Thursday November 8, 2007 11:22 am
Rosie O’Donnell’s MSNBC Gig Falls Through
That was quick. Just a couple of days ago, I reported that Rosie O’Donnell was in negotiations with MSNBC for a prime time talk show. Now… not so much. And yet again, it’s Rosie’s big mouth that’s to blame. And yet again, it’s Rosie’s haiku blog that breaks the news: “We were close to a deal/ almost done/ i let it slip in miami/ causing panic on the studio end/ Well/ what can u do/ 2day there is no deal/ poof/ my career as a pundit is over/ b4 it began.” At a recent appearance in Miami, O’Donnell spilled the beans by revealing that she would be competing against “the guy with the suspenders and the long, long face” (Larry King). Seems that and her comment at a New York stand-up gig that she was “filming for an unidentified TV station” may have sealed her fate. Then again, Rosie has commented before that she doesn’t really need to work, so I’m sure she’s not too upset about how things turned out. I can just hear Donald Trump’s comments about what a pathetic failure Rosie is. Mark my words, he’ll be showing up on an entertainment news show any day now.
E! Online
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