Big Brother 7: All-Stars Covers All Bases

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Prime Time, Reality, CBS, Internet,
As if the three-times-per-week broadcasts were not enough, Big Brother 7: All-Stars will be available in a variety of ways:
- As in the past, RealNetworks will stream live video coverage, available 24/7 for $14.99 per month or $39.99 for all three months. I can’t imagine why people would want to see 24/7 coverage when it’s on TV so darn much, but there must be enough of a demand for them to continue to offer it.
-’s broadband channel, InnerTube, will air episodes (for free) in their entirety the day after the episode airs on TV. Episodes will be archived so you can easily catch up if you have a life and can’t commit to three nights per week.
- will continue to run the “House Calls” daily talk show, plus each Head of Household will maintain a blog during the season.
- For the diehard fans, you can purchase a “Big Brother Mobile Pack” for your cell phone – including photos, video clips, contestant diaries, “live breaking house alerts” and summaries.
So, now that you’ve got all that, here’s the episode schedule:
- Premieres Thursday, July 6th
- Tuesdays at 8PM ET
- Thursdays at 8PM ET
- Sundays at 8 PM ET
Read More | Lost Remote
Gallery: Big Brother 7: All-Stars Covers All Bases
Which New Shows Have “Old” Viewers?
Posted by Abby Rose Dalto Categories: CBS, FOX, 24, Commander In Chief, West Wing, The,
The “median age” of a show is the age at which an equal amount of its viewers are above and below that age. For instance, The West Wing’s median age is 54 (meaning that half of the show’s viewers are younger than 54 and half are older than 54). E-Ring, the new West Wing spin-off based in the Pentagon, also has a median age of 54.
Many of today’s new shows have relatively high median ages; something that might cause concern in an industry that tends to cater to a younger demographic. It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that last season’s Commander in Chief had a median age of 55 years, while CBS’s NCIS has a median age of 56. Cold Case also had a median age of 56.
What was unpredictable was the median age of Fox’s Bones: 44. Any show starring heartthrob David Boreanaz (of Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame) certainly expected a younger audience than that! 24 also had a relatively high median age at 45 years, which is interesting considering Fox’s youth-centric reputation.
On the other hand, The Simpsons – which has been on the air for a whopping seventeen seasons – has the same low median age of 29 that it had several years ago. Despite being an “old” show, it hasn’t had any trouble engaging younger viewers.
Read More | Washington Post
Gallery: Which New Shows Have “Old” Viewers?
Rock Star: Supernova To Start July 5th

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Prime Time, Reality, CBS, Rock Star, Talent,
Rock Star: Supernova starts next week, Wednesday, July 5th at 8PM ET/PT. The 90-minute premiere will introduce viewers to the new band called Supernova, featuring Tommy Lee from Motley Crue, a former Metallica guitarist and former Guns N’Roses guitarist. Dave Navarro and Brooke Burke return for a second go-around of the reality talent show that pits fifteen singers against each other for the coveted lead singer slot. If this is as good as last year’s season, it’s sure to be much cooler than America’s Got Talent. I jumped on the bandwagon a bit late for the INXS run, but it was refreshing to see talented people that weren’t trying to fit the pop mold of American Idol.
The second episode will air on Thursday, July 6th, following the Big Brother 7: All-Stars premiere, so get comfy on that couch – it’s a big night o’ reality TV! (To further complicate things, Rock Star will then air Tuesdays at 9PM and Wednesdays at 8PM.)
Read More | Reality TV World
Gallery: Rock Star: Supernova To Start July 5th
Big Brother Finalists Looking for Your Vote

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Reality, Specials, CBS,
As if the casting special and website with the 20 Big Brother candidates pleading their case for your vote weren’t enough, they are seeking other opportunities to spread the word about their worthiness. CBS has posted a listing of each candidate’s personal appearances – each hoping to sway your vote to elect them as one of the lucky 12 voted into the Big Brother 7: All-Stars house this season.
While viewers get to cast their votes, keep in mind that only the viewer’s top six will be sent to live in the house. The other six are chosen by the producers. So if you were hoping for your own little Big Brother utopian experience with all of your favorites, be aware that the producers have to play their part. As with any reality show, there has to be the right mix of personalities to keep things lively.
The polls will close on Wednesday, so cast your vote soon! The season premiere airs July 6, when Julie Chen announces the 12 who will be competing for the $500,000 prize.
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Gallery: Big Brother Finalists Looking for Your Vote
Marcia Cross to Become Real-Life Wife

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: ABC, CBS, Desperate Housewives, Announcements, Rumors,
No telling how desperate she’ll be though. Entertainment Tonight reports that Desperate Housewives Marcia Cross will be tying the knot this weekend, marrying wealth manager Tom Mahoney. The two began dating in January of 2005 and have been engaged since August. Of course, no big details to reveal here for privacy’s sake, but they will be married at a beach front hotel outside of Los Angeles. Marcia recently told Entertainment Tonight that “I’m really thrilled that I met someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with”. Best Wishes!
Read More | Entertainment Tonight
Gallery: Marcia Cross to Become Real-Life Wife
Big Brother All-Stars – Cast Your Vote

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Prime Time, Reality, CBS, Internet,
The casting special for Big Brother All-Stars aired tonight and there are some solid contenders. Big Brother has been on for six seasons, with over 75 contestants, so how did they whittle it down to just 20 to choose from? I’m happy to say that some of my favorites from last season are in the running, plus some other notably interesting people… and then there’s Dr. Will.
The final 12 houseguests will be revealed on July 6th, so vote now to secure a place for your favorites. Online voting starts Wednesday, June 21st at midnight, with polls closing Wednesday, June 28 at 11:59PM ET. Go to to cast your vote – each contestant has a short video pleading their case for why you should vote. For your consideration:
- Alison
- Bunky
- Dana
- Danielle
- Diane
- Erika
- “Chicken” George
- Howie
- Ivette
- James
- Janelle
- Jase
- Kaysar
- Lisa
- Marcellas
- Michael (Cowboy)
- Mike “Boogie”
- Monica
- Nakomis
- Will
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Gallery: Big Brother All-Stars – Cast Your Vote
After 44 years of service at CBS News, Dan Rather is leaving “The Eye” network. CBS News and Rather say the break was amicable. What a difference a week makes. Several days ago Rather was interviewed in USA Today saying that he planned on staying at CBS for the rest of his career. The 74 year-old’s contract was up in November.
After giving up the anchor seat more than a year ago after “memogate,” Rather has been rarely seen on 60 minutes- only filing 8 reports. Many wondered how that would change now that CNN’s Anderson Cooper was coming over to file reports for 60 Minutes.
Could this be the last time we hear “Dan Rather Reporting” ? Possibly not. Rumors are swirling that Rather may take up an offer from Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and host a show on HDNet cable channel.
Read More | E! Online
Gallery: Rather and The Eye Say Goodbye
Familar Face Joins NBC’s Law & Order
Posted by Eric Chaloux Categories: Prime Time, CBS, NBC, Talent, News,
Die on one show, come to life on a different show, different network. Not a bad gig. That’s the real life story of Alana De La Garza these days. De La Garza will be the new Assistant District Attorney on NBC’s Law & Order. She’ll take the place of Annie Parisse, whose character A.D.A. Alexandra Borgia was killed off in the series’ 16th-season finale last month. De La Garza played Eric Delko’s (Adam Rodriguez) sister, Marisol, on CSI: Miami but was gunned down by drug dealers on the two-part season finale. We’ve lost track of how many sidekick’s Jack McCoy has had on Law & Order . Can you name them all?
Read More | Reuters
Gallery: Familar Face Joins NBC’s Law & Order
The Real Life Desperate Housewives?
Posted by Eric Chaloux Categories: Prime Time, Reality, CBS, Desperate Housewives,
It’s a show that is nothing like it’s name…Tuesday Night Book Club airs Tuesday on CBS. Right off the top you’ve got to figure out that it’s not about books. I don’t think that would bring in the big numbers CBS is hoping for with this summer series. It’s a one-hour show that follows the lives of seven “real” women as they deal with life in Scottsdale, Arizona. Well, as real as it can get with a camera crew following you around 24/7. It’s kind of a Desperate Housewives with a reality show twist. We’ll have to watch and see who turns out to be the real Susan or Bree.
Read More | Hollywood Reporter
Gallery: The Real Life Desperate Housewives?
CBS’s Big Shows Now Available on Your iPod
Posted by Eric Chaloux Categories: Prime Time, CBS, Survivor, News,
CSI, Survivor, and NCIS fans: the day has now arrived that you can take your favorite shows with you on your iPod. Apple’s iTunes Music store now has episodes from the just-completed 2005-06 season and earlier for some series. In the fall, new episodes of shows will be available on iTunes the day after they appear on CBS. You can download them to your iPod or Computer for just $1.99 an episode. CBS was the slow poke in getting their show on iTunes as most of the major networks inked deals with Apple last month.
Read More | Hollywood Reporter
Gallery: CBS’s Big Shows Now Available on Your iPod
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