On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Golden Globe awardsThe announced today what most people have known for weeks: the simply cannot go on as planned.  Even though the failed to grant the awards ceremony an interim deal, the show’s producers had still hoped they could somehow carry on.  Unfortunately, the put the final nail in the coffin last week.  After being told their presentation would lack all nominees, the HFPA finally conceded.

Although there was hope for something a bit splashier, the awards show was officially scaled down from a three-hour gala to a one-hour press conference today.  The dry presser - to be hosted live by NBC News - will air this Sunday @ 6pm PT.  Why the news division?  Well that’s because their writers work under a different contract. 

While I’m sad I won’t get to see my faves in their finest, there is one good thing to come out of all this.  Now we won’t have to see in her awkward stint as the next Miss Golden Globe.

Gallery: Golden Globes Officially Canceled


Dr. PhilFeigning concern for those involved, has canceled the show he was planning to dedicate to Britney Spears’ troubles.  Maybe it was because he actually started listening to his audience instead of preaching to them?

Here is a copy of the statement released through his own website:

“As was widely reported this weekend, at the request of concerned family members, I visited Britney Spears in the hospital. The details of that visit will, of course, remain private.

We had planned to tape a Dr. Phil Now show today, focusing not on the tabloid side of Britney’s latest problems, but instead on the very serious issues surrounding this case. Clearly, it is not just Britney’s family struggling to find a way to protect adult children who cannot be ordered or compelled to seek help.

Because the Spears situation is too intense at this time, and out of consideration to the family, I have made the decision not to move forward with the taping at this particular time.

Britney and her family are in our prayers, and we ask that they be in yours.”

Dr. Phil McGraw

You gotta wonder what momma mentor had to say about all this.  I’m pretty sure even she wouldn’t have stooped this low.

(You find updates to this story .)

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Dr. Phil

Gallery: Dr. Phil Cancels Britney-Themed Show

Anthony Michael Hall The Dead ZoneTV Guide is exclusive reporting today that the plugs have been pulled on both and Dead, which had been on the the for six seasons, had its last airing on September 16.  This was also the same date of 4400’s Season Four finale.

Although a reason was not stated, creator Scott Peters acknowledged the cancellation of The 4400 on the show’s message board.  Meanwhile, fans of The Dead Zone have been working on their own online petition.

While I admittedly had not watched either series, I was actually bummed to hear the news.  How could I not support any program that had Farmer Ted (a.k.a. ) as its lead?  And I only just learned today that was (supposedly) set in Seattle.  Just that fact alone should give the program a permanent time slot on USA’s schedule.

Keep Farmer Ted!  Keep 4400!  Go Seahawks!

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TV Guide

Gallery: USA Network Cancels ‘The Dead Zone’, ‘4400’

JourneymanThirteen is not only an unlucky number, it’s the only number is going to get.

Unlike other freshman dramas (e.g. , ), Journeyman will not get a full-season order.  NBC had until yesterday to express its intentions with the program.  Unfortunately, the studio chose not to waste more money on the ratings-challenged series.  (Just this Monday, the show scored almost 1 million less viewers than Life did in the same time slot last week.)

The drama, starring (Rome), completed 13 episodes before production ended.  Unlike ABC’s questionable move with Big Shots, NBC does intend to air Journeyman’s final two hours.

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Hollywood Reporter

Gallery: End of the Road for NBC’s ‘Journeyman’

Viva Laughlin has had hits in the theaters (X-Men) and on Broadway (The Boy from Oz), but his mark on television will have to wait.  Jackman served as the executive producer of —the first significant cancellation of the fall season.

Yes, you could argue that Nashville technically earned that dubious honor, but Fox claimed the show was returning in October (yeah—I know it’s gone).  Then there was that small CW show, .  The pseudo-news program that really didn’t exist was just replaced by reruns of .  Regardless, I can safely say that Viva was the first ‘scripted’ show to go kaput.

After only one week on air (granted, there were two episodes), put the brakes on the musical drama.  Many who saw Thursday’s overnight ratings predicted this day would come—though I’m not sure they imagined it would arrive so soon.  Unfortunately, Viva’s second dismal performance last night drove the nail in its coffin.

The good news from all of this?  Fans of will get to see their beloved show return even earlier than expected.  It will now take over the vacant 8pm Sunday time slot starting November 4th (a CSI rerun will warm the spot until then).  While I feel bad for Hugh Jackman, I’d happily take over him any day of the week.

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Gallery: ‘Viva Laughlin’ Canceled; ‘The Amazing Race’ Returns

AnchorwomanAs we mentioned earlier, the new series revolved around a small TV station’s desperate attempt to garner ratings.  KYTX of Tyler, TX knew that hiring an inexperienced buxom blonde would bring them attention—and figured they had nowhere to go but up.

While it’s too soon to say if was worth the station’s gamble, the network has already determined the price was too high.  After only one episode, has pulled the plug.  But those truly interested by the show’s content can still see the remaining four episodes via Fox’s website.

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Gallery: Fox Cancels Anchorwoman

Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie The television gods have answered my TV prayers and cancelled The Simple Life. Good riddance! The reality show, which starred and , followed the pair as they had various jobs and experiences that contradicted their posh existences. Don’t get me wrong, I have seen a few episodes here and there—marvelling at just how stupid they are, then wondering if it’s all an act—but their stupidity couldn’t capture my attention for long. Add to that the media blitz that accompanied the recent trouble they’ve gotten themselves into (Paris finishing her jail time and committing to a life of do-goodery and Nicole set to serve her four days) and I’ve just completely lost interest in them. And yet, as if people care, Nicole will be doing an interview soon to talk about herself and and formally let the world know if she is indeed pregnant. Having said all of this, I still continue to write about the pair—not a fan, by any stretch of either of them, and hoping that this cancellation is just the beginning of the world closing down their seemingly endless 15 minutes of fame. One can only hope.

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Gallery: The Simple Life Gets the Axe

Studio 60 The much-hyped Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip suffered a short season on NBC (the network that’s currently falling behind all competitors –  ABC, CBS, even FOX when it comes to ratings), possibly because of tension between show creator Aaron Sorkin and the general media. Sorkin, the writer of A Few Good Men, watched (no doubt in despair) as his Studio was bashed by critics and ignored by viewers. Sure, the show’s subject matter – comedy writers – couldn’t have had anything to do with the public’s failure to connect with Studio 60. Right. Sorkin is moving on to other projects, many of them to debut on Broadway, and thank goodness. Chalk up yet another failure for NBC, the network that’s still trying to salvage its success from the 90s.

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Gallery: Is it the Media’s Fault Studio 60 Suffered?

Skeet Ulrich Fans of Jericho were not happy when it was announced that the show would not be renewed for the fall. In addition to the usual email and letter writing campaigns to save the show, faithful fans donated money to a fund that delivered peanuts to the network. Peanuts? Huh? I didn’t get it either, but apparently it’s a shout out to a line that star Skeet Ulrich said during the show’s season finale. And the nuts did the trick, because the executives have since reversed their decision and are in talks to get the stars and writers back on board for another season. “You got our attention; your emails and collective voice have been heard,” CBS Entertainment President Nina Tassler wrote in a letter to the fans. “In success, there is the potential for more. But, for there to be more Jericho, we will need more viewers.” To gain some momentum heading into the fall season, the network will re-air the first season over the summer, show episodes online, and release a season one DVD. And what about those peanuts? By all accounts, approximately 50,000 pounds of peanuts were delivered to CBS—they plan to donate them to charity.

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Gallery: Fans Save Jericho From Cancellation

Zach Braff I have been through a mini-hell today, as one TV news site reported that Scrubs would not be returning next year. Then people started commenting that the show was, in fact, getting renewed. So, I headed over to Kristin Veitch at E! Online (she is a Scrubs fanatic as well and a reliable source)—she reports that she “heard from reliable inside sources that Scrubs has been picked for 18 episodes for next season by NBC.” She will provide more updates as she learns more, but was pretty sure the show would continue on Thursdays, although she was uncertain about whether the show would be a midseason offering or start in the fall. I have read plenty of critiques about Scrubs not living up to previous seasons, which is true in some ways, but it is still a solidly funny show and a lot better than some of those cheesy comedies currently on the air. Besides, it would be tragic for fans if the show wasn’t able to wrap things up. 18 more episodes? I’ll take it! By the way, Zach Braff will be hosting the season finale of Saturday Night Live on May 19th. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven—although I’m hoping that Jason Bateman will also pop over to SNL during Braff’s hosting gig. Sigh.

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Gallery: Scrubs—Renewed or Cancelled?
