On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Wednesday June 7, 2006 6:52 pm

What I DON’T Like About Entourage

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: HBO, Entourage, Talent, Editorial,

Adrien GrenierOkay—you’re probably wondering how I could be criticizing a show that hasn’t even started its season yet… especially since I recently praised its return.

As I mentioned before, I only started watching the show during Season 2…and I think I’ve finally figured out why.  If there was one thing I could do to make this stellar show even better, it would be this:  CUT ADRIEN GRENIER’S HAIR!!!

For someone who’s supposed to be the central character of the show, I have always found him extremely unappealing—and extremely unattractive.  I remember back to the day when he was starring as the romantic lead opposite Sabrina the Teenage Witch in Drive Me Crazy.  I couldn’t for the life of me then understand why he would drive anyone crazy.  (Unless, of course, they were forced to stare at his unibrow and unruly hair). 

So needless to say, I still can’t figure out why he is the money maker of the show’s entourage.  How could James Cameron find him appealing enough to make him the star of Aquaman?  (I’m referring to an actual storyline within the show…Lord knows when James Cameron will actually direct another movie in real life).  How could Mandy Moore consider leaving her fiancee to be with him?  (Of course, another storyline within the show).

I was secretly praying that his coif would improve during the show’s hiatus, but when I saw the recent ads for the premiere—all my hopes were dashed.  Instead of getting shorter, his hair actually grew longer.  I can’t say it enough….thank gawd for Jeremy Piven.

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