On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

We’ve heard it time and time again—Tyra Banks telling weight critics to kiss her fat ass. So why is she praising the girl above for being so thin? Well, she isn’t.

According to the creator, the supposedly unapproved promo was taken out of context leaving viewers with the wrong impression. The 6’2” girl featured is actually a supermodel wannabe with “internal struggles with her body.” Because of that, Banks tries to offer “support and encouragement” throughout the season.

“To the people who see me as a representation of upholding the fact that beauty comes in all sizes, I personally apologize. The jokes of my fellow judges connected with my edited sound bite sounded like I was supporting unhealthy eating habits. This has never and will NEVER be the case – I am and will always be committed to promoting healthy body image,” she wrote on her website.

Of course, Tyra has a lot more to say about the subject (would you expect anything less from her?)—so you can read her very wordy statement in full after the jump.

Click to continue reading Tyra Banks Address Skinny Top Model Controversy

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Gallery: Tyra Banks Address Skinny Top Model Controversy


UPDATE: Make sure to check out Paul Rudd as a Bat Mitzvah DJ here.

As painful as Liz Lemon’s commercial for “1-(900)-OK-Face” was to watch, we at least knew that clip wasn’t real. Unfortunately for , this spot for Mutual Savings Bank is.

After watching the video, keep one thing in mind: The things you did - or wore - in 1995 won’t necessarily prevent you from earning multiple Emmys in the future. (Until that time, you can revisit the classic spot after the jump.)

Click to continue reading Before They Were Stars: Tina Fey’s Bank Commercial

Read More | The Huffington Post via Holy Kaw!

Gallery: Before They Were Stars: Tina Fey’s Bank Commercial

He’s made diamonds fall out of oysters, climbed seamlessly onto a horse and swan dived into a hot tub. Now, is mastering social media.

Over the past two days, the Old Spice personality has been cranking out a series of YouTube videos addressing comments/questions posted on such sites as Twitter and Facebook. Although he’s given hilarious shout-outs to actors (e.g. Ashton Kutcher, Alyssa Milano), companies (e.g. Starbucks, VH1) and sports figures (e.g. Chicago Blackhawks, Apolo Ohno), I personally have enjoyed the clips he’s created for the non-personalities the best.

In addition to fighting, romance and bathing advice, Mustafa has even helped deliver a marriage proposal. (She said yes!) Although there are way too many videos to highlight, you can view some of my favorites after the jump. (You can also find other clips on Old Spice’s YouTube channel.)

Click to continue reading VIDEO: Old Spice Guy Continues to Entertain with Personalized Clips

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Gallery: VIDEO: Old Spice Guy Continues to Entertain with Personalized Clips

When I associate celebrities with vodka, I usually think about Sean Combs talking non-stop about Ciroc on Twitter. I hear Donald Trump promoting Trump Vodka, despite the fact he doesn’t drink. I envision Dan Akyroyd pouring the liquid from a Crystal Head skull.

But do I ever think of ? Well, I didn’t…until now.

After checking out the actress’ new commercials for Stoli vodka, let us know what you think. Does Stiles make a good alcohol pitchwoman? Or should she stick to other things like her upcoming role in Dexter?

Click to continue reading Julia Stiles: Vodka Commercial Star?

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Gallery: Julia Stiles: Vodka Commercial Star?

Hello, ladies - Isaiah Mustafa (a.k.a. the Old Spice guy) has returned and he wants us to look back at him…again.

Still trying to get your husband to smell like a man and ride a horse? Well, it’s time to scrap that plan because Mustafa - the new face of NBC - has already moved on to another mode of transportation.

Swan dive into the best night of your life and check out his latest commercial.

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Gallery: VIDEO: Old Spice’s Latest Manly Commercial

In her brand-new promo video, Betty White pokes fun at the Internet and thwarts rumors that she’s a “cougar” - in a completely hilarious way, of course.

White got the gig to host the live comedy show after a encouraged producers to make the booking. Her episode debuts May 8.

Read More | Entertainment Weekly

Gallery: VIDEO: Betty White’s SNL Commercial

Although the world should be used to seeing women parading around in their bras by now, there’s one thing Lane Bryant commercials have that Victoria’s Secret spots don’t: large breasts.

And when you have large breasts, you get lots of cleavage. And when you have lots of cleavage, you supposedly get banned by ABC and FOX.

According to Lane Bryant, a clothing company for full-figured women, both Victoria’s Secret-friendly networks rejected requests to air the ad. “It certainly appears to be discrimination against full-sized women,” one source told the New York Post. A Lane Bryant rep added. “There’s no difference other than they’re bigger girls.”

Needless to say, these accusations now have ABC and FOX both crying foul.

Click to continue reading VIDEO: Did FOX, ABC Ban Cleavage-Filled Commercial?

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Gallery: VIDEO: Did FOX, ABC Ban Cleavage-Filled Commercial?

Okay - full disclosure time.

I. Love. Gabourey. Sidibe. I think the Precious star is the funniest woman to come around in a long time. I want to be her best friend. I think she can do no wrong.

That said, I don’t think I’m biased in saying these new promos are the best spots I’ve seen in quite some time…if not ever.

Am I the only one hoping she even tops ‘s recent appearance?

Read More | Saturday Night Live

Gallery: Gabourey Sidibe and Andy Samberg: Best SNL Promos Ever?

Weren’t impressed with Tiger Woods’ new Nike commercial? Maybe it was the eerie voiceover that turned you off?

Well, as pointed out, the spot could have been a lot…different. Listen to the other versions the advertisers didn’t choose.

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Gallery: VIDEO: Stephen Colbert’s Take on the Tiger Woods Commercial

What’s the best way to reintroduce Tiger Woods into the world of advertising? By keeping him quiet.

For Tiger’s first Nike commercial post-scandal, the embattled golfer doesn’t do the talking - Earl Woods does.

“Tiger, I am more prone to be inquisitive,” his deceased father says. “To promote discussion. I want to find out what your thinking was. I want to find out what your feelings are. And did you learn anything?”

Yes, Dad. If you cheat on your wife, get into an embarrassing car accident and go into rehab, you can still make money without having to utter a single word.

Read More | Just Jared

Gallery: VIDEO: Tiger Woods Silenced in New Nike Commercial
