On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Dancing With the Stars 12

Last week, ABC’s celebrity dancers got a free pass -- but this week, the field had to be narrowed. Someone had to become the first casualty of Dancing With the Stars 12, and the first results show of the season was tense indeed.

Host Tom Bergeron prolonged the agony for as long as possible, putting bottom three dancers Wendy Williams, Sugar Ray Leonard and “Psycho Mike” Catherwood on pins and needles. All three have received consistent crticism from the judges, but all have been extremely likable contestants. Sadly, one had to go…

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Gallery: Dancing With the Stars 12: First Dancer Eliminated


Susan Lucci, soap opera Queen, recently appeared on Good Morning America to talk about the possibility that All My Children’s epic run may be coming to an end. You can hear her comments in the video above. News first broke on TV Squad that ABC was considering calling it quits on the long-running soap.

But, Lucci didn’t have a whole lot to offer on the rumors. “We’ll see,” she said of possible cancellation. Lucci also said the show has many “passionate” fans in its corner. But ratings for the show are dramatically down (34% from last year), and it’s in last place.

And that does not bode well for the soap, which has been on the air since 1970. Lucci has been with the show for its entire run.

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Gallery: VIDEO: Is All My Children Getting Canceled?

Good Morning America took a moment to be somber on Wednesday in honor of legendary actress, the late Elizabeth Taylor. Barbara Walters made an appearance to pay tribute to the incomparable star, which you can see in the video above.

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Gallery: VIDEO: Barbara Walters Remembers Elizabeth Taylor

Pretty Little Liars - Season One Finale

At the end of season one, Pretty Little Liars is down one villain… er, we think. And, we definitely solved Alison’s murder. We think. Well, at least we’ve ruled out one suspect on our list of possible “A” candidates -- we think.

Okay, so here’s what we know: the Pretty Little Liars season finale was awesome. But it left us with lots and lots of questions, just a few tantalizing answers and plenty of reasons to look forward to season 2 -- not the least of which is the return of Caleb (Tyler Blackburn).

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Gallery: Pretty Little Liars: Pretty Chilling Season Finale

Pretty Little Liars - ABC Family

Pretty Little Liars has been getting more intense with each drama-packed episode -- and, there is still a killer on the loose. So how can the show possibly top itself in the upcoming season finale, “For Whom the Bell Tolls?”

How about by turning to the original master of suspense for a little inspiration? That’s right -- things are about to get downright Hitchcockian on ABC Family. Keep reading to find out where one intense confrontation will take place, and why we’re praying we can keep waiting until Monday to find out what’s going to happen…

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Charlie's Angels: Minka Kelly, Rachael Taylor, Annie Illonzeh

The 1970s are missing some angels… and we’ve got photographic evidence. In the picture above, Minka Kelly, Rachael Taylor and Annie Ilonzeh are strutting their stuff as the new new Charlie’s Angels, the pretty trio behind the new ABC reboot. Robert Wagner will co-star as the voice of the mysterious Charlie. Follow the jump to see another still of the actress angels in action…

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Gallery: PHOTOS: New Angels on ABC Lot

Dancing With the Stars 12 Cast

ABC has unveiled its new Dancing With the Stars cast, and now they’ve got the cast all paired up. Everyone has a DWTS vet to coach them through the steps. Each couple will perform the Foxtrot or the Cha Cha Cha on the two-hour season premiere which airs later in the month.

Follow the jump to see all the partnerships...

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The 12th season of Dancing With the Stars is scheduled to premiere this month, and ABC has finally released its cast list.

The new cast is peppered with athletes, actors, reality stars, musical entertainers, even a talk-show host and a supermodel. Follow the jump to see the complete list...

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Gallery: New Dancing With the Stars Cast Revealed

The 83rd Academy Awards was filled with musical numbers, glamorous celebrities, even an F-bomb or two. In case you missed the broadcast (which swelled to an incredible five hours if you count the 90-minute red carpet pre-coverage), we did all the hard work for you: we've got the highlights. Take a look at all the best moments from this year's Oscar awards, starting with the video above.

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Gallery: Videos: Best Moments from the 2011 Academy Awards

ABC's Modern Family offered up another hilarious promo in what is becoming the show's Academy Award tradition. Last year, Modern Family created a commercial of an Oscar night charades party. This year, all the players have returned to enjoy the festitivites again -- but, there's a twist. See the whole thing in the video above; we dare you not to laugh.

Gallery: Oscar Tidbits: Modern Family Commercial
