Thursday May 24, 2007 5:27 pm
Weeds Comes Between Olsen Twins
If you thought the Olsen twins were a package deal, think again. Mary-Kate (the skinny one—how funny is that?) will be joining the third season of Weeds, starring Mary-Louise Parker. This is the first time she has appeared without her sister and after a long hiatus from the television business. Remember, they spent their adolescence churning out direct-to-video features? And then there was their attempt at the film New York Minute... well, ‘nuff said there. She’ll be playing a Christian girl who is smitten with Nancy Botwin’s (Parker) son Silas (Hunter Parrish). Olsen will appear for 10 of the upcoming 15 episodes. Well at least she’s staying in the wholesome role, although the character is rumored to be a bit of wild child. “I’m thrilled to be a part of the show,” said Olsen. “It’s really an honor to be a part of such a talented group of actors and writers.” Executive producer Jenji Kohan said of Olsen, “She came in and read with Hunter and was absolutely charming and real and seemed like a great fit. Audiences have seen only one side of Mary-Kate, but here we’ll see her in a whole new light.” Will this new role have people seeing Olsen in a new way? Or at least as more of an individual rather than part of the “Olsen twins”? At the end of the day, I’m sure she doesn’t really care because she’s a millionaire! Weeds premieres August 13th.
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- ashley olsen, drama, hbo, hunter parrish, mary-kate olsen, mary-louise parker, olsen twins, weeds
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