Monday October 2, 2006 3:15 am
The Week Ahead in TV
Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Drama, Prime Time, Reality, ABC, FOX, NBC, The CW, Lost, The Bachelor,
The Bachelor (9pm on ABC): Are you seriously telling me that an Italian prince needs to find love on a reality show? Flavor Flav must make it look appealing.
Friday Night Lights (8pm on NBC): Men everywhere will welcome programming that counters Dancing with the Stars and Gilmore Girls.
Veronica Mars (9pm on CW): Strangely enough, I haven’t yet watched the show that takes my name. But it shouldn’t surprise me that people think it’s so good.
Lost (9pm on ABC): I’m gonna make a prediction and say Walt’s never coming back. Otherwise, the producers will eventually have to explain why he’s gained more weight than Hurley.
The Nine (10pm on ABC): First a plane crash mystery, now a secret amongst hostages. I’m not sure I can take all this uncertainty on the hump day.
Trading Spouses (9pm on Fox): If the Bachelor saw this show, he might rethink the whole American wife thing.
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