Sunday October 22, 2006 7:38 pm
Scrubs’ Star Takes on Lifetime Movie
Sarah Chalke, who stars as Elliot Reid on Scrubs, is taking on a decidedly different role. Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy tells the story of a woman who has discovered she has breast cancer and how she copes with it. Here’s the twist—it’s a comedy. The story is about Geralyn Lucas, now the director of public relations for Lifetime Networks, who documented her battle with breast cancer and survival in the book of the same name. Now adapted for a Lifetime movie, the story is a humorous look at how one woman coped with something that most can’t wrap their brains around. I’m looking forward to seeing Chalke bring her gift of comedy to this film—so far, I’ve read good reviews of her performance. Jay Harrington (Coupling, Desperate Housewives) plays Lucas’ husband—a doctor who is trying to understand what his wife is going through. According to Geralyn Lucas’ bio on the Lifetime web site, her cancer diagnosis was 11 years ago. The movie premieres on Monday, October 23rd at 9 p.m on Lifetime—a fitting film for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
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