Monday August 28, 2006 8:21 pm
Stephen Colbert’s Terminology Ranks in the TV Lexicon
Posted by Wendy Michaels Categories: Award Shows, Comedy, Daily Show, The, Grey’s Anatomy, Internet, News,
Oh, you gotta love Stephen Colbert—once a fantastic part of The Daily Show, it seemed Colbert had a shaky start when he ventured into his own show, The Colbert Report. Not so shaky anymore, it seems, as Colbert quickly rose in popularity and has developed quite a following. To further solidify his status, the “word-trend” group Global Language Monitor has discovered that two terms from The Colbert Report were part of their annual survey of television words that have impacted language. Colbert’s use of “Truthiness” and “Wikiality” were included in the list of the top television buzzwords of the year. Other high rankers? “Katrina” (for obvious topical reasons) and “Dr. McDreamy” (in reference to Patrick Dempsey’s character on Grey’s Anatomy).
“Truthiness” is defined as “truth unencumbered by the facts,” while “Wikiality,” referencing the informational web site Wikipedia, is defined as “reality as determined by majority vote.” This is best explained by the voting off of Pluto as a legitimate planet by astronomers.
Colbert also should be applauded for his Emmy appearance—one of the highlights of the evening—as he expressed his upset over losing to Barry Manilow. Priceless.
Read More | Reuters
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- dr. mcdreamy, katrina, stephen colbert, the daily show, truthiness, tv lexicon
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