s Tyce Diorio is partially to blame for that annoying I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter commercial. He choreographed it!

-Hugh Laurie is going to step behind the camera to direct his first episode of House. The actor is also an executive producer of the show.

-The Biggest Loser‘s next round will feature the series’ heaviest contender ever. The 526 lb.-contestant will be seen in the upcoming season premiering Jan. 5th.

-What’s better than speed dating? In ABC’s Conveyor Belt of Love, women can name snap judgments of men passing by quickly on…a conveyor belt.

Click to continue reading TV Talk: Chuck’s Social Media Game, Biggest Loser’s Biggest Contender

Gallery: TV Talk: Chuck’s Social Media Game, Biggest Loser’s Biggest Contender

Is starring in a commercial with your dead best friend ever funny?

Upon seeing this new DirecTV ad for the first time, many of you out there apparently felt the same way me and my husband did: icky. Resurrecting Tommy Boy‘s for a commercial? Is there any scene that company won’t manipulate?

Now what if I told you that the spot was approved by both and Farley’s family? Would that change your opinion?

Click to continue reading Chris Farley Commercial: Tacky or Funny?

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