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Top Chef

Because everything’s hotter in the summer ... whatever that means.

Another week, another boatload of new and returning reality shows.  Here are some thoughts:

As I type I’m watching The Next Best Thing, so you can tell just how into the show I am.  So, evidently, this show is about finding the greatest celebrity impersonator.  You know how everybody’s been saying that we need a new great celebrity impersonator?  Oh, wait, nobody’s been saying that at all.  The last time we had a celebrity impersonator on tv it was ... wait, don’t tell me ... oh, I remember.  It was Rich Little at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner.  It was, well, just as excruciatingly awful as this show.

There was just a montage of Frank Sinatra impersonators on the show, that’s how bad it is.  Ooh, and someone just said, “I make part of my living as a Gloria Estefan impersonator.”  Evidently 0% equals a “part.”  (Okay, I had a much ruder joke in here before that seemed far less mean when I was annoyed by watching this show.  It’s gone now because, evidently, I have a desperate need to be liked.  Or at least not hated. Apologies.)

It seems to be that we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel on competitive reality shows.  Yes, networks, the world needs more singers, fashion designers, chefs, and supermodels.  But I don’t know if we need more Rich Littles and Bret Ratners (haven’t seen On The Lot, not planning to).

Actually, I do know.  We don’t.

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Gallery: Summer Reality: Part Two


Remote Control It’s April, and that can only mean one thing: winter seasons are winding down so that new summer shows can blaze their way onto TV screens. But this year’s shows might not have enough spark to create a blaze…or even much warmth. This year’s summer shows from most major networks and cable channels center around new reality plots, as the summer season is always rife with new reality. Looking forward to summer renewals like Hell’s Kitchen, The Simple Life, and Kyle XY? Most summer favorites will be back for another run at big ratings, including Ghost Hunters (Sci-Fi Network), The Closer (TNT), and America’s Got Talent (NBC). But most networks are banking on brand-new shows to grab viewer attention, not old favorites. What’s fresh, new, and exciting about the summer season this year? If intense drama and reality melodrama appeal to you, then you’re all set for some great TV watching. Check out early previews on some of summer’s new, highly hyped, series.

Click to continue reading Will Summer Season Be Hot, or Just Lukewarm?

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Paula AbdulInsipid, sweet, tearful – these are only some of the adjectives one might use to describe American Idol judge Paula Abdul. But Bravo hopes to add a few more words to the list by depicting Paula in a new reality show. No, she won’t be judging singing – or, thankfully, anything else. In Bravo’s new Hey Paula, Ms. Abdul will simply live her life as cameras follow her around. Remember Anna Nicole Smith’s offbeat, wacky little ways during the days of The Anna Nicole Show? Early opinion is that Paula will make Anna look like a straight-laced citizen by comparison. In one early episode, Paula will be shown visiting jewel shops in preparation for the Grammys. The jeweler will freak out while Paula allows her two doggies to treat diamonds like chew toys – and she’ll laugh and laugh, like she’s listening to fellow Idol judge Simon Cowell. Bravo will debut several more shows in their ongoing quest to find a winner, including a posh estate-flipping show, millionaire matchmaking, a high-end reality travel agency, and a behind-the-scenes glimpse of a luxury Palm Springs hotel. That really is Bravo’s upcoming line-up…I couldn’t make this up if I tried.

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Gallery: Hey, Paula’s Got Another Show!

Paula Abdul Oh Paula, what trouble have you gotten into now? Paula Abdul has certainly gotten her fair share of attention lately—unfortunately, it’s not for anything too positive. Her wacky comments and slurred speech on American Idol, as well as her less-than-coherent television interview have all brought criticisms. Now add another kookoo item to the list: Abdul is being sued by a production company, saying that she took their reality concept and shopped it elsewhere. The company was to produce a reality series about her life, called Hey Paula!. You may recall that a series of the very same name is expected to air on Bravo. The series is a behind-the-scenes look at Abdul, both personally and professionally. In the lawsuit, the production company is seeking compensation and damages, but they are also fighting to prohibit the show from being aired by anyone. Perhaps now the series will never see the light of day?

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Gallery: Paula Abdul Sued Over Reality Show

Paula AbdulHmmm. Has Bravo run out of original programming ideas? The network announced that it will be airing a documentary series titled Hey Paula, following 44 year-old Paula Abdul at her various jobs and peeking at her personal life. I say “jobs” because, not only is she working on the latest season of American Idol, but she is developing a perfume and cosmetics line, working to expand her jewelery line, and preparing to film Bratz: The Movie. This will be her first involvement with a film, taking the popular Bratz toy line and converting it to a live-action movie. Bravo President Lauren Zalaznick said of the new series, “It fits the Bravo mandate to show what’s going on in the culture of the moment.” Zalaznick also said that Hey Paula will show “an intimate glimpse at the real woman behind the headlines.” Keep an eye out for Hey Paula later this year.

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Gallery: Bravo Documentary Follows Paula Abdul

Queer eye for the Straight GuyFour years ago, a team of very hip and stylish gay men took to the airwaves on Bravo’s Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Dubbed the “Fab Five,” they helped many a straight male find their fashion sense, learn how to properly apply all matter of hair and face products, cook meals, and entertain. With five seasons under their fabulous belts, Bravo is finally saying good-by to Queer Eye. The series’ final 10-episode season will air this summer. Frances Berwick, Bravo’s VP of programming and production, announced the final season, saying “We proudly watched as viewers embraced the series that really helped open the closet doors on gays and their presence on television and in popular culture.” So, we bid adieu to Carson Kressley, Kyan Douglas, Thom Filicia, Ted Allen, and Jai Rodriguez. Don’t worry though, it’s not the last you’ll see of the guys—each seems to have some project in the works.

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Gallery: ‘Queer Eye’ Canceled After Fifth Season

Bravo logo Remember Taxicab Confessions? If you’re not familiar with it, it’s like the equivalent of getting toasted at the local bar and spilling your indiscretions to the bartender. Only it’s in a cab and a hidden camera catches the whole thing. Taxicab Confessions originated on HBO in 1995 and was a long-running, Emmy winning series for the cable network. Bravo will begin airing three new episodes on Friday, December 29th. Then on New Year’s Eve, they will be showing a marathon. “Taxicab Confessions was ground-breaking as one of the original reality series,” according to Bravo’s Executive Vice President of Programming and Production, Frances Berwick. “This award-winning show was raw, moving and shocking while at the same time poignant in its portrayal of urban lifestyles.” No telling what the censors will do with the series, however. HBO allowed explicit comments to air, but not sure that Bravo (home of Project Runway and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy) will let that fly.

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BravoBravo has introduced their latest reality show concept—called Top Design, the show will pit 12 interior designers, architects and artists against one another for the top prize. Hey, it worked for Project Runway and Top Chef, so why not? Hosted by Todd Oldham, uber-designer, this is yet another interesting entry into the reality genre. I poo-poo’d Project Runway until I actually got caught in a marathon airing and could not look away! “Bravo has successfully brought spirited competition to both the fashion and food industries,” Bravo President Lauren Zalaznick said. “Now our passionate viewers will be rewarded each week when they ‘watch what happens’ as the creativity and drama unfold through each pressure-filled design challenge.”

Okay folks, you know the drill. Each week the contestants will face off in a challenge, where they will be judged by design experts, and picked off one by one. The winner receives a $100,000 prize, a new car, an editorial feature in Elle Decor, and a showcase at a big hoopty-do event. The premiere episode will air on January 31st, after the season finale of Top Chef.

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Gallery: Interior Design Competition Comes to Bravo

Heidi Klum, Project Runway The finale of Project Runway on Wednesday drew record-breaking numbers for cable network Bravo. I can see why—there was a marathon of the third season this past weekend, and since I was sick, I was able to finally see what all of the hype was about. And I was hooked. Sadly, I forgot about the season finale, but that didn’t stop 5.4 million other viewers from tuning in Wednesday at 10 p.m. Not only did that break records for Bravo viewership, but it also made Project Runway the top-rated show on cable for that night. Even the Bravo web site saw a healthy bump in numbers, thanks to the series. The site saw an increase in traffic of 267% over the previous season for the Project Runway section. In the end, Jeffrey Sebelia was named the winner of the clothing design competition.

Gallery: Project Runway Finale Breaks Records for Bravo


No longer having Something in Common, Whitney Houston has separated from Bobby Brown.  da dum dum

While I can’t say that anyone is exactly surprised by this announcement, there is a bigger question to be answered:  How exactly did the two singers manage to stay together for 14 long years? Or more importantly—why after 14 years did Whitney finally decide it was time to get out?

Now I must admit that after watching Being Bobby Brown (I tried to take my eyes off the screen but it was just too trash-tastic), I did walk away feeling like I had witnessed some genuine moments of love.  I mean, how many other husbands would ‘help you’ when you are having issues in the bathroom?  And how many other wives would feel comfortable enough to ask their husbands for assistance?  Now if you don’t know what I am talking about…just be glad you don’t know.

Regardless of what happens between the two, let us all keep our fingers crossed for their 13-year-old daughter, Bobbi Kristina.  Between her and Frances Bean (Courtney Love’s kid), I’m not sure who’s had to experience the most screwed up celebrity childhood in recent years.

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Gallery: The End of Bobby and Whitney
