On Gear Live: Samsung S95C: The OLED TV You Can’t Afford (to Ignore!)

Tuesday July 4, 2006 9:55 pm

This Week On Saved

Posted by Stephanie Whiteside Categories: Drama, Cable,

First of all, I have to say Saved is my favorite new show of the summer. It has a great cast, and it’s irreverent without crossing quite as many lines as other shows featuring firefighters and paramedics ( Rescue Me I’m looking at you). It starts with a poker game—of course, and the rookie looking very out of place at a bar.

The first patient is one from hell, who Wyatt threatens to push out the back of the ambulance. I kind of wish he had—not only was she a snotty little brat, she listened to Ashlee Simpson. Meanwhile, Angela and the rookie are dealing with a repeat offender that nobody wants to deal with. And I don’t blame them. The rookie, in all his idealistic optimism, is crushed by this sudden exposure to a thing we like to call reality.

Then we have the “paramedics get lost” storyline. Everyone mocks this, I’m sure, but do y’all realize how hard it can be to navigate a city? It’s like all cities pick one thing—a name, a tree, small furry animal, whatever—and name everything after that. Oak street, Oak Ave, Oak Place, Oak Circle, Oak Blvd.  Then some idiot tries to give you directions by going, “um, it’s on Oak?” Because, yeah, sweetie, that helps. There’s only 10, after all.

No, I’m not bitter. Why do you ask?

Wyatt and Sack rescue a few more patients—a mother and daughter trapped under an 18 wheeler and a guy up on a crane that is “oh my god way too high”—and gets stuck in the fog. That right there? My worst nightmare. Driving a big huge ambulance in the fog. With a patient in it.
Back at the station, the rookie hits on Angela’s roommate and looks all optimistic…until he finds them making out in a car. Funny, I’ve never had that kind of relationship with any of my roommates.  Maybe there’s some sort of secret roommate finding list I don’t know about? Anyway, he’s crushed once more. This really is not his day.

The episode winds up with Wyatt and Sack returning the transfer patient from hell—who has done a 180 in attitude and is, well, she’s not pleasant but she’s not driving Wyatt to contemplate homicide either. Angela plans what has got to be the best revenge ever by dumping the stinky patient in her boyfriend’s apartment, where he and his new


girl find him.

The episode leaves off with Sack contemplating a private school for his son, Wyatt and Alice breaking up (For real this time. No. Honest. They mean it.), and the rookie telling Angela he was paired with her because of “God’s plan.” You know, up until then, I was really starting to like the kid.


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