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Thursday June 1, 2006 2:47 pm

Thumbs Down for Simon “Scowell”

Posted by NoName Categories: Reality, ABC, Talent,

Simon Cowell When Simon Cowell announced late last year that he and his comrades were going to launch a great new reality TV series called “The Million Dollar Idea,” he surly didn’t bank on getting the multi-million dollar lawsuit. The title underwent a few revisions it seems. At a point it was being called “America’s Next Big Idea.” After a few magic words, it wound up being the “American Inventor,” which wound up being the “next big stinker.” Perhaps the original “inventors” whose labor of love this idea was originally, would have done a better job. Maybe it would have been more of the “feel-good TV” that our roots are yearning for. Will we ever know? Come to think of it, what happened to those days when families got together on the sofa and watched a show they could laugh together over? Come on Simon! Give us something we can feel “thumbs up” about. We’re not talking about the next “British invasion,” the one that’s popularized putdowns. We’re talking about American “family” culture. Do we really want to hear about the poor schmuck who spent his life’s savings on the “next worst” idea? We’re running out of tissues in the house. Take a breath! Walk in a pair of American made shoes. Give us some red, white, and less blue viewing. And don’t be in such a hurry to inundate our evenings with the next big hit that adulturates the other guy’s next big idea. But who knows? Soon it could be “thumbs down” for Simon Cowell. American hero extraordinaire, Steven Spielberg is getting into the reality TV act. Finally, there’s something for Simon to really “Scowell” about. Let the American invasion begin!

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