On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Survivor Panama ShaneThe members of Casaya return back to camp after their first tribal council in some time.  Shane is still reeling from the decision that the women made to vote Bobby off that night instead of Bruce.  While Bruce is within earshot, Shane lashes out at Danielle in their sleeping quarters and berates her for making a bad decision.  He tells Danielle that he wants out of the alliance because the girls are disorganized.  Danielle thinks he’s a lunatic who’s lost his mind and she decides that she doesn’t need him bashing her anymore.  Since Courtney was not present to hear Shane’s outbursts,  Cirie takes the pleasure of alerting her the next morning to her intentions.  After learning of the news, Courtney proposes kicking Shane out next time and gets Danielle on board.  Later, Shane tells the ladies that while he would break the alliance, he unfortunately swore on his son’s name to stick with them.  The woman make it easy for him (and themselves) and absolve him of his promise.  Meanwhile,  Cirie gets to sit back and laugh while the alliance apparently starts to deteriorate.

Click to continue reading Survivor: Panama: Salvation and Desertion

Gallery: Survivor: Panama: Salvation and Desertion


King of QueensYou know the saying - it isn’t all about money. But sometimes, in television, it is. The popular comedy The King of Queens—which features the daily life of a sweet delivery driver and his somewhat shrewish wife—was glaringly absent from CBS’s renewal announcement, which left many viewers asking ‘Why?’ It seems a contract dispute is the reason. The show’s leads, who reportedly make $500,000 an episode, are asking for more money based on the show’s popularity.

The King of Queens has aired for eight seasons with decent ratings. So far the network isn’t budging. Does this signal the end of the popular comedy? What do you think? With individual salaries that add up to about $12 million dollars per season, are the actors just being greedy? Or does the network owe them some respect?

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Gallery: Is The Reign Of ‘The King Of Queens’ Over?

The  ApprenticeWe’ve discussed the best; now on to the worst! Many of you won’t agree with these choices—-these don’t even express the opinions of everyone here at TV Envy-—but that’s what makes it fun. Be sure to leave your own choices in the comments section.

Our picks for the worst follow after the jump.

Click to continue reading Real Losers: A Look At The Worst In Reality TV

Gallery: Real Losers: A Look At The Worst In Reality TV

Survivor Panama Episode 5The La Mina tribe came back to camp one member short after having voted out Ruth Marie at the previous tribal council.  Sally was feeling pretty good about herself since the men obviously deemed her a worthy enough female to stay.

Back at Casaya, the younger tribe members were puzzled as to why Bruce was working on creating a zen rock garden when they were still struggling to create a fire.  Maybe because he was sick of doing all the work for you? Aras’ frustration built up and he lashed out at Bruce.  Bruce didn’t appreciate the ‘childish behavior’ and the attack on his character.  Later, Aras privately wished to go to Exile Island so that he could seek some calmness.  Too bad the immunity idol is gone, dude!

Click to continue reading Survivor: Panama: For Cod’s Sake

Gallery: Survivor: Panama: For Cod’s Sake

Amazing RaceViewer favorite The Amazing Race returns to CBS at 9pm tonight. Host Phil Keoghan acknowledges that the show made a mistake last season by changing the format to a family edition. The show will return to its globe-trotting roots tonight, a move sure to make viewers happy.

Tonight, the reality adventure series returns with its original international format in which teams of two travel to exotic locations in a race around the world for a $1-million US prize.

This time around they will span five continents and stop in places such as the Middle East, Moscow and Sicily. “The reaction we got from the family version…people clearly made a statement they wanted that international element of the show—they missed it,” says Keoghan.

This season, the 11 teams, which include a Pizza Hut manager, a science teacher, a dentist, a valet and a retired physician, race across 97,000 kilometres in just 29 days.

That is the longest distance travelled in the shortest amount of time throughout the show’s eight-cycle history, says Keoghan.

Read More | London Free Press

Gallery: The Amazing Race Returns Tonight

James WoodsAlthough the project was shelved just a few days ago, the addition of powerhouse talents Woods and Lee has given new life to Shark, about a celebrity attorney who becomes a prosecutor.

James Woods has been tapped to star in CBS’ drama pilot “Shark,” lifting the cast contingency on the project, while Spike Lee has come aboard to direct the 20th Century Fox TV/Imagine TV pilot.

The recruitment of Woods and Lee marks a remarkable comeback for the project, about a celebrity attorney-turned-prosecutor, which was all but dead 10 days ago.

“It’s a dream pairing of a really visceral filmmaker, a really visceral actor and a really good script,” said Nevins, who executive produces the pilot with Grazer and the project’s writer, Ian Biederman.

Read More | Hollywood Reporter

Gallery: James Woods and Spike Lee Resurrect CBS Drama Shark

Van Der BeekJames Van Der Beek, who first rose to fame as the title character in the teen sudser Dawson’s Creek, is returning to television in the comedy Sex, Power, Love & Politics. Van Der Beek is all grown up now in this drama that follows the adventures of new political interns and staff. No doubt Van Der Beek, who made so many young hearts beat fast years ago, will pull in a loyal audience.

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Gallery: James Van Der Beek To Star In Sex, Power, Love & Politics


Survivor creator and reality show producer extraordinaire Mark Burnett wants television to advance beyond our sets, and into our computers.

If network television is to survive, it has to embrace the power of the Internet and redefine its traditional meaning of prime time, Mark Burnett said Wednesday at an industry forum. The producer of such reality series as Survivor, The Apprentice, and Rock Star: INXS also revealed that his next online venture will involve news content.

“The beautiful thing about the Internet is it’s on-demand and naturally archived and has people forging communities,” Burnett said. Adding that broadband in the office has made 9-to-5 the new television prime time, he continued, “I don’t think anyone is bold enough to just do TV or the Internet…but the Internet is clearly surpassing any network, and the future has to be the combination of the two.”

Do you think he’s right? After all, TV has done spectacularly well for decades without the Internet. Or do you think the industry needs to change along with the changing times?

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Gallery: Mark Burnett Says: The Future Of Television Is The Internet

DescriptionBarbara Hall, creator of the beloved and (sadly) cancelled Joan of Arcadia, is bringing another mighty woman to the small screen in the series Ultra. CBS has picked up the pilot, which follows the adventures of model Pearl Penalosa who tries to save the world weekly. Pearl is played by Lena Headley, who has battled evil in previous roles. There is a shortage of women heroes on television, so there’s a good chance viewers will welcome this ultimate exercise in ‘girl power.’

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Gallery: CBS Launches Female Superhero

Alyson Hannigan DatingJust in time for Valentine’s Day, How I Met Your Mother (and former Buffy the Vampire Slayer) star Alyson Hannigan reminisces about single life, and offers encouragement for those seeking true love.With her upcoming role in the spoof comedy Date Movie, and her state of married bliss to former Buffy co-star Alexis Denisof, Alyson seems qualified to give love advice.

“Date Movie” star Alyson Hannigan might be happily married, but she can still identify with the agony and uncertainty of being single.

“Until you find it, you’re always pining for the ‘Where’s my one? Where’s my one true love?’” muses Hannigan. “It was easy to know that feeling. You know, I didn’t meet [my husband] when I was born. I had some years without him, looking for him.”

“I did something unintentionally, but very smart. I dated somebody that was completely wrong for me before I started dating my husband,” says Hannigan. “So I think that [my parents] were so relieved that I wasn’t going to marry that [other] guy, they were like, ‘Awesome. You’re fantastic.’”

As a diehard romantic, Hannigan felt it was her duty to watch most of the films spoofed in “Date Movie.” One reference is to her personal favorite, “Say Anything,” and features Campbell mimicking John Cusack serenading his love by holding aloft a boom box. Thanks to her husband, Hannigan is no stranger to such romantic gestures.

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Gallery: Alyson Hannigan Offers Dating Tips
