Friday May 4, 2007 7:08 pm
The End for Scrubs?

Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Comedy, Prime Time, NBC, Scrubs, Cancellations, Ratings, Renewals, Rumors,
So, last week’s promos for Scrubs made it sound a little doom-and-gloom when they announced there were only four episodes left. It didn’t occur to me that that could mean the last episodes… forever. All of a sudden, there’s been a bunch of speculation online about whether or not the show will continue after this year. How could it not? I mean, didn’t Zach Braff just get some major paycheck for the next season? Didn’t I read that even if NBC didn’t continue with another year of the series that ABC would pick it up? It seemed like all was good in the Scrubs universe. But now, plenty of folks are questioning if this is the final season… and not even Braff knows for sure. Braff said, “I don’t know about Scrubs. It will probably be one of those things that gets decided at the last second. I think it will be on. We’re just not sure, but there’s a chance that it will be on ABC, because they seem to want it.” It’s all pretty unclear, but apparently there is a cliffhanger at the end of this season, so if it doesn’t return next year, we may never have things wrapped up. May 15th seems to be the date that the decision will be made. Fingers and toes are crossed that we’ll be seeing the Scrubs gang for one more season.
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- Related Tags:
- nbc, renewal, scrubs, zach braff
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