On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Monday February 27, 2006 2:16 pm

Watch A Commercial And Eat Some KFC

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Commercials,

KFC BucketThe next time you find yourself watching a recorded episode of your favorite show, don’t be so quick to fast forward through all the commercials. If you take your time to play the latest advertising game, you could win yourself some free food for the effort.  In what’s being touted as the ‘first documented case of hidden messaging in advertising’, KFC is trying to take advantage of the new promotions nemesis:  the DVR.

For those who own a DVR, it should come as no surprise that this new technological gem is the bane of the advertising industry.  Execs are having to come up with new and creative ways to put their products in front of our eyes, since we no longer have the tolerance to stand by and watch their commercials.  Hence—the increase of product placement in the shows that we do watch.

Hoping that they can entice a few intrigued DVR users with their latest marketing ploy, KFC is currently airing a hidden message in their latest commercial for the Buffalo KFC snacker sandwich.  A message that can only be read when screened in slow-motion.  These commercials - airing between Feb. 23 and March 3 - will give viewers a secret code that will instruct viewers on how to redeem a free offer.  Is a free KFC snacker worth all the effort?  Probably not.  But those who love a challenge will probably be compelled to try anyway.

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