Wednesday July 5, 2006 10:59 pm
Survivor Winner is a Big Mean Puppy Killer?
The winner of Survivor: Thailand (2002), Brian Heidik, was arrested for allegedly shooting a puppy. Yes, that’s right. He shot a puppy.
Apparently, Heidik shot the dog with an arrow in his own backyard late last night, in what he claims was an attempt to protect his own dogs from a “coyote”. (By “coyote”, he of course must mean “cute little defenseless puppy”). The crime was reported by Heidik’s wife, who told police that her husband had shot a puppy and planned to shoot another one.
Heidik tried to flee the scene, but was apprehended by police and charged with battery and cruelty to animals.
The former used-car salesman and soft-core porn actor has seen his share of drama over the years. In 2002, the same year that he won the one million dollar prize on Survivor‘s fifth season, Heidik charged his wife with domestic abuse. His wife, Charmaine Heidik - also known as adult actress C.C. Costigan - was arrested for spousal battery after allegedly punching her husband in the nose.
Heidik so far has surivived the cut-throat reality series and being beat up by his porn star wife, but it will probably be hard to overcome the stigma of attempting to kill a puppy. Hopefully the wounded puppy will end up a survivor.
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