Wednesday March 21, 2007 3:20 pm
Tara Conner’s Reign is Almost Over
Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday when this whole Miss USA brouhaha overtook the media and started a spat between Donald Trump and Rosie O’Donnell? If you recall (and if you just wiped the whole thing from your memory, I don’t blame you)—Tara Conner won the Miss USA competition and then almost lost the crown because she was a party girl. Trump took pity on her and let her keep the tiara, provided she go to rehab. O’Donnell voiced her overbearing opinion about the situation and a full-blown war of words was on. After a month in rehab, Conner told People magazine, “I suffer from the disease of alcoholism and addiction. And if there’s anything that I want people to know it’s the severity of this disease and what it can do to people.” Come Friday, Tara Conner will pass the crown on to the next winning contestant. Let’s hope the next Miss USA doesn’t have quite so much baggage.
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